/** * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ class SeqAct_ToggleCinematicMode extends SequenceAction; var() bool bDisableMovement; var() bool bDisableTurning; var() bool bHidePlayer; /** Don't allow input */ var() bool bDisableInput; /** Whether to hide the HUD during cinematics or not */ var() bool bHideHUD; /** Destroy dead GearPawns */ var() bool bDeadBodies; /** Destroy dropped weapons and pickups */ var() bool bDroppedPickups; /** Cinematic mode DoF changes */ var() bool bAllowDofChanges; /** Delete objects we don't want to keep around during cinematics */ event Activated() { local Actor A; if (!InputLinks[1].bHasImpulse && (bDeadBodies || bDroppedPickups)) { foreach GetWorldInfo().DynamicActors(class'Actor', A) { if ( (bDeadBodies && A.IsA('GamePawn') && A.bTearOff) || (bDroppedPickups && A.IsA('DroppedPickup')) ) { A.Destroy(); } } } } defaultproperties { ObjName="Toggle Cinematic Mode" ObjCategory="Toggle" InputLinks(0)=(LinkDesc="Enable") InputLinks(1)=(LinkDesc="Disable") InputLinks(2)=(LinkDesc="Toggle") bDisableMovement=TRUE bDisableTurning=TRUE bHidePlayer=TRUE bDisableInput=TRUE bHideHUD=TRUE bDeadBodies=TRUE bDroppedPickups=TRUE bAllowDofChanges=TRUE }