/** * Provides an interface for working with objects which both retrieve and publish data using data stores. * * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ interface UIDataStorePublisher extends UIDataStoreSubscriber native(inherit); /** * Resolves this subscriber's data store binding and publishes this subscriber's value to the appropriate data store. * * @param out_BoundDataStores contains the array of data stores that widgets have saved values to. Each widget that * implements this method should add its resolved data store to this array after data values have been * published. Once SaveSubscriberValue has been called on all widgets in a scene, OnCommit will be called * on all data stores in this array. * @param BindingIndex optional parameter for indicating which data store binding is being requested for those * objects which have multiple data store bindings. How this parameter is used is up to the * class which implements this interface, but typically the "primary" data store will be index 0. * * @return TRUE if the value was successfully published to the data store. */ native function bool SaveSubscriberValue( out array out_BoundDataStores, optional int BindingIndex=INDEX_NONE ); DefaultProperties { }