/** * AnimNodeEditInfo * Allows you to register extra editor functionality for a specific AnimNode class. * One of each class of these will be instanced for each AnimTreeEditor context. * * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ class AnimNodeEditInfo extends Object native abstract; var const class AnimNodeClass; cpptext { virtual void OnDoubleClickNode(UAnimNode* InNode, class WxAnimTreeEditor* InEditor) {} virtual void OnCloseAnimTreeEditor() {} virtual UBOOL ShouldDrawWidget() { return FALSE; } virtual UBOOL IsRotationWidget() { return TRUE; } virtual FMatrix GetWidgetTM() { return FMatrix::Identity; } virtual void HandleWidgetDrag(const FQuat& DeltaQuat, const FVector& DeltaTranslate) {} virtual void Draw3DInfo(const FSceneView* View, FPrimitiveDrawInterface* PDI) {} }