/** * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ /** * This class is responsible for retrieving the friends list from the online * subsystem and populating the UI with that data. */ class UIDataProvider_OnlinePlayerDataBase extends UIDataProvider native(inherit) transient abstract; /** Holds the player that this provider is getting friends for */ var int PlayerControllerId; cpptext { /** * Provides the data provider with the player they were just bound to * * @param Player the local player associated with this player settings provider */ virtual void OnRegister(ULocalPlayer* InPlayer) { eventOnRegister(InPlayer); } /** * Tells the provider that the player is no longer valid */ virtual void OnUnregister(void) { eventOnUnregister(); } } /** * Binds the player to this provider * * @param InPlayer the player that is being bound to the provider */ event OnRegister(LocalPlayer InPlayer) { if (InPlayer != None) { PlayerControllerId = InPlayer.ControllerId; } } /** * Tells the provider that the player is no longer valid */ event OnUnregister() { PlayerControllerId = -1; } defaultproperties { PlayerControllerId=-1 }