/** * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ class RB_RadialImpulseComponent extends PrimitiveComponent hidecategories(Object) native(Physics); var() ERadialImpulseFalloff ImpulseFalloff; var() float ImpulseStrength; var() float ImpulseRadius; var() bool bVelChange; /** If true, will cause any FracturedStaticMeshActor pieces within expolsion to break. */ var() bool bCauseFracture; var DrawSphereComponent PreviewSphere; cpptext { protected: // UActorComponent interface. virtual void Attach(); public: /** Update the component's bounds */ virtual void UpdateBounds(); } native function FireImpulse( Vector Origin ); defaultproperties { // Various physics related items need to be ticked pre physics update TickGroup=TG_PreAsyncWork ImpulseFalloff=RIF_Constant ImpulseStrength=900.0 ImpulseRadius=200.0 }