/**d * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Games should create placeable subclasses of WaterVolume for use in game levels. */ class WaterVolume extends PhysicsVolume notplaceable; /** Sound played when touched by an actor that can splash */ var() SoundCue EntrySound; /** Effect spawned when touched by an actor that can splash */ var() class EntryActor; /** Sound played when untouched by an actor that can splash */ var() SoundCue ExitSound; /** Effect spawned when untouched by an actor that can splash */ var() class ExitActor; simulated event Touch( Actor Other, PrimitiveComponent OtherComp, vector HitLocation, vector HitNormal ) { Super.Touch(Other, OtherComp, HitLocation, HitNormal); if ( Other.CanSplash() ) PlayEntrySplash(Other); } function PlayEntrySplash(Actor Other) { if( EntrySound != None ) { Other.PlaySound(EntrySound); if ( Other.Instigator != None ) Other.MakeNoise(1.0); } if( EntryActor != None ) { Spawn(EntryActor); } } event untouch(Actor Other) { if ( Other.CanSplash() ) PlayExitSplash(Other); } function PlayExitSplash(Actor Other) { if ( ExitSound != None ) { Other.PlaySound(ExitSound); if ( Other.Instigator != None ) Other.MakeNoise(1.0); } if( ExitActor != None ) { Spawn(ExitActor); } } defaultproperties { Begin Object Name=BrushComponent0 RBChannel=RBCC_Water bDisableAllRigidBody=false End Object bWaterVolume=True FluidFriction=+00002.400000 }