/** * * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ class GameCrowdBehavior_PlayAnimation extends GameCrowdAgentBehavior native placeable dependsOn(GameCrowdAgent); /** List of animations to play */ var() Array<name> AnimationList; /** Time to blend into next animation. */ var() float BlendInTime; /** Time to blend out of animation. */ var() float BlendOutTime; /** Whether to use root motion. */ var() bool bUseRootMotion; /** If true, face player before starting animation. */ var() bool bLookAtPlayer; /** Used by kismet PlayAgentAnimation */ var Actor CustomActionTarget; /** If true, loop the animation in the list specified by LoopIndex. */ var() bool bLooping; /** Which animation to loop in AnimationList if bLooping == TRUE */ var() int LoopIndex; /** How long to loop the animation if bLooping == TRUE, -1.f == infinite */ var() float LoopTime; /** Whether should blend between animations in the list. Set True if they don't match at start/end */ var() bool bBlendBetweenAnims; /** Kismet AnimSequence that spawned this behavior (optional) */ var SeqAct_PlayAgentAnimation AnimSequence; /** Index into animationlist of current animation action */ var int AnimationIndex; function InitBehavior(GameCrowdAgent Agent) { local PlayerController PC, ClosestPC; local float ClosestDist, NewDist; local GameCrowdAgentSkeletal SkAgent; Super.InitBehavior(Agent); if ( CustomActionTarget != None ) { ActionTarget = CustomActionTarget; } else if ( bLookAtPlayer ) { ClosestDist = 1000000.0; // find local player, make it the action target foreach Agent.LocalPlayerControllers(class'PlayerController', PC) { if ( PC.Pawn != None ) { NewDist = VSize(PC.Pawn.Location - Agent.Location); if ( NewDist < ClosestDist ) { ClosestDist = NewDist; ClosestPC = PC; } } } if ( ClosestPC != None ) { ActionTarget = ClosestPC.Pawn; } } SkAgent = GameCrowdAgentSkeletal(Agent); if ( SKAgent == None ) { `warn("PlayAnimation behavior "$self$" called on non-skeletal agent "$Agent); return; } AnimationIndex = 0; if ( !bFaceActionTargetFirst ) { PlayAgentAnimationNow(); } } /** * Facing target, so play animation */ event FinishedTargetRotation() { PlayAgentAnimationNow(); } /** * Set the "Out Agent" output of the current sequence to be MyAgent. */ native function SetSequenceOutput(); /** * When an animation ends, play the next animation in the list. * If done with list, if associated with a sequence, trigger its output. */ event OnAnimEnd(AnimNodeSequence SeqNode, float PlayedTime, float ExcessTime) { // called because we asked for early notify AnimationIndex++; if ( AnimationList.Length > AnimationIndex ) { PlayAgentAnimationNow(); } else { // see if there is another sequence attached to this one if ( (AnimSequence != None) && (AnimSequence.OutputLinks[0].Links.Length > 0) ) { SetSequenceOutput(); MyAgent.ClearLatentAction(class'SeqAct_PlayAgentAnimation', false); AnimSequence.ActivateOutputLink(0); } MyAgent.StopBehavior(); } } /** * Play the requested animation */ function PlayAgentAnimationNow() { local float CurrentBlendInTime, CurrentBlendOutTime; local GameCrowdAgentSkeletal MySkAgent; MySkAgent = GameCrowdAgentSkeletal(MyAgent); bFaceActionTargetFirst = false; MySkAgent.SetRootMotion(bUseRootMotion); CurrentBlendInTime = 0.0; CurrentBlendOutTime = 0.0; // loop if bLooping set AND marked for looping if ( bLooping && AnimationIndex == LoopIndex ) { if ( bBlendBetweenAnims || (AnimationIndex == 0) ) { CurrentBlendInTime = BlendInTime; } MySkAgent.FullBodySlot.PlayCustomAnim(AnimationList[AnimationIndex], 1.f, CurrentBlendInTime, CurrentBlendOutTime, bLooping, true); if ( LoopTime > 0.0 ) { MySkAgent.SetTimer(LoopTime,FALSE,nameof(OnAnimEnd)); } } else { if ( bBlendBetweenAnims ) { CurrentBlendInTime = BlendInTime; CurrentBlendOutTime = BlendOutTime; } else if ( AnimationIndex == 0 ) { CurrentBlendInTime = BlendInTime; } MySkAgent.FullBodySlot.PlayCustomAnim(AnimationList[AnimationIndex], 1.f, CurrentBlendInTime, CurrentBlendOutTime, false, true); MySkAgent.FullBodySlot.SetActorAnimEndNotification(true); } if ( AnimSequence != None ) { AnimSequence.ActivateOutputLink(2); } } function StopBehavior() { GameCrowdAgentSkeletal(MyAgent).FullBodySlot.StopCustomAnim(BlendOutTime); GameCrowdAgentSkeletal(MyAgent).SetRootMotion(FALSE); super.StopBehavior(); } /** * Get debug string about agent behavior */ function string GetBehaviorString() { local string BehaviorString; BehaviorString = "Behavior: "$self; if ( bFaceActionTargetFirst ) { BehaviorString = BehaviorString@"Turning toward "$ActionTarget; } else if ( (AnimationList.length <= AnimationIndex) || (AnimationList[AnimationIndex] == '') ) { BehaviorString = BehaviorString@"MISSING ANIMATION"; } else { BehaviorString = BehaviorString@"Playing "$AnimationList[AnimationIndex]; } return BehaviorString; } defaultproperties { bIdleBehavior=true AnimationIndex=0 BlendInTime=0.2 BlendOutTime=0.2 bBlendBetweenAnims=false LoopTime=-1.f }