//============================================================================= // AIDebugTool //============================================================================= // //============================================================================= // Killing Floor 2 // Copyright (C) 2015 Tripwire Interactive LLC //============================================================================= class AIDebugTool extends Object dependson(BaseAIController) config(AI) native(Debug); var transient float GameFrameTime; var int BTPersonalLogSize; var array<string> BTPersonalLog; var BaseAIController DebugTarget; var int EntryToDisplay; var transient init array<name> Filters; var array<name> ColorCategories; var array<Actor> UnreachableActors; enum ELogDrawingMode { AIDH_DrawAll, AIDH_EntryDetails, AIDH_BlackBoard, AIDH_Preconditions, AIDH_SquadEnemy, AIDH_Animation, AIDH_Weapon }; var int DrawingFlags; struct String_Mirror { var string Value; }; struct native AIDebugLogLine { var native String_Mirror Line{FString}; var native Name LineCategory; //@todo Add additional data, like position, hit info, etc structcpptext { FAIDebugLogLine(const TCHAR* PtrLine, FName inCategory = NAME_None) { Line = PtrLine; LineCategory = inCategory; } FAIDebugLogLine(const FString& LineIn, FName inCategory = NAME_None) { Line = LineIn; LineCategory = inCategory; } } }; struct native AIDebugLogEntry { var float TimeStamp; var vector WorldPosition; var vector EnemyPosition; var vector Facing; var native String_Mirror BTStatus{FString}; var native array<String_Mirror> BlackBoardEntries{FString}; var native array<String_Mirror> BehaviorTrace{FString}; var native array<String_Mirror> Preconditions{FString}; var native array<String_Mirror> CommandStack{FString}; var native array<String_Mirror> SquadEnemyList{FString}; var native array<String_Mirror> LocalEnemyList{FString}; var native array<String_Mirror> InnerState{FString}; var native array<String_Mirror> AnimationProxy{FString}; var native array<vector> Route; var native init array<SpaceLineInfo> DebugLines; var native array<String_Mirror> WeaponInfo{FString}; var array<AIDebugLogLine> Lines; structcpptext { FAIDebugLogEntry() { appMemzero(this, sizeof(FAIDebugLogEntry)); } } }; struct native AIDebugActorsLog { var int Tail; var array<AIDebugLogEntry> Entries; var int NotEmptyElements; /** this variable is used for pooling. DO NOT CHANGE! */ var private const int nIndex; structcpptext { enum { LogSize = 500 }; FAIDebugActorsLog(UBOOL bInit = TRUE) { appMemzero(this, sizeof(FAIDebugLogEntry)); if(bInit) { Init(); } } FORCEINLINE void Init() { Entries.Reserve(LogSize); Entries.AddZeroed(LogSize); } FORCEINLINE void Reset() { Entries.Empty(LogSize); Entries.AddZeroed(LogSize); NotEmptyElements = 0; } /** Pooling interface Get*/ FORCEINLINE INT GetIndex() const { return nIndex; } /** Pooling interface Set*/ FORCEINLINE void SetIndex(INT index) { nIndex = index; } void SaveToFile(FArchive* File); void LoadFile(FArchive* File, UBOOL bLoadOldLogs = FALSE); } }; struct native ETQDebugEntry { var float TimeStamp; var native init array<String_Mirror> ExecutedQueries{FString}; }; var transient ETQDebugEntry CurrentETQLog; var init array<ETQDebugEntry> ETQLogHistory; var bool bLoadOldLogs; var transient Actor LoggingContext; var native const Map_Mirror Logs{TMap<const AActor*, FAIDebugActorsLog*>}; /** * Draws stored log for given Actor. If Actor == None than contents of loaded * ailogex file are displayed */ final native function DrawLog(Canvas Canvas, Actor Actor); final native function bool LoadLogFile(string FileName, optional bool bAppendMapName = true); final native function FlushLogs(optional string DirName, optional BaseAIController AI); final native function SetDebugTarget(BaseAIController NewDebugTarget); final native noexport function Log(Actor Actor, string LogText, optional Name LogCategory); final native noexport function LogSpaceLine(Actor Actor, vector Start, vector End, EDebugLineType Type, optional string Comment, optional Name Category); final native function SetContext(Actor Actor); /** * To get previous entries send a negative number as a parameter */ final native function DisplayNextEntry(optional int Count = 1, optional int Direction = 1); final native function ToggleLogDrawingMode(ELogDrawingMode Mode); final native function SetHistoryFilter(Name Filter, bool bVal); final native function ClearHistoryFilter(); final native function ColorHistory(Name Filter); final native function ClearHistoryColor(); final native function LogUnreachableActor(Actor inActor); final native function FlushUnreachableActors(); final native function AddETQLog(string QueryName, string TestName, Actor Querier); final native function FlushETQHistory(); final native function AddBTLogEntry(string Entry); final native function Vector GetActorEntryLocation(optional Actor inActor, optional int Index=-1); final native function DumpNativeCallStack(Actor Actor, optional Name LogCategory = 'CallStack'); cpptext { void Init(); void Tick(FLOAT DeltaTime); void CleanUp(UBOOL bShutDown); void FlushAILog(class AActor* Actor, UBOOL bRemoveLog = FALSE); enum EAILogElement { AILE_PrevChannel, AILE_Command, AILE_Timestamp, AILE_BlackBoard, AILE_BehaviorStack, AILE_Preconditions, AILE_CommandStack, AILE_SquadEnemies, AILE_LocalEnemies, AILE_Route, AILE_InnerState, AILE_WeaponInfo }; void Log(const class AActor* Actor,const FString& LogText,FName LogCategory=NAME_None); void LogSpaceLine(const class AActor* Actor,const FVector& Start,const FVector& End,BYTE Type,const FString& Comment=TEXT(""),FName Category=NAME_None); void ContextLog(const FString& LogText,FName LogCategory=NAME_None); void ContextLogSpaceLine(const FVector& Start,const FVector& End,BYTE Type,const FString& Comment=TEXT(""),FName Category=NAME_None); protected: void ChannelEntryHeader(const class AActor* Actor, FAIDebugLogEntry* ptrEntry); UBOOL HasAnyLines(struct FAIDebugActorsLog* Log, INT EntryIdx, TArray<FName>& inFilters) const; FAIDebugLogEntry* GetLogEntry(const class AActor* Actor); private: static TDataBank<FAIDebugActorsLog> sm_Logs; }; defaultproperties { BTPersonalLogSize=23 bLoadOldLogs=false }