/** * skeletal controller that tries to keep a bone within a certain distance of the ground within its constraints * * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ class UDKSkelControl_HugGround extends SkelControlSingleBone native(Animation) hidecategories(Translation, Rotation, Adjustment); /** desired distance from bone to ground */ var() float DesiredGroundDist; /** maximum distance the bone may be moved from its normal location */ var() float MaxDist; /** optional name of a bone that the controlled bone will always be rotated towards */ var() name ParentBone; /** if true, rotate the bone in the opposite direction of the parent instead of in the same direction */ var() bool bOppositeFromParent; /** if ParentBone is specified and this is greater than zero always keep the controlled bone exactly this many units from it */ var() float XYDistFromParentBone; var() float ZDistFromParentBone; /** maximum amount the BoneTranslation may change per second */ var() float MaxTranslationPerSec; /** time bone transforms were last updated */ var transient float LastUpdateTime; cpptext { virtual void CalculateNewBoneTransforms(INT BoneIndex, USkeletalMeshComponent* SkelComp, TArray& OutBoneTransforms); } defaultproperties { DesiredGroundDist=60.0 MaxDist=60.0 bApplyTranslation=true bAddTranslation=true // bApplyRotation = (ParentBone != 'None') BoneRotationSpace=BCS_BoneSpace BoneTranslationSpace=BCS_ActorSpace bIgnoreWhenNotRendered=true MaxTranslationPerSec=150.0 }