/** * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ class MaterialExpressionDepthBiasedBlend extends MaterialExpression native(Material) collapsecategories hidecategories(Object); /** * MaterialExpressionDepthBiasBlend: * Blends the pixel with the destination pixel based on the following formula: * Color = (SrcZ < (DstZ - ((1 - Bias) * BiasScale))) ? SrcColor : * (DstZ < SrcZ) ? DstColor : * Lerp(DstColor, SrcColor, (DstZ - SrcZ) / ((1 - Bias) * BiasScale)) * for use in a material */ /** normalize the depth values to [near,far] -> [0,1] */ var() bool bNormalize; /** * The bias scale value */ var() float BiasScale; /** * The source color input */ var ExpressionInput RGB; /** * The source alpha input * NOT REQUIRED */ var ExpressionInput Alpha; /** * The depth bias input * This can be a constant, texture sample, etc. * * NOTE: No bias expression indicates a bias of 1.0f. */ var ExpressionInput Bias; cpptext { /** * Compile the material expression * * @param Compiler Pointer to the material compiler to use * * @return INT The compiled code index */ virtual INT Compile(FMaterialCompiler* Compiler, INT OutputIndex); /** */ virtual INT GetWidth() const; /** */ virtual FString GetCaption() const; /** */ virtual INT GetLabelPadding() { return 8; } /** * Replaces references to the passed in expression with references to a different expression or NULL. * @param OldExpression Expression to find reference to. * @param NewExpression Expression to replace reference with. */ virtual void SwapReferenceTo(UMaterialExpression* OldExpression,UMaterialExpression* NewExpression = NULL); } defaultproperties { BiasScale=1.0 MenuCategories(0)="Obsolete" Outputs(0)=(OutputName="",Mask=1,MaskR=1,MaskG=1,MaskB=1,MaskA=0) Outputs(1)=(OutputName="",Mask=1,MaskR=1,MaskG=0,MaskB=0,MaskA=0) Outputs(2)=(OutputName="",Mask=1,MaskR=0,MaskG=1,MaskB=0,MaskA=0) Outputs(3)=(OutputName="",Mask=1,MaskR=0,MaskG=0,MaskB=1,MaskA=0) Outputs(4)=(OutputName="",Mask=1,MaskR=0,MaskG=0,MaskB=0,MaskA=1) }