/** * this class manages a pool of ParticleSystemComponents * it is meant to be used for single shot effects spawned during gameplay * to reduce object overhead that would otherwise be caused by spawning dozens of Emitters * * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ class EmitterPool extends Actor native transient config(Game); /** template to base pool components off of - should not be used for effects or attached to anything */ var protected ParticleSystemComponent PSCTemplate; /** components currently in the pool */ var transient const array<ParticleSystemComponent> PoolComponents; /** components currently active */ var transient array<ParticleSystemComponent> ActiveComponents; // NVCHANGE_BEGIN: JCAO - Add surrogate emitter for flex /** surrogate flex emitters */ var transient ParticleSystemComponent FlexSurrogateComponent; // NVCHANGE_END: JCAO - Add surrogate emitter for flex /** maximum allowed active components - if this is greater than 0 and is exceeded, the oldest active effect is taken */ var int MaxActiveEffects; /** option to log out the names of all active effects when the pool overflows */ var globalconfig bool bLogPoolOverflow; var globalconfig bool bLogPoolOverflowList; /** list of components that should be relative to an Actor */ struct native EmitterBaseInfo { var ParticleSystemComponent PSC; var Actor Base; var vector RelativeLocation; var rotator RelativeRotation; var bool bInheritBaseScale; }; var transient array<EmitterBaseInfo> RelativePSCs; /** * The amount of time to allow the SMC and MIC arrays to be beyond their ideals. */ var float SMC_MIC_ReductionTime; var transient float SMC_MIC_CurrentReductionTime; /** * The ideal number of StaticMeshComponents and MaterialInstanceConstants. * If their counts are greater than this for more than ReductionTime, then * they will be chopped down to their respective settings. */ var int IdealStaticMeshComponents; var int IdealMaterialInstanceConstants; /** The free StaticMeshComponents used by emitters in this pool */ var private transient const array<StaticMeshComponent> FreeSMComponents; /** The free MaterialInstanceConstants used by emitters in this pool */ var private transient const array<MaterialInstanceConstant> FreeMatInstConsts; cpptext { virtual void TickSpecial(FLOAT DeltaTime); } /** set to each pool component's finished delegate to return it to the pool * for custom lifetime PSCs, must be called manually when done with the component */ native function OnParticleSystemFinished(ParticleSystemComponent PSC); /** Cleans up the pool components, removing any unused * * @param bClearActive If TRUE, clear active as well as inactive pool components */ native final function ClearPoolComponents(bool bClearActive = false); /** internal - detaches the given PSC and returns it to the pool */ protected native final function ReturnToPool(ParticleSystemComponent PSC); /** internal - moves the SMComponents from given PSC to the pool free list */ protected native final function FreeStaticMeshComponents(ParticleSystemComponent PSC); /** * internal - retrieves a SMComponent from the pool free list * * @param bCreateNewObject If TRUE, create an SMC w/ the pool as its outer * * @return StaticMeshComponent The SMC, NULL if none was available/created */ protected native final function StaticMeshComponent GetFreeStaticMeshComponent(bool bCreateNewObject = true); /** internal - moves the MIConstants from given SMComponent to the pool free list */ protected native final function FreeMaterialInstanceConstants(StaticMeshComponent SMC); /** * internal - retrieves a MaterialInstanceConstant from the pool free list * * @param bCreateNewObject If TRUE, create an MIC w/ the pool as its outer * * @return MaterialInstanceConstant The MIC, NULL if none was available/created */ protected native final function MaterialInstanceConstant GetFreeMatInstConsts(bool bCreateNewObject = true); /** internal - helper for spawning functions * gets a component from the appropriate pool array (checks PerEmitterPools) * includes creating a new one if necessary as well as taking one from the active list if the max number active has been exceeded * @return the ParticleSystemComponent to use */ protected native final function ParticleSystemComponent GetPooledComponent(ParticleSystem EmitterTemplate, bool bAutoActivate); /** plays the specified effect at the given location and rotation, taking a component from the pool or creating as necessary * @note: the component is returned so the caller can perform any additional modifications (parameters, etc), * but it shouldn't keep the reference around as the component will be returned to the pool as soon as the effect is complete * @param EmitterTemplate - particle system to create * @param SpawnLocation - location to place the effect in world space * @param SpawnRotation (opt) - rotation to place the effect in world space * @param AttachToActor (opt) - if specified, component will move along with this Actor * @param InInstigator (opt) - if specified and the particle system is lit, the new component will only share particle light environments with other components with matching instigators * @param MaxDLEPooledReuses (opt) - if specified, limits how many components can use the same particle light environment. This is effectively a tradeoff between performance and particle lighting update rate. * @param bInheritScaleFromBase (opt) - if TRUE scale from the base actor will be applied * @return the ParticleSystemComponent the effect will use */ native function ParticleSystemComponent SpawnEmitter(ParticleSystem EmitterTemplate, vector SpawnLocation, optional rotator SpawnRotation, optional Actor AttachToActor, optional Actor InInstigator, optional int MaxDLEPooledReuses, optional bool bInheritScaleFromBase); /** spawns a particle system attached to a SkeletalMeshComponent instead of to another Actor or to nothing * as with SpawnEmitter(), the caller should avoid persistent references to the returned component as it will * get automatically reclaimed when the effect is complete * @note: if the owning Actor is destroyed before the effect completes, the ParticleSystemComponent will end up * being marked pending kill and therefore eventually destroyed as well. The pool handles this gracefully, * although it's obviously suboptimal. * @param EmitterTemplate - particle system to create * @param Mesh - mesh component to attach to * @param AttachPointName - bone or socket to attach to * @param bAttachToSocket (opt) - whether AttachPointName is a socket or bone name * @param RelativeLoc (opt) - offset from bone location to place the effect (not used when attaching to socket) * @param RelativeRot (opt) - offset from bone rotation to place the effect (not used when attaching to socket) * @return the ParticleSystemComponent the effect will use */ native function ParticleSystemComponent SpawnEmitterMeshAttachment( ParticleSystem EmitterTemplate, SkeletalMeshComponent Mesh, name AttachPointName, optional bool bAttachToSocket, optional vector RelativeLoc, optional rotator RelativeRot ); /** spawns a pooled component that has a custom lifetime (controlled by the caller) * the caller is responsible for attaching/detaching the component * as well as calling our OnParticleSystemFinished() function when it is done with the component * the pool may take the component back early - if it does, it will trigger the component's OnSystemFinished delegate * so the caller can guarantee that it will be triggered * @param EmitterTemplate - particle system to create * @param bSkipAutoActivate - if TRUE, do not autoactivate the component when retrieving it from the pool * @return the ParticleSystemComponent to use */ native function ParticleSystemComponent SpawnEmitterCustomLifetime(ParticleSystem EmitterTemplate, optional bool bSkipAutoActivate); // NVCHANGE_BEGIN: JCAO - Add surrogate emitter for flex simulated function PostBeginPlay() { // not using defaultproperties solves two problems: Template having stale data in it from the last level/PIE session, // and LODSettings array being cleared in PostLoad when running the editor. local ParticleSystem FlexParticleTemplate; local DynamicLightEnvironmentComponent FlexLightEnvironment; local ParticleSystemComponent SurrogateComponentTemplate; local LightingChannelContainer LightingChannels; SurrogateComponentTemplate = new() class'ParticleSystemComponent'; SurrogateComponentTemplate.SecondsBeforeInactive=9999999999999; SurrogateComponentTemplate.CastShadow=false; SurrogateComponentTemplate.bUseAsOccluder=true; // SPH fluid was rendered at first SurrogateComponentTemplate.TranslucencySortPriority=0; FlexParticleTemplate = new(SurrogateComponentTemplate) class'ParticleSystem'; FlexParticleTemplate.LODSettings.Add(1); FlexParticleTemplate.LODSettings[0].bLit=true; FlexParticleTemplate.LODDistances.Add(1); FlexParticleTemplate.LODDistances[0] = 0; FlexLightEnvironment = new(SurrogateComponentTemplate) SurrogateComponentTemplate.LightEnvironmentClass; FlexLightEnvironment.SetEnabled(false); SurrogateComponentTemplate.SetLightEnvironment(FlexLightEnvironment); LightingChannels.Indoor = true; LightingChannels.Outdoor = true; LightingChannels.bInitialized = true; SurrogateComponentTemplate.SetLightingChannels(LightingChannels); FlexSurrogateComponent = new(self) class'ParticleSystemComponent'(SurrogateComponentTemplate); FlexSurrogateComponent.SetTemplate(new(FlexSurrogateComponent) class'ParticleSystem'(FlexParticleTemplate)); AttachComponent(FlexSurrogateComponent); Super.PostBeginPlay(); } // NVCHANGE_END: JCAO - Add surrogate emitter for flex defaultproperties { Begin Object Class=ParticleSystemComponent Name=ParticleSystemComponent0 AbsoluteTranslation=true AbsoluteRotation=true SecondsBeforeInactive=0.0 End Object PSCTemplate=ParticleSystemComponent0 TickGroup=TG_DuringAsyncWork SMC_MIC_ReductionTime=2.5 IdealStaticMeshComponents=250 IdealMaterialInstanceConstants=250 `if(`__TW_) //MaxActiveEffects=200 `endif }