/** * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ /** * Persistent level settings for Lightmass */ class LightmassLevelSettings extends Object hidecategories(Object) deprecated native; /** * Number of times light is allowed to bounce off of surfaces, starting from the light source. * 0 is direct lighting only, 1 is one bounce, etc. * Bounce 1 takes the most time to calculate, followed by bounce 2. Successive bounces are nearly free. */ var(General) int NumIndirectLightingBounces; /** * Color that rays which miss the scene will pick up. */ var(General) color EnvironmentColor; var(General) float EnvironmentIntensity; /** Scales the emissive contribution of all materials in the scene. */ var(General) float EmissiveBoost ; /** Scales the diffuse contribution of all materials in the scene. */ var(General) float DiffuseBoost ; /** Scales the specular contribution of all materials in the scene. */ var float SpecularBoost ; /** If TRUE, AmbientOcclusion will be enabled. */ var(Occlusion) bool bUseAmbientOcclusion; /** If TRUE, override normal direct and indirect lighting with just the AO term. */ var(Occlusion) bool bVisualizeAmbientOcclusion; /** How much of the AO to apply to direct lighting. */ var(Occlusion) float DirectIlluminationOcclusionFraction; /** How much of the AO to apply to indirect lighting. */ var(Occlusion) float IndirectIlluminationOcclusionFraction; /** Higher exponents increase contrast. */ var(Occlusion) float OcclusionExponent; /** Fraction of samples taken that must be occluded in order to reach full occlusion. */ var(Occlusion) float FullyOccludedSamplesFraction; /** Maximum distance for an object to cause occlusion on another object. */ var(Occlusion) float MaxOcclusionDistance; defaultproperties { NumIndirectLightingBounces=3 EnvironmentColor=(R=0,G=0,B=0) EnvironmentIntensity=1.0 EmissiveBoost=1.0 // Default diffuse boost to a high value since diffuse textures are often authored centering around a value of .1 or so // Change this to default closer to 1 if your game's diffuse textures average to closer to .5 DiffuseBoost=5.0 SpecularBoost=1.0 bUseAmbientOcclusion=false bVisualizeAmbientOcclusion=false DirectIlluminationOcclusionFraction=0.5 IndirectIlluminationOcclusionFraction=1.0 OcclusionExponent=1.0 FullyOccludedSamplesFraction=1.0 MaxOcclusionDistance=200.0 }