/** * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ class InterpTrackInstSlomo extends InterpTrackInst native(Interpolation); /** Backup of initial LevelInfo TimeDilation setting when interpolation started. */ var float OldTimeDilation; cpptext { // InterpTrackInst interface virtual void SaveActorState(UInterpTrack* Track); virtual void RestoreActorState(UInterpTrack* Track); virtual void InitTrackInst(UInterpTrack* Track); virtual void TermTrackInst(UInterpTrack* Track); /** @return whether the slomo track's effects should actually be applied. We want to only do this once for the server * and not at all for the clients regardless of the number of instances created for the various players * to avoid collisions and replication issues */ UBOOL ShouldBeApplied(); }