/** * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ class AnimNotify_PlayParticleEffect extends AnimNotify native(Anim); /** The Particle system to play **/ var() ParticleSystem PSTemplate; /** If this effect should be considered extreme content **/ var() bool bIsExtremeContent; /** If this is extreme content(bIsExtremeContent == TRUE), play this instead **/ var() ParticleSystem PSNonExtremeContentTemplate; /** If this particle system should be attached to the location.**/ var() bool bAttach; /** The socketname in which to play the particle effect. Looks for a socket name first then bone name **/ var() name SocketName; /** The bone name in which to play the particle effect. Looks for a socket name first then bone name **/ var() name BoneName; /** If TRUE, the particle system will play in the viewer as well as in game */ var() editoronly bool bPreview; /** If Owner is hidden, skip particle effect */ var() bool bSkipIfOwnerIsHidden; /** Parameter name for the bone socket actor - SkelMeshActorParamName in the LocationBoneSocketModule. * (Default value in module is 'BoneSocketActor') */ var() name BoneSocketModuleActorName; `if(`__TW_) var() bool bUsePostUpdateWorkTickGroup; `endif cpptext { // AnimNotify interface. virtual void Notify( class UAnimNodeSequence* NodeSeq ); virtual FString GetEditorComment() { return TEXT("VFX"); } } defaultproperties { NotifyColor=(R=200,G=255,B=200) bSkipIfOwnerIsHidden=TRUE BoneSocketModuleActorName="BoneSocketActor" `if(`__TW_) bUsePostUpdateWorkTickGroup=FALSE `endif }