/** * * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ class UDKAnimBlendByFlying extends UDKAnimBlendBase native(Animation); //Order is important here (corresponds to blendlist node children) var const enum EFlyingState { Flying_NotFlying, Flying_OpeningWings, Flying_Flying, Flying_ClosingWings } FlyingState; /** Access to the flying pawn */ var UDKPawn Pawn; /** Access to the state of the flying animation */ var UDKAnimBlendBase FlyingMode; /** Access to the aim offset controlling flight direction */ var AnimNodeAimOffset FlyingDir; /** Does this pawn have a special start anim to play */ var() name StartingAnimName; var bool bHasStartingAnim; /** Does this pawn have a special end anim to play */ var() name EndingAnimName; var bool bHasEndingAnim; cpptext { virtual void TickAnim(FLOAT DeltaSeconds); void InitAnim(USkeletalMeshComponent* MeshComp, UAnimNodeBlendBase* Parent ); /** Notification to this blend that a child UAnimNodeSequence has reached the end and stopped playing. Not called if child has bLooping set to true or if user calls StopAnim. */ virtual void OnChildAnimEnd(UAnimNodeSequence* Child, FLOAT PlayedTime, FLOAT ExcessTime); void TestBlend(); } /** Force an update of the flying state now. */ native function UpdateFlyingState(); defaultproperties { Children(0)=(Name="Not Flying",Weight=0.8) Children(1)=(Name="Flying",Weight=0.2) bFixNumChildren=true StartingAnimName=Wings_Open EndingAnimName=Wings_Close }