class KFCharacterAttachment extends Object dependsOn(KFCharacterInfo_Human) native(Pawn); /** List of booleans that will effect which items can be attached with the current attachment struct native AttachmentOverrideList { var() bool bHat; var() bool bFace; var() bool bEyes; var() bool bJaw; var() bool bArmband; var() bool bBackpack; /** List of cosmetic indices that this attachment will detach, if they are currently attached to a player */ var array SpecialOverrideIds; }; */ /** The path to this skins package and texture */ var() Texture UITexture; /** Whether the attachment is a skeletal mesh. Otherwise, it is treated as a static mesh attachment. Skeletal meshe animations are parented with the body mesh and must share the same skeletaon. */ var() bool bIsSkeletalAttachment; /** Hard reference to the mesh, async load. */ var edithide transient StaticMesh MeshStatic; /** Hard reference to the mesh, async load. */ var edithide transient SkeletalMesh MeshSkeletal; /** Attachment mesh name. Must be of form PackageName.MeshName */ var() string MeshName; /** Name of the socket that it attaches to. The socket MUST exist in the body mesh for static mesh attachments to work. SocketName is also used to resolve conflicts - when more than one attachment tries to attach to the same socket, it will replace the previously existing attachment. It will keep both if there is no conflict. NOTE: Skeletal meshes do not require sockets for attachment, but the socket name can still be used for conflit resolution. */ var() name SocketName; /** Hard reference to the mesh, async load. */ var edithide transient StaticMesh MeshStatic1p; /** Hard reference to the mesh, async load. */ var edithide transient SkeletalMesh MeshSkeletal1p; /** Mesh attachment name for 1p. */ var() string MeshName1p; /** Socket name that the 1p mesh attaches to. If bIsSkeletalAttachment is true, then the mesh will be attached to the ParentAnimComponent. */ var() name SocketName1p; /** Distance at which the attachment will be hidden (distance culled). If 0, it is never culled */ var() float MaxDrawDistance; /** Material ID used for skin variations for this attachment (default is 0) */ var() int SkinMaterialID; /** Reference to the different skin variants for a particular attachment mesh */ var() array SkinVariations; /** List of sockets that this attachment will detach, if they are currently attached to a player */ var() AttachmentOverrideList OverrideList; /** List of cosmetic indices that this attachment will detach, if they are currently attached to a player */ var array SpecialOverrideIds; var() array DefaultSpecialOverrideAttachments;