/*============================================================================= ActorFactoryApexClothing.uc: Implement APEX Clothing Actor Factory Copyright 2008-2009 NVIDIA corporation.. =============================================================================*/ class ActorFactoryApexClothing extends ActorFactorySkeletalMesh config(Editor) hidecategories(Object) native(Physics); /** List of clothing assets associated with each material in this mesh. */ var() array ClothingAssets; /** Allows setting the RBChannel flag on the spawned rigid body's StaticMeshComponent. */ var() const ERBCollisionChannel ClothingRBChannel; /** Define the channels with which this actor will collide. */ var() const RBCollisionChannelContainer ClothingRBCollideWithChannels; // NVCHANGE_BEGIN: DJS - Add clothing wind support to clothing actor factory /** If TRUE, WindVelocity is applied in the local space of the component, rather than world space. */ var() bool bLocalSpaceWind; /** The Wind Velocity applied to Apex Clothing */ var() vector WindVelocity; /** Time taken for ApexClothing to reach WindVelocity */ var() float WindVelocityBlendTime; // NVCHANGE_END: DJS - Add clothing wind support to clothing actor factory // NVCHANGE_BEGIN: hlanker - Add wind noise /** Maximum noise amplitude */ var() float WindStrengthNoiseBounds; /** Maximum wind strength change per second */ var() float WindStrengthNoiseStepSize; /** Higher probability to stay around the center */ var() bool bWindStrengthNoiseCentered; /** Maximum angle (in radian) on direction noise*/ var() float WindDirNoiseBounds; /** Maximum angle change (in radian per second) */ var() float WindDirNoiseStepSize; /** Higher probability to stay around the center */ var() bool bWindDirNoiseCentered; // NVCHANGE_END: hlanker - Add wind noise cpptext { virtual AActor* CreateActor( const FVector* const Location, const FRotator* const Rotation, const class USeqAct_ActorFactory* const ActorFactoryData ); virtual UBOOL CanCreateActor(FString& OutErrorMsg, UBOOL bFromAssetOnly = FALSE); virtual void AutoFillFields(class USelection* Selection); virtual FString GetMenuName(); } defaultproperties { MenuName="Add Clothing"; NewActorClass=class'Engine.SkeletalMeshActor' GameplayActorClass=class'Engine.SkeletalMeshActorSpawnable' ClothingRBChannel=RBCC_Clothing ClothingRBCollideWithChannels=(Default=TRUE,BlockingVolume=TRUE,GameplayPhysics=TRUE,EffectPhysics=TRUE,ClothingCollision=TRUE) }