/** * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ class SVehicleSimCar extends SVehicleSimBase native(Physics); // Vehicle params var() float ChassisTorqueScale; // How much torque to apply to chassis based on acceleration var() InterpCurveFloat MaxSteerAngleCurve; // degrees based on velocity var() float SteerSpeed; // degrees per second var() float ReverseThrottle; // How much throttle when in reverse var() float EngineBrakeFactor; // How much the engine slows down when not applying throttle var() float MaxBrakeTorque; // Amount of stopping torque applied when applying the brakes var() float StopThreshold; // Speed at which the vehicle will stop simulating // Internal var bool bIsDriving; var float ActualSteering; var float TimeSinceThrottle; cpptext { // SVehicleSimBase interface. virtual void ProcessCarInput(ASVehicle* Vehicle); virtual void UpdateHandbrake(ASVehicle* Vehicle); } defaultproperties { ReverseThrottle=-1.0 }