/** * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * UT specific search result that exposes some extra fields to the server browser. */ class UDKUIDataProvider_SearchResult extends UIDataProvider_Settings native; /** data field tags - cached for faster lookup */ var const name PlayerRatioTag; var const name GameModeFriendlyNameTag; var const name ServerFlagsTag; var const name MapNameTag; /** the path name to the font containing the icons used to display the server flags */ var const string IconFontPathName; cpptext { /** * @return TRUE if server corresponding to this search result allows players to use keyboard & mouse. */ UBOOL AllowsKeyboardMouse(); } /** * @return TRUE if server corresponding to this search result is password protected. */ native function bool IsPrivateServer(); defaultproperties { PlayerRatioTag="PlayerRatio" GameModeFriendlyNameTag="GameModeFriendlyName" ServerFlagsTag="ServerFlags" MapNameTag="CustomMapName" }