/** * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ class CodecMovieFallback extends CodecMovie native; /** seconds since start of playback */ var const transient float CurrentTime; cpptext { // CodecMovie interface /** * Not all codec implementations are available * @return TRUE if the current codec is supported */ virtual UBOOL IsSupported(); /** * Returns the movie width. * * @return width of movie. */ virtual UINT GetSizeX(); /** * Returns the movie height. * * @return height of movie. */ virtual UINT GetSizeY(); /** * Returns the movie format. * * @return format of movie. */ virtual EPixelFormat GetFormat(); /** * Returns the framerate the movie was encoded at. * * @return framerate the movie was encoded at. */ virtual FLOAT GetFrameRate(); /** * Initializes the decoder to stream from disk. * * @param Filename Filename of compressed media. * @param Offset Offset into file to look for the beginning of the compressed data. * @param Size Size of compressed data. * * @return TRUE if initialization was successful, FALSE otherwise. */ virtual UBOOL Open( const FString& Filename, DWORD Offset, DWORD Size ); /** * Initializes the decoder to stream from memory. * * @param Source Beginning of memory block holding compressed data. * @param Size Size of memory block. * * @return TRUE if initialization was successful, FALSE otherwise. */ virtual UBOOL Open( void* Source, DWORD Size ); /** * Resets the stream to its initial state so it can be played again from the beginning. */ virtual void ResetStream(); /** * Queues the request to retrieve the next frame. * * @param InTextureMovieResource - output from movie decoding is written to this resource */ virtual void GetFrame( class FTextureMovieResource* InTextureMovieResource ); }