//============================================================================= // KFSM_PlayerPatriarch_Heal //============================================================================= // Player-controlled Patriarch's heal //============================================================================= // Killing Floor 2 // Copyright (C) 2015 Tripwire Interactive LLC //============================================================================= class KFSM_PlayerPatriarch_Heal extends KFSM_Patriarch_Heal; protected function bool InternalCanDoSpecialMove() { /*local KFPawn_ZedPatriarch_Versus MyPatPawnV; if( PawnOwner != none ) { MyPatPawnV = KFPawn_ZedPatriarch_Versus( PawnOwner ); if( MyPatPawnV != none ) { if( MyPatPawnV.IsHealAllowed() ) { if( MyPatPawnV.Health == MyPatPawnV.HealthMax ) { MyPatPawnV.MyKFPC.MyGFxHUD.ShowNonCriticalMessage( class'KFInventoryManager'.default.FullHealthMsg ); return false; } return true; } else { MyPatPawnV.MyKFPC.MyGFxHUD.ShowNonCriticalMessage( MyPatPawnV.NoHealsRemainingMsg ); return false; } } } return false;*/ return true; } /** Notification called when Special Move starts */ function SpecialMoveStarted( bool bForced, Name PrevMove ) { super.SpecialMoveStarted( bForced, PrevMove ); if( MyPatPawn != none ) { MyPatPawn.IncrementBattlePhase(); if( MyPatPawn.Role == ROLE_Authority ) { MyPatPawn.SetCloaked( false ); } } } /** Overridden to reset low health warning on pawn */ function DoHeal() { super.DoHeal(); if( MyPatPawn != none ) { KFPawn_ZedPatriarch_Versus(MyPatPawn).NotifyHealed(); } } /** Server notification that the pawn has been EMP disrupted */ function OnEMPDisrupted() {} defaultproperties { Handle=KFSM_PlayerPatriarch_Heal }