/** * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ class MusicTrackDataStructures extends Object native; struct native MusicTrackStruct { /** The soundCue to play **/ var() SoundCue TheSoundCue; /** Controls whether or not the track is auto-played when it is attached to the scene. */ var() bool bAutoPlay; /** Controls whether the sound is not stopped on a map change */ var() bool bPersistentAcrossLevels; /** Time taken for sound to fade in when action is activated. */ var() float FadeInTime; /** Volume the sound to should fade in to */ var() float FadeInVolumeLevel; /** Time take for sound to fade out when Stop input is fired. */ var() float FadeOutTime; /** Volume the sound to should fade out to */ var() float FadeOutVolumeLevel; /** Alternate Mp3 file to play on devices (iPhone, not PC) that support it.*/ var(Mobile) string MP3Filename; structdefaultproperties { FadeInTime=5.0f FadeInVolumeLevel=1.0f FadeOutTime=5.0f FadeOutVolumeLevel=0.0f } };