/** * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ class SeqAct_HeadTrackingControl extends SequenceAction native(Sequence); /** SkelControlLookAt name in the AnimTree of the SkeletalMesh **/ var() array TrackControllerName; /** Will pick up actor within this radius **/ var() float LookAtActorRadius; /** Interp back to zero strength if limit surpassed */ var() bool bDisableBeyondLimit; /** How long can one person to look at one **/ var() float MaxLookAtTime; /** At least this time to look at one **/ var() float MinLookAtTime; /** Once entered the radius, how long do I really care to look ? This affects rating. It will give benefit to the person who just entered **/ var() float MaxInterestTime; /** Quick check box for allowing it to look Pawn - due to Pawn not being listed in the Actor class **/ var(Target) bool bLookAtPawns; /** Actor classes to look at as 0 index being the highest priority if you have anything specific **/ var(Target) array< class > ActorClassesToLookAt; /** Target Bone Names, where to look at - priority from top to bottom, if not found, it will continue search **/ var(Target) array TargetBoneNames; /** List of objects to call the handler function on */ var() array LookAtTargets; /** Array of actor information **/ var private const transient native map{class AActor*,class UHeadTrackingComponent*} ActorToComponentMap; cpptext { virtual void Activated(); }; /** * Return the version number for this class. Child classes should increment this method by calling Super then adding * a individual class version to the result. When a class is first created, the number should be 0; each time one of the * link arrays is modified (VariableLinks, OutputLinks, InputLinks, etc.), the number that is added to the result of * Super.GetObjClassVersion() should be incremented by 1. * * @return the version number for this specific class. */ static event int GetObjClassVersion() { return Super.GetObjClassVersion() + 1; } /** * Called when this event is activated. */ event Activated() { local PlayerController PC; local int I, NumOfMember; local class ActorClassesToLookAtParam[10]; local name TargetBoneNamesParam[10], TrackControllerNameParam[10]; local Actor TriggerActor, LocalActor; for (I=0; I