/** * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ class AnimNotify_ClothingMaxDistanceScale extends AnimNotify native(Anim); /** The Particle system to play **/ var() float StartScale; var() float EndScale; var() EMaxDistanceScaleMode ScaleMode; var float Duration; cpptext { // AnimNotify interface. virtual void Notify( class UAnimNodeSequence* NodeSeq ); virtual void NotifyEnd( class UAnimNodeSequence* NodeSeq, FLOAT AnimCurrentTime ); /** * Called by the AnimSet viewer when the 'parent' FAnimNotifyEvent is edited. * * @param NodeSeq The AnimNodeSequence this notify is associated with. * @param OwnerEvent The FAnimNotifyEvent that 'owns' this AnimNotify. */ virtual void AnimNotifyEventChanged(class UAnimNodeSequence* NodeSeq, FAnimNotifyEvent* OwnerEvent); } defaultproperties { NotifyColor=(R=200,G=255,B=200) StartScale = 1; EndScale = 1; ScaleMode = MDSM_Multiply; }