/** * An ObjectVolume will replace the normal object references with anything contained within * the assigned volume at runtime, allowing designers to quickly reference large areas. * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ class SeqVar_ObjectVolume extends SeqVar_Object native(Sequence); cpptext { virtual UObject** GetObjectRef(INT Idx); #if WITH_EDITOR virtual void DrawExtraInfo(FCanvas* Canvas, const FVector& CircleCenter); #endif virtual UBOOL SupportsProperty(UProperty *Property) { return FALSE; } } /** Last time ContainedObjects was updated */ var float LastUpdateTime; /** List of objects contained within the volume */ var array ContainedObjects; /** List of object types to exclude */ var() array > ExcludeClassList; /** Should this volume account for non-colliding as well? */ var() bool bCollidingOnly; defaultproperties { ObjName="Object Volume" ObjCategory="Object" ExcludeClassList=(class'Trigger',class'Volume') bCollidingOnly=TRUE }