/** * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ /** * This class is used to handle connections from client mesh beacons in order to * establish a mesh network. */ class MeshBeaconHost extends MeshBeacon native; /** Stats stored for the current bandwidth test on a client connection */ struct native ClientConnectionBandwidthTestData { /** Current progress of bandwidth test. Only one client should be MB_BandwidthTestState_InProgress at a time. */ var EMeshBeaconBandwidthTestState CurrentState; /** Type of bandwidth test currently running */ var EMeshBeaconBandwidthTestType TestType; /** Total bytes needed to complete the test */ var int BytesTotalNeeded; /** Total bytes received by the client so far */ var int BytesReceived; /** Time when request was first sent to client to start the test*/ var double RequestTestStartTime; /** Time when first response was received from client to being the test */ var double TestStartTime; /** Resulting stats from the bandwidth test */ var ConnectionBandwidthStats BandwidthStats; }; /** Holds the information for a client and whether they've timed out */ struct native ClientMeshBeaconConnection { /** The unique id of the player for this connection */ var UniqueNetId PlayerNetId; /** How long it's been since the last heartbeat */ var float ElapsedHeartbeatTime; /** The socket this client is communicating on */ var native transient pointer Socket{FSocket}; /** True if the client connection has already been accepted for this player */ var bool bConnectionAccepted; /** Bandwidth test being run for the client */ var ClientConnectionBandwidthTestData BandwidthTest; /** The NAT of the client as reported by the client */ var ENatType NatType; /** TRUE if the client is able to host a vs match */ var bool bCanHostVs; /** Ratio of successful vs unsuccessful matches hosted by this client in the past */ var float GoodHostRatio; /** * Previous bandwidth history reported by the client ordered from newest to oldest. * New bandwidth tests that occur on this host also get added to this history. */ var array<ConnectionBandwidthStats> BandwidthHistory; /** Elapsed time in minutes since the last bandwidth test */ var int MinutesSinceLastTest; }; /** The object that is used to send/receive data with the remote host/client */ var const array<ClientMeshBeaconConnection> ClientConnections; /** List of players this beacon is waiting to establish connections to. */ var private array<UniqueNetId> PendingPlayerConnections; /** Net Id of player that is hosting this beacon */ var const UniqueNetId OwningPlayerId; /** TRUE if new bandwidth test requests should be handled. Set to false to ignore any pending and new requests. */ var private bool bAllowBandwidthTesting; /** The number of connections to allow before refusing them */ var config int ConnectionBacklog; cpptext { /** * Ticks the network layer to see if there are any requests or responses to requests * * @param DeltaTime the amount of time that has elapsed since the last tick */ virtual void Tick(FLOAT DeltaTime); /** * Accepts any pending connections and adds them to our queue */ void AcceptConnections(void); /** * Reads the socket and processes any data from it * * @param ClientConn the client connection that sent the packet * @return TRUE if the socket is ok, FALSE if it is in error */ UBOOL ReadClientData(FClientMeshBeaconConnection& ClientConn); /** * Processes a packet that was received from a client * * @param Packet the packet that the client sent * @param PacketSize the size of the packet to process * @param ClientConn the client connection that sent the packet */ void ProcessClientPacket(BYTE* Packet,INT PacketSize,FClientMeshBeaconConnection& ClientConn); /** * Routes the packet received from a client to the correct handler based on its type. * Overridden by base implementations to handle custom data packet types * * @param ClientPacketType packet ID from EMeshBeaconPacketType (or derived version) that represents a client request * @param FromBuffer the packet serializer to read from * @param ClientConn the client connection that sent the packet * @return TRUE if the requested packet type was processed */ UBOOL HandleClientPacketByType(BYTE ClientPacketType,FNboSerializeFromBuffer& FromBuffer,FClientMeshBeaconConnection& ClientConn); /** * Read the client data for a new connection request. Includes player ID, NAT type, bandwidth history. * * @param FromBuffer the packet serializer to read from * @param ClientConn the client connection that sent the packet */ void ProcessClientConnectionRequest(FNboSerializeFromBuffer& FromBuffer,FClientMeshBeaconConnection& ClientConn); /** * Sends the results of a connection request by the client. * * @param ConnectionResult result of the connection request * @param ClientConn the client connection with socket to send the response on */ void SendClientConnectionResponse(EMeshBeaconConnectionResult ConnectionResult,FClientMeshBeaconConnection& ClientConn); /** * The client has started sending data for a new bandwidth test. * Begin measurements for test and process data that is received. * * @param FromBuffer the packet serializer to read from * @param ClientConn the client connection that sent the packet */ void ProcessClientBeginBandwidthTest(FNboSerializeFromBuffer& FromBuffer,FClientMeshBeaconConnection& ClientConn); /** * The client currently has a bandwidth test that has been started and is now in progress. * Process data that is received and handle timeout and finishing the test. * Only packets of type MB_Packet_DummyData are expected from the client once the test has started. * * @param PacketType type of packet read from the buffer * @param AvailableToRead data still available to read from the buffer * @param FromBuffer the packet serializer to read from * @param ClientConn the client connection that sent the packet */ void ProcessClientInProgressBandwidthTest(BYTE PacketType,INT AvailableToRead,FNboSerializeFromBuffer& FromBuffer,FClientMeshBeaconConnection& ClientConn); /** * Begin processing for a new upstream bandwidth test on a client. All packets * from the client are expected to be dummy packets from this point until NumBytesBeingSent is * reached or we hit timeout receiving the data (MaxBandwidthTestReceiveTime). * * @param ClientConn the client connection that is sending packets for the test * @param NumBytesBeingSent expected size of test data being sent in bytes for the bandwidth test to complete */ void BeginUpstreamTest(FClientMeshBeaconConnection& ClientConn, INT NumBytesBeingSent); /** * Finish process for an in-progress upstream bandwidth test on a client. The test * is marked as completed successfully if all the expected data for the test was received * or if the test ended prematurely but there was still enough data (MinBandwidthTestBufferSize) * to calculate results. * * @param ClientConn the client connection that is sending packets for the test */ void FinishUpstreamTest(FClientMeshBeaconConnection& ClientConn); /** * Sends a request to client to start a new bandwidth test. * * @param TestType EMeshBeaconBandwidthTestType type of bandwidth test to request * @param TestBufferSize size of buffer to use for the test * @param ClientConn the client connection with socket to send the response on */ void SendBandwidthTestStartRequest(BYTE TestType,INT TestBufferSize,FClientMeshBeaconConnection& ClientConn); /** * Sends the results of a completed bandwidth test to the client. * * @param TestResult result of the bandwidth test * @param ClientConn the client connection with socket to send the response on */ void SendBandwidthTestCompletedResponse(EMeshBeaconBandwidthTestResult TestResult,FClientMeshBeaconConnection& ClientConn); /** * The client has create a new game session and has sent the session results back. * * @param FromBuffer the packet serializer to read from * @param ClientConn the client connection that sent the packet */ void ProcessClientCreateNewSessionResponse(FNboSerializeFromBuffer& FromBuffer,FClientMeshBeaconConnection& ClientConn); } /** * Creates a listening host mesh beacon to accept new client connections. * * @param InOwningPlayerId Net Id of player that is hosting this beacon * @return true if the beacon was created successfully, false otherwise */ native function bool InitHostBeacon(UniqueNetId InOwningPlayerId); /** * Stops listening for clients and releases any allocated memory */ native event DestroyBeacon(); /** * Send a request to a client connection to initiate a new bandwidth test. * * @param PlayerNetId player with an active connection to receive test request * @param TestType EMeshBeaconBandwidthTestType type of bandwidth test to request * @param TestBufferSize size of buffer in bytes to use for running the test * @return TRUE if the request was successfully sent to the client */ native function bool RequestClientBandwidthTest(UniqueNetId PlayerNetId,EMeshBeaconBandwidthTestType TestType,int TestBufferSize); /** * Determine if a client is currently running a bandwidth test. * * @return TRUE if a client connection is currently running a bandwidth test */ native function bool HasInProgressBandwidthTest(); /** * Cancel any bandwidth tests that are already in progress. */ native function CancelInProgressBandwidthTests(); /** * Determine if a client is currently waiting/pending for a bandwidth test. * * @return TRUE if a client connection is currently pending a bandwidth test */ native function bool HasPendingBandwidthTest(); /** * Cancel any bandwidth tests that are pending. */ native function CancelPendingBandwidthTests(); /** * Enable/disable future bandwidth test requests and current pending tests. * * @param bEnabled true to allow bandwidth testing to be processed by the beacon */ function AllowBandwidthTesting(bool bEnabled) { bAllowBandwidthTesting = bEnabled; } /** * Delegate called by the host mesh beacon after establishing a new client socket and * receiving the data for a new connection request. * * @param NewClientConnection client that sent the request for a new connection */ delegate OnReceivedClientConnectionRequest(const out ClientMeshBeaconConnection NewClientConnection); /** * Delegate called by the host mesh beacon when bandwidth testing has started for a client connection. * This occurs only when the client sends the start packet to initiate the test. * * @param PlayerNetId net id for player of client connection that started the test * @param TestType test to run based on enum of EMeshBeaconBandwidthTestType supported bandwidth test types */ delegate OnStartedBandwidthTest(UniqueNetId PlayerNetId,EMeshBeaconBandwidthTestType TestType); /** * Delegate called by the host mesh beacon when bandwidth testing has completed for a client connection. * This occurs when the test completes successfully or due to error/timeout. * * @param PlayerNetId net id for player of client connection that finished the test * @param TestType test that completed based on enum of EMeshBeaconBandwidthTestType supported bandwidth test types * @param TestResult overall result from running the test * @param BandwidthStats statistics and timing information from running the test */ delegate OnFinishedBandwidthTest( UniqueNetId PlayerNetId, EMeshBeaconBandwidthTestType TestType, EMeshBeaconBandwidthTestResult TestResult, const out ConnectionBandwidthStats BandwidthStats); /** * Set list of pending player ids we are waiting to connect with. * Once all connections are established then the OnAllPendingPlayersConnected delegate is called. * * @param Players list of player ids we are waiting to connect */ function SetPendingPlayerConnections(const out array<UniqueNetId> Players) { PendingPlayerConnections = Players; } /** * Determine if the given player has an active connection on this host beacon. * * @param PlayerNetId player we are searching for * @return index within ClientConnections for the player's connection, -1 if not found */ native function int GetConnectionIndexForPlayer(UniqueNetId PlayerNetId); /** * Determine if the players all have connections on this host beacon * * @param Players list of player ids we are searching for * @return TRUE if all players had connections */ native function bool AllPlayersConnected(const out array<UniqueNetId> Players); /** * Delegate called by the host mesh beacon when all players in the PendingPlayerConnections list get connections. */ delegate OnAllPendingPlayersConnected(); /** * Tells all of the clients to go to a specific session (contained in platform * specific info). Used to route all clients to one destination. * * @param SessionName the name of the session to register * @param SearchClass the search that should be populated with the session * @param PlatformSpecificInfo the binary data to place in the platform specific areas */ native function TellClientsToTravel(name SessionName,class<OnlineGameSearch> SearchClass,const out byte PlatformSpecificInfo[80]); /** * Sends a request to a specified client to create a new game session. * * @param PlayerNetId net id of player for client connection to send request to * @param SessionName the name of the session to create * @param SearchClass the search that should be with corresponding game settings when creating the session * @param Players list of players to register on the newly created session */ native function bool RequestClientCreateNewSession(UniqueNetId PlayerNetId,name SessionName,class<OnlineGameSearch> SearchClass,const out array<PlayerMember> Players); /** * Delegate called by the host mesh beacon when it gets the results of a new game session creation on a client. * * @param bSucceeded TRUE if the the new session was created on the client * @param SessionName the name of the session to create * @param SearchClass the search that should be with corresponding game settings when creating the session * @param PlatformSpecificInfo the platform specific binary data of the new session */ delegate OnReceivedClientCreateNewSessionResult(bool bSucceeded,name SessionName,class<OnlineGameSearch> SearchClass,const out byte PlatformSpecificInfo[80]); `if(`notdefined(FINAL_RELEASE)) /** * Logs the all the connected clients of this this beacon */ function DumpConnections() { local int ClientIdx, HistoryIdx; local UniqueNetId NetId; `Log("Debug info for Beacon: "$BeaconName,,'DevBeacon'); for (ClientIdx=0; ClientIdx < ClientConnections.Length; ClientIdx++) { NetId = ClientConnections[ClientIdx].PlayerNetId; `Log("",,'DevBeacon'); `Log("Client connection entry: "$ClientIdx,,'DevBeacon'); `Log(" PlayerNetId: "$class'OnlineSubsystem'.static.UniqueNetIdToString(NetId),,'DevBeacon'); `Log(" NatType: "$ClientConnections[ClientIdx].NatType,,'DevBeacon'); `Log(" GoodHostRatio: "$ClientConnections[ClientIdx].GoodHostRatio,,'DevBeacon'); `Log(" bCanHostVs: "$ClientConnections[ClientIdx].bCanHostVs,,'DevBeacon'); `Log(" MinutesSinceLastTest: "$ClientConnections[ClientIdx].MinutesSinceLastTest,,'DevBeacon'); `Log(" BandwidthTest.CurrentState: "$ClientConnections[ClientIdx].BandwidthTest.CurrentState,,'DevBeacon'); `Log(" BandwidthTest.TestType: "$ClientConnections[ClientIdx].BandwidthTest.TestType,,'DevBeacon'); `Log(" Bandwidth History: "$ClientConnections[ClientIdx].BandwidthHistory.Length,,'DevBeacon'); for (HistoryIdx=0; HistoryIdx < ClientConnections[ClientIdx].BandwidthHistory.Length; HistoryIdx++) { `Log(" " $" Upstream bytes/sec: "$ClientConnections[ClientIdx].BandwidthHistory[HistoryIdx].UpstreamRate $" Downstream bytes/sec: "$ClientConnections[ClientIdx].BandwidthHistory[HistoryIdx].DownstreamRate $" Roundrtrip msec: "$ClientConnections[ClientIdx].BandwidthHistory[HistoryIdx].RoundtripLatency,,'DevBeacon'); } } `Log(""); } /** * Render debug info about the client mesh beacon * * @param Canvas canvas object to use for rendering debug info * @param CurOptimalHostId net id of player that should be highlighted as the current optimal host */ function DebugRender(Canvas Canvas, UniqueNetId CurOptimalHostId) { local int ClientIdx,HistoryIdx; local UniqueNetId NetId; local float XL,YL; local float Offset; Offset = 50; Canvas.Font = class'Engine'.Static.GetTinyFont(); Canvas.StrLen("============================================================",XL,YL); YL = Canvas.SizeY-(Offset*2); Canvas.SetPos(Offset,Offset); Canvas.SetDrawColor(0,0,255,64); Canvas.DrawTile(Canvas.DefaultTexture,XL,YL,0,0,1,1); Canvas.SetPos(Offset,Offset); Canvas.SetDrawColor(255,255,255); Canvas.DrawText("Debug info for Beacon:"$BeaconName); if (CurOptimalHostId == OwningPlayerId) { Canvas.SetDrawColor(255,255,0); } Canvas.DrawText("Owning Host: "$class'OnlineSubsystem'.static.UniqueNetIdToString(OwningPlayerId)); for (ClientIdx=0; ClientIdx < ClientConnections.Length; ClientIdx++) { Canvas.SetDrawColor(255,255,255); if (Canvas.CurY >= YL) { Canvas.SetPos(Canvas.CurX+XL,Offset); } NetId = ClientConnections[ClientIdx].PlayerNetId; Canvas.DrawText("============================================================"); Canvas.DrawText("Client connection entry: "$ClientIdx); Canvas.SetPos(Canvas.CurX+10,Canvas.CurY); if (CurOptimalHostId == NetId) { Canvas.SetDrawColor(255,255,0); } Canvas.DrawText("PlayerNetId: "$class'OnlineSubsystem'.static.UniqueNetIdToString(NetId)); Canvas.SetDrawColor(255,255,255); Canvas.DrawText("NatType: "$ClientConnections[ClientIdx].NatType); Canvas.DrawText("GoodHostRatio: "$ClientConnections[ClientIdx].GoodHostRatio); Canvas.DrawText("bCanHostVs: "$ClientConnections[ClientIdx].bCanHostVs); Canvas.DrawText("MinutesSinceLastTest: "$ClientConnections[ClientIdx].MinutesSinceLastTest); Canvas.DrawText("Current BandwidthTest: "); Canvas.SetPos(Canvas.CurX+10,Canvas.CurY); Canvas.DrawText("CurrentState: "$ClientConnections[ClientIdx].BandwidthTest.CurrentState); Canvas.DrawText("TestType: "$ClientConnections[ClientIdx].BandwidthTest.TestType); Canvas.DrawText("BytesTotalNeeded: "$ClientConnections[ClientIdx].BandwidthTest.BytesTotalNeeded); Canvas.DrawText("BytesReceived: "$ClientConnections[ClientIdx].BandwidthTest.BytesReceived); Canvas.DrawText("UpstreamRate bytes/sec: "$ClientConnections[ClientIdx].BandwidthTest.BandwidthStats.UpstreamRate); Canvas.SetPos(Canvas.CurX-10,Canvas.CurY); Canvas.DrawText("Bandwidth History: "$ClientConnections[ClientIdx].BandwidthHistory.Length); Canvas.SetPos(Canvas.CurX+10,Canvas.CurY); for (HistoryIdx=0; HistoryIdx < ClientConnections[ClientIdx].BandwidthHistory.Length; HistoryIdx++) { Canvas.DrawText("Upstream bytes/sec: "$ClientConnections[ClientIdx].BandwidthHistory[HistoryIdx].UpstreamRate); } Canvas.SetPos(Canvas.CurX-20,Canvas.CurY); } } `endif defaultproperties { bAllowBandwidthTesting=true }