/** * Base class for emitters which should be attached to the camera (for example blood effects across the screen) * * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ class UDKEmitCameraEffect extends Emitter abstract native; /** How far in front of the camera this emitter should live. */ var() protected float DistFromCamera; /** Camera this emitter is attached to, will be notified when emitter is destroyed */ var protected UDKPlayerController Cam; simulated event PostBeginPlay() { // render in front of all in world objects ParticleSystemComponent.SetDepthPriorityGroup(SDPG_Foreground); super.PostBeginPlay(); } /** * Tell camera to remove this effect when destroyed */ function Destroyed() { Cam.RemoveCameraEffect(self); super.Destroyed(); } /** Tell the emitter what camera it is attached to. */ function RegisterCamera( UDKPlayerController inCam ) { Cam = inCam; } /** Given updated camera information, adjust this effect to display appropriately. */ native function UpdateLocation( const out vector CamLoc, const out rotator CamRot, float CamFOVDeg ); defaultproperties { Begin Object Name=ParticleSystemComponent0 End Object // makes sure I tick after the camera TickGroup=TG_DuringAsyncWork DistFromCamera=90 LifeSpan=10.0f bDestroyOnSystemFinish=true bNetInitialRotation=true bNoDelete=false }