/** * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ class InterpTrackInstMove extends InterpTrackInst native(Interpolation); cpptext { /** Will save the current position of the Actor as the 'initial position', used if MoveFrame == IMF_RelativeToInitial. */ virtual void InitTrackInst(UInterpTrack* Track); /** Initialise InitialTMand InitialQuat. */ void CalcInitialTransform(UInterpTrack* Track, UBOOL bZeroFromHere); } /** Saved position. Used in editor for resetting when quitting Matinee. */ var vector ResetLocation; /** Saved rotation. Used in editor for resetting when quitting Matinee. */ var rotator ResetRotation; /** Transform of group's actor when sequence was started. This is used to reset sequence and also as basis when using IMF_RelativeToInitial. */ var matrix InitialTM; /** Orientation of group's actor when sequence was started. @see InitialTM */ var quat InitialQuat;