/** * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ class AnimNotify_Sound extends AnimNotify native(Anim); var() SoundCue SoundCue; var() bool bFollowActor; var() Name BoneName; var() bool bIgnoreIfActorHidden; /** This is the percent to play this Sound. Defaults to 100% (aka 1.0f) **/ var() float PercentToPlay; var() float VolumeMultiplier; var() float PitchMultiplier; cpptext { // AnimNotify interface. virtual void Notify( class UAnimNodeSequence* NodeSeq ); virtual FString GetEditorComment() { return TEXT("Snd"); } } defaultproperties { PercentToPlay=1.0f VolumeMultiplier=1.f PitchMultiplier=1.f bFollowActor=TRUE NotifyColor=(R=200,G=200,B=255) }