/** * SceneCaptureCubeMapComponent * * Allows a scene capture to up to 6 2D texture render targets * * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ class SceneCaptureCubeMapComponent extends SceneCaptureComponent native; /** texture targets for the six cubemap faces */ var(Capture) TextureRenderTargetCube TextureTarget; /** near plane clip distance */ var(Capture) float NearPlane; /** far plane clip distance */ var(Capture) float FarPlane; /** world location based on parent transform */ var private const transient native Vector WorldLocation; cpptext { protected: // UActorComponent interface. /** * Attach a new cube capture component */ virtual void Attach(); /** * Sets the ParentToWorld transform the component is attached to. * @param ParentToWorld - The ParentToWorld transform the component is attached to. */ virtual void SetParentToWorld(const FMatrix& ParentToWorld); public: // SceneCaptureComponent interface /** * Create a new probe with info needed to render the scene */ virtual class FSceneCaptureProbe* CreateSceneCaptureProbe(); } defaultproperties { NearPlane=20 FarPlane=500 }