//============================================================================= // KFPawn_ZedCrawlerKing //============================================================================= // Crawler King //============================================================================= // Killing Floor 2 // Copyright (C) 2016 Tripwire Interactive LLC //============================================================================= class KFPawn_ZedCrawlerKing extends KFPawn_ZedCrawler; /** Tells clients to try to spawn an explosion */ var protected bool bShouldExplode; replication { if( bTearOff ) bShouldExplode; } /** Called on server when pawn should has been crippled (e.g. Headless) */ function CauseHeadTrauma( float BleedOutTime=5.f ) { super.CauseHeadTrauma( BleedOutTime ); CancelExplosion(); } /** Reliably play any gore effects related to a zone/limb being dismembered */ simulated function PlayHeadAsplode() { super.PlayHeadAsplode(); CancelExplosion(); } /** Set our gib flag on the server, replicate it with bTearOff */ function bool Died(Controller Killer, class DamageType, vector HitLocation) { if( !bPlayedDeath && DamageType != class'KFSM_PlayerCrawler_Suicide'.default.SuicideDamageType ) { bShouldExplode = true; } return super.Died( Killer, DamageType, HitLocation ); } simulated function PlayDying(class DamageType, vector HitLoc) { super.PlayDying( DamageType, HitLoc ); // Set a timer to check if we should spawn our gas cloud (wait a single frame to allow hitzone damage to process) if( bShouldExplode ) { SetTimer( WorldInfo.DeltaSeconds, false, nameOf(Timer_CheckForExplode) ); } } /** Stops a special crawler from spawning a poison gas cloud */ simulated function CancelExplosion() { bShouldExplode = false; if( IsTimerActive(nameOf(Timer_CheckForExplode)) ) { ClearTimer( nameOf(Timer_CheckForExplode) ); } } simulated function Timer_CheckForExplode() { local KFGoreManager GoreManager; local array OutGibBoneList; local int NumGibs; local vector Impulse; if( bShouldExplode ) { class'KFSM_PlayerCrawler_Suicide'.static.TriggerExplosion( self, DeathExplosionTemplate, true ); if( WorldInfo.NetMode != NM_DedicatedServer ) { GoreManager = KFGoreManager( WorldInfo.MyGoreEffectManager ); if( GoreManager != none && GoreManager.AllowMutilation() ) { // Enable alternate bone weighting and gore skeleton if( !bIsGoreMesh ) { SwitchToGoreMesh(); } // Apply gore only if we were able to successfully switch to the gore mesh if( bIsGoreMesh ) { NumGibs = 10 + Rand(4); NumGibs *= GetCharacterMonsterInfo().ExplosionGibScale; GetClosestHitBones( NumGibs, Location, OutGibBoneList ); GoreManager.CauseGibsAndApplyImpulse( self, Class'KFSM_PlayerCrawler_Suicide'.default.SuicideDamageType, Location, OutGibBoneList, none, Mesh.GetBoneLocation(Mesh.GetBoneName(0)) ); return; } } // If we didn't gib, add a ragdoll impulse if( NumGibs == 0 && Physics == PHYS_RigidBody ) { Impulse = vect(0,0,1) * LowGoreExplosionImpulse * PhysRagdollImpulseScale; Mesh.AddImpulse( Impulse, Location ); } } } } defaultproperties { LocalizationKey=KFPawn_ZedCrawlerKing MonsterArchPath="ZED_ARCH.ZED_CrawlerKing_Archetype" ControllerClass=class'KFAIController_ZedCrawlerKing' DifficultySettings=class'KFDifficulty_CrawlerKing' }