/** * */ class AnimNotify_AkEvent extends AnimNotify native(Anim); var() AkEvent AkEvent; var() bool bFollowActor; var() Name BoneName; `if(`__TW_WWISE_) var() bool bIgnoreIfActorHidden; /** Useful to ensure it won't activate while blending from this anim into a death anim */ var() bool bIgnoreIfActorDead; /** This is the percent to play this Sound. Defaults to 100% (aka 1.0f) **/ var() float PercentToPlay; `endif cpptext { // AnimNotify interface. virtual void Notify( class UAnimNodeSequence* NodeSeq ); #if __TW_WWISE_ virtual UAkEvent* PickEventToPlay( AActor* in_pOwner ); virtual UBOOL CanPlay( AActor* in_pOwner, USkeletalMeshComponent* in_pSkelComp, UAkEvent* in_pEvent ); virtual void GetSoundLocation( AActor* in_pOwner, USkeletalMeshComponent* in_pSkelComp, UAkEvent* in_pEvent, FVector& in_SoundLocation, INT& in_bEventIsOccluded, UBOOL& in_bEventIsAudible ); virtual void Play( AActor* in_pOwner, UAkEvent* in_pEvent, const FVector& in_SoundLocation, UBOOL in_bEventIsOccluded ); #endif // __TW_WWISE_ } defaultproperties { bFollowActor=true `if(`__TW_WWISE_) PercentToPlay=1.0 bIgnoreIfActorDead=true `endif }