//============================================================================= // KFGFxWorld_MedicOptics //============================================================================= // Class Description //============================================================================= // Killing Floor 2 // Copyright (C) 2015 Tripwire Interactive LLC // - Greg Felber 8/20/2014 //============================================================================= class KFGFxWorld_MedicOptics extends GFxMoviePlayer; var byte CurrentAmmoCount; var byte CurrentCharge; var GFxObject OpticsContainer; var float MinPercentPerShot; /** Ties the GFxClikWidget variables to the .swf components and handles events */ event bool WidgetInitialized(name WidgetName, name WidgetPath, GFxObject Widget) { switch(WidgetName) { case ('medicOpticsContainer'): if ( OpticsContainer == none ) { OpticsContainer = Widget; InitValues(); } break; } return true; } function InitValues() { SetShotPercentCost( MinPercentPerShot ); } /** Update the optics ammo reading */ simulated function SetPrimaryAmmo(byte NewAmmoCount) { if (OpticsContainer != none) { OpticsContainer.SetInt("ammoValue", NewAmmoCount); } } function SetShotPercentCost(float CostPercent) { MinPercentPerShot = CostPercent; if (OpticsContainer != none) { OpticsContainer.SetInt("costPercentPerShot", CostPercent); } } /** Update the optics healing meter */ function SetHealerCharge(byte NewCharge) { if (OpticsContainer != none) { OpticsContainer.SetInt("chargeMeter", NewCharge); } } /** Remove the lock on targeting */ function ClearLockOn() { if (OpticsContainer != none) { OpticsContainer.ActionScriptVoid("clearLock"); } } /** Start the lock on optics animation */ function StartLockOn() { if (OpticsContainer != none) { OpticsContainer.ActionScriptVoid("startLockOn"); } } /** Play the locked optics animation */ function LockedOn() { if (OpticsContainer != none) { OpticsContainer.ActionScriptVoid("lockedOn"); } } defaultproperties { RenderTexture=TextureRenderTarget2D'WEP_1P_Optics_TEX.Wep_1stP_Optics_R2T' MovieInfo=SwfMovie'UI_World.MedicOpticsWorld_SWF' bAutoPlay=false }