class InterpGroupAI extends InterpGroup native(Interpolation) collapsecategories hidecategories(Object); /** * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Group for controlling properties of a 'player' in the game. This includes switching the player view between different cameras etc. */ cpptext { // Post edit // Need to refresh skelmesh if that changes virtual void PostEditChangeProperty(FPropertyChangedEvent& PropertyChangedEvent); // UInterpGroup interface virtual void UpdateGroup(FLOAT NewPosition, class UInterpGroupInst* GrInst, UBOOL bPreview, UBOOL bJump); } /** * Preview Pawn class for this track */ var() editoronly class PreviewPawnClass; /** * Name of Stage Mark Group - used for locator */ var() Name StageMarkGroup; /** Snap AI to root bone location when finished **/ var() bool SnapToRootBoneLocationWhenFinished; /** Disable Collision Check when initializing first time**/ var() bool bNoEncroachmentCheck; /** Disable World Collision during Matinee**/ var() bool bDisableWorldCollision; /** Ignore old legacy height adjust for pawn - TODO: REMOVE THIS BEFORE 2012 **/ var() bool bIgnoreLegacyHeightAdjust; /** Editor only variable to mark dirty for instance to update when needed**/ var editoronly transient bool bRecreatePreviewPawn; var editoronly transient bool bRefreshStageMarkGroup; defaultproperties { GroupName="AIGroup" }