/** * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ class MaterialExpressionTransformPosition extends MaterialExpression native(Material) collapsecategories hidecategories(Object); /** input expression for this transform */ var ExpressionInput Input; /** source format of the position that will be transformed */ var() const enum EMaterialPositionTransformSource { TRANSFORMPOSSOURCE_Local, TRANSFORMPOSSOURCE_PostProjection }TransformSourceType; /** type of transform to apply to the input expression */ var() const enum EMaterialPositionTransform { // transform from post projection to world space TRANSFORMPOS_World } TransformType; cpptext { virtual INT Compile(FMaterialCompiler* Compiler, INT OutputIndex); virtual FString GetCaption() const; /** * Replaces references to the passed in expression with references to a different expression or NULL. * @param OldExpression Expression to find reference to. * @param NewExpression Expression to replace reference with. */ virtual void SwapReferenceTo(UMaterialExpression* OldExpression,UMaterialExpression* NewExpression = NULL); } defaultproperties { MenuCategories(0)="VectorOps" TransformSourceType=TRANSFORMPOSSOURCE_PostProjection }