//============================================================================= // KFGibletInfo //============================================================================= // Used to specify giblet info in the archetype //============================================================================= // Killing Floor 2 // Copyright (C) 2015 Tripwire Interactive LLC // - Sakib Saikia 8/14/2014 //============================================================================= class KFGibletInfo extends Object hidecategories(Object) editinlinenew; /** If the gib uses a static mesh, specify the mesh here */ var() StaticMesh GibStaticMesh; /** If the gib uses a skeletal mesh, specify the mesh here */ var() SkeletalMesh GibSkelMesh; /** If the gib uses a skeletal mesh, specify the physics asset here */ var() PhysicsAsset GibPhysAsset; /** If > 0, overrides the MaxDrawDistance for the spawned gib */ var int CullDistance; /** Optional scale to apply to the gibs **/ var() float DrawScale; /** If more than zero, clamp this gibs max speed it will fly through the air to this amount **/ var() int GibletMaxSpeed; /** What bone or bones in the zed's body did this gib correspond to **/ var() array GibletBones; defaultproperties { DrawScale=1.0 GibletMaxSpeed=1500 }