/** * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ class UDKScout extends Scout native transient; /** Set during path calculation if double jump is required to traverse this path */ var bool bRequiresDoubleJump; /** Should be set in Scout's default properties to specify max height off ground reached at apex of double jump */ var float MaxDoubleJumpHeight; /* UDKScout uses the properties from this class (jump height etc.) to override UDKScout default settings */ var class PrototypePawnClass; /** Name (in PathSizes[] array) associated with size that should be used for calculating JumpPad paths */ var name SizePersonFindName; cpptext { virtual ETestMoveResult FindJumpUp(FVector Direction, FVector &CurrentPosition); virtual UBOOL SetHighJumpFlag(); virtual void SetPrototype(); virtual ETestMoveResult FindBestJump(FVector Dest, FVector &CurrentPosition); virtual void SetPathColor(UReachSpec* ReachSpec) { FVector CommonSize = GetSize(FName(TEXT("Common"),FNAME_Find)); if ( ReachSpec->CollisionRadius >= CommonSize.X ) { FVector MaxSize = GetSize(FName(TEXT("Vehicle"),FNAME_Find)); ReachSpec->PathColorIndex = ( ReachSpec->CollisionRadius >= MaxSize.X ) ? 2 : 1; } else { ReachSpec->PathColorIndex = 0; } } } /** SuggestJumpVelocity() returns true if succesful jump from start to destination is possible returns a suggested initial falling velocity in JumpVelocity Uses GroundSpeed and JumpZ as limits */ native function bool SuggestJumpVelocity(out vector JumpVelocity, vector Destination, vector Start, optional bool bRequireFallLanding); defaultproperties { }