 * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
class CurveEdPreset_SineWave extends CurveEdPresetBase

/** The frequency of the wave					*/
var()		float				Frequency;
/** The scale of the wave						*/
var()		float				Scale;
/** The offset of the wave						*/
var()		float				Offset;

/** Virtual function to get the user-readable name for the curve	*/
function string GetDisplayName()
	local string RetVal;

	RetVal = "SineWave";

	return RetVal;

/** Virtual function to verify the settings are valid */
function bool AreSettingsValid(bool bIsSaving)
	if ((Frequency <= 0.0) || (Scale == 0.0))
		return false;

	return true;

/** Virtual function to get the required KeyIn times*/
function bool GetRequiredKeyInTimes(out array<float> RequiredKeyInTimes)
	local bool bRetval;
	local int GenerateCount;
	local int PointIndex;
	local float	StepSize;
	local float	Freq;
	local float	SourceValue;

	bRetval = true;

	GenerateCount = 0;
	if (Frequency == 0)
		Freq	= 1;
		Freq	= Frequency;

	GenerateCount	= (4 * Freq) + 1;

	RequiredKeyInTimes.Insert(0, GenerateCount);

	StepSize	= 1.0f / (GenerateCount - 1);
	SourceValue	= 0.0f;
	for (PointIndex = 0; PointIndex < GenerateCount; PointIndex++)
		RequiredKeyInTimes[PointIndex]	= SourceValue;
		SourceValue += StepSize;

	return bRetval;

/** Virtual function to generate curve								*/
function bool GenerateCurve(out array<float> RequiredKeyInTimes, out array<PresetGeneratedPoint> GeneratedPoints)
	local bool bRetval;
	local int GenerateCount;
	local int PointIndex;
	local float	Freq;
	local float	SourceValue;

	bRetval = true;

	if (Frequency == 0)
		Freq	= 1;
		Freq	= Frequency;

	GenerateCount	= RequiredKeyInTimes.Length;
	GeneratedPoints.Insert(0, GenerateCount);

	`Log("Generated Data for " $ GetDisplayName());
	for (PointIndex = 0; PointIndex < GenerateCount; PointIndex++)
		SourceValue	= RequiredKeyInTimes[PointIndex];
		GeneratedPoints[PointIndex].KeyIn			= SourceValue;
		GeneratedPoints[PointIndex].KeyOut			= sin(360.0 * DegToRad * Freq * SourceValue) * Scale + Offset;
		GeneratedPoints[PointIndex].TangentsValid	= false;
		GeneratedPoints[PointIndex].IntepMode		= CIM_CurveAuto;

		`Log("    Key " $ PointIndex $ " - " $ SourceValue $ " - " $ GeneratedPoints[PointIndex].KeyOut);

	return bRetval;

/** */

/** */