/** * Example * * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ class MobileSecondaryViewportClient extends SecondaryViewportClient native; cpptext { virtual void Draw(FViewport* Viewport,FCanvas* Canvas) { Super::Draw(Viewport, Canvas); } virtual UBOOL RequiresHitProxyStorage() { return 0; } protected: virtual void DrawSecondaryHUD(UCanvas* CanvasObject) { } } /** * Called after rendering the player views and HUDs to render menus, the console, etc. * This is the last rendering cal in the render loop * @param Canvas - The canvas to use for rendering. */ event PostRender(Canvas Canvas) { local PlayerController PC; local MobilePlayerInput MPI; local MobileHUD MH; // boost the HUD from main screen, for now foreach class'Engine'.static.GetCurrentWorldInfo().LocalPlayerControllers(class'PlayerController', PC) { MPI = MobilePlayerInput(PC.PlayerInput); if( MPI != none ) { MH = MobileHUD(PC.myHUD); if( MH != none ) { MH.Canvas = Canvas; MH.DrawInputZoneOverlays(); MH.RenderMobileMenu(); break; } } } } defaultproperties { }