/** * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ class SeqAct_GameCrowdPopulationManagerToggle extends SequenceAction implements(GameCrowdSpawnerInterface) native; /** Percentage of max population to immediately spawn when the population manager is toggled on (without respecting visibility checks). Range is 0.0 to 1.0 */ var() float WarmupPopulationPct; /** List of Archetypes of agents for pop manager to spawn when this is toggled on */ var() GameCrowd_ListOfAgents CrowdAgentList; /** If true, clear old population manager archetype list rather than adding to it with this toggle action's CrowdAgentList. */ var() bool bClearOldArchetypes; /** The maximum number of agents alive at one time. */ var() int MaxAgents; /** How many agents per second will be spawned at the target actor(s). */ var() float SpawnRate; /** Whether to enable the light environment on crowd members. */ var() bool bEnableCrowdLightEnvironment; /** Whether agents from this spawner should cast shadows */ var() bool bCastShadows; /** Lighting channels to put the agents in. */ var LightingChannelContainer AgentLightingChannel; /** Max distance allowed for spawns */ var() float MaxSpawnDist; /** Square of min distance allowed for in line of sight but out of view frustrum agent spawns */ var float MinBehindSpawnDist; /** List of all GameCrowdDestinations that are PotentialSpawnPoints */ var array<GameCrowdDestination> PotentialSpawnPoints; var bool bFillPotentialSpawnPoints; /** Average time to "warm up" spawned agents before letting them sleep if not rendered */ var float AgentWarmupTime; var() int NumAgentsToTickPerFrame; /** If true, force obstacle checking for all agents from this spawner */ var() bool bForceObstacleChecking; /** If true, force nav mesh navigation for all agents from this spawner */ var() bool bForceNavMeshPathing; var bool bIndividualSpawner; var array<GameCrowdAgent> LastSpawnedList; cpptext { virtual void Activated(); UBOOL UpdateOp(FLOAT DeltaTime); }; static event int GetObjClassVersion() { return Super.GetObjClassVersion() + 5; } event FillCrowdSpawnInfoItem( out CrowdSpawnInfoItem out_Item, GameCrowdPopulationManager PopMgr ) { local int i; // if wanted, clear out current list of agent archetypes if( bClearOldArchetypes ) { out_Item.AgentArchetypes.Length = 0; } if( CrowdAgentList != None ) { // get new agent archetypes to use from kismet action for( i = 0; i < CrowdAgentList.ListOfAgents.Length; i++ ) { out_Item.AgentArchetypes[out_Item.AgentArchetypes.Length] = CrowdAgentList.ListOfAgents[i]; } } out_Item.MaxSpawnDist = MaxSpawnDist; out_Item.MaxSpawnDistSq = out_Item.MaxSpawnDist * out_Item.MaxSpawnDist; out_Item.MinBehindSpawnDist = FMin( MinBehindSpawnDist, out_Item.MaxSpawnDist * 0.0625 ); out_Item.MinBehindSpawnDistSq = out_Item.MinBehindSpawnDist * out_Item.MinBehindSpawnDist; out_Item.AgentWarmupTime = AgentWarmupTime; out_Item.bCastShadows = bCastShadows; out_Item.bEnableCrowdLightEnvironment = bEnableCrowdLightEnvironment; out_Item.SpawnRate = SpawnRate; out_Item.SpawnNum = MaxAgents; if( class'Engine'.static.IsSplitScreen() ) { out_Item.SpawnNum = PopMgr.SplitScreenNumReduction * float(out_Item.SpawnNum); } out_Item.bForceObstacleChecking = bForceObstacleChecking; out_Item.bForceNavMeshPathing = bForceNavMeshPathing; out_Item.NumAgentsToTickPerFrame = NumAgentsToTickPerFrame; out_Item.LastAgentTickedIndex = -1; if( bFillPotentialSpawnPoints ) { out_Item.PotentialSpawnPoints = PotentialSpawnPoints; } } /** * GameCrowdSpawnerInterface */ function float GetMaxSpawnDist() { return MaxSpawnDist; } function AgentDestroyed( GameCrowdAgent Agent ) { local GameCrowdPopulationManager PopMgr; PopMgr = GameCrowdPopulationManager(Agent.WorldInfo.PopulationManager); if( PopMgr != None ) { PopMgr.AgentDestroyed( Agent ); } } defaultproperties { bCallHandler=FALSE bLatentExecution=TRUE ObjName="Population Manager Toggle" ObjCategory="Crowd" InputLinks(0)=(LinkDesc="Start") InputLinks(1)=(LinkDesc="Stop") InputLinks(2)=(LinkDesc="Warmup") InputLinks(3)=(LinkDesc="Kill Agents") InputLinks(4)=(LinkDesc="Stop & Kill") OutputLinks.Empty OutputLinks(0)=(LinkDesc="Spawned") VariableLinks.Empty VariableLinks(0)=(LinkDesc="Spawned List",ExpectedType=class'SeqVar_ObjectList',bWriteable=TRUE,MaxVars=1,PropertyName=LastSpawnedList) SpawnRate=50 MaxAgents=700 AgentWarmupTime=2.0 MaxSpawnDist=10000.0 MinBehindSpawnDist=5000.0 NumAgentsToTickPerFrame=10 bForceObstacleChecking=FALSE bForceNavMeshPathing=TRUE AgentLightingChannel=(Crowd=TRUE,bInitialized=TRUE) }