//============================================================================= // KFSeqAct_MovePawnsNotInVolume //============================================================================= // Action that checks to see if a pawn is within a volume, and if not // attempt to move it to an actor's location. //============================================================================= // Killing Floor 2 // Copyright (C) 2016 Tripwire Interactive LLC //============================================================================= class KFSeqAct_MovePawnsNotInVolume extends SequenceAction native(Sequence); cpptext { void Activated(); void MovePawnToActor( APawn* Pawn, TArray& Destinations, TArray& OccupiedActors ); } /** If TRUE, will only process living players from an input object list containing players */ var() bool bOnlyLivingPlayers; /** If TRUE, picks a random destination actor if there are multiple object inputs */ var() bool bRandomizeDestination; /** If TRUE, checks to see if there is another pawn overlapping the actor before choosing it */ var() bool bCheckOverlap; /** If TRUE, will set the pawn's rotation to the destination actor's rotation */ var() bool bSetRotation; /** Should we fade in after teleporting? */ var(FadeIn) bool bFadeIn; /** Color used to fade */ var(FadeIn) color FadeColor; /** The opacity that the camera will fade to */ var(FadeIn) float EndFadeOpacity; /** How long to fade to FadeOpacity from the camera's current fade opacity */ var(FadeIn) float FadeTime; /** Should audio be faded as well */ var(FadeIn) bool bFadeAudio; var transient native vector2D FadeAlpha; defaultproperties { ObjName="Move Pawns Not In Volume" ObjCategory="Pawn" // Sequence vars bOnlyLivingPlayers=true bRandomizeDestination=false bCheckOverlap=true bSetRotation=true // Fading bFadeIn=true FadeColor=(R=255,G=255,B=255,A=255) EndFadeOpacity=0.f FadeTime=1.f bFadeAudio=false VariableLinks.Empty VariableLinks(0)=(ExpectedType=class'SeqVar_Object',LinkDesc="Pawn") VariableLinks(1)=(ExpectedType=class'SeqVar_Object',LinkDesc="Volume") VariableLinks(2)=(ExpectedType=class'SeqVar_Object',LinkDesc="Destination Actor") }