/** * SeqAct_WaitForLevelsVisible * * Kismet action exposing associating/ dissociating of levels. * * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ class SeqAct_WaitForLevelsVisible extends SeqAct_Latent native(Sequence); /** Names of levels to wait for visibility. */ var() array LevelNames; /** If TRUE engine will request blocking load if level is in process of being loaded. */ var() bool bShouldBlockOnLoad; cpptext { UBOOL UpdateOp(FLOAT DeltaTime); }; /** checks if the required levels are visible and returns the result; if levels need to be loaded and bShouldBlockOnLoad, sets the WorldInfo flag to block */ native final function bool CheckLevelsVisible(); event Activated() { local PlayerController PC; foreach GetWorldInfo().AllControllers(class'PlayerController', PC) { if (NetConnection(PC.Player) != None && ChildConnection(PC.Player) == None) { PC.ClientWaitForLevelsVisible(self); } } } defaultproperties { bShouldBlockOnLoad=TRUE ObjName="Wait for Levels to be visible" ObjCategory="Level" VariableLinks.Empty OutputLinks.Empty InputLinks(0)=(LinkDesc="Wait") OutputLinks(0)=(LinkDesc="Finished") }