//============================================================================= // KFPawn_ZedStalker //============================================================================= // Stalker //============================================================================= // Killing Floor 2 // Copyright (C) 2015 Tripwire Interactive LLC //============================================================================= class KFPawn_ZedStalker extends KFPawn_Monster; var MaterialInstanceConstant SpottedMaterial; var AkComponent CloakedAkComponent; var AkEvent CloakedLoop; var AkEvent CloakedLoopEnd; var float CloakPercent; /** The local player controller viewing this pawn */ var KFPlayerController ViewerPlayer; /** Cloak speeds */ var float CloakSpeed; var float DeCloakSpeed; simulated event PostBeginPlay() { super.PostBeginPlay(); SetCloaked( true ); PlayStealthSoundLoop(); } /** * Check on various replicated data and act accordingly. */ simulated event ReplicatedEvent(name VarName) { switch( VarName ) { case nameof(bIsCloakingSpottedByTeam): UpdateGameplayMICParams(); break; case nameof(bIsCloaking): ClientCloakingStateUpdated(); break; } Super.ReplicatedEvent(VarName); } /** Toggle cloaking material */ function SetCloaked(bool bNewCloaking) { if ( bCanCloak ) { if( bNewCloaking && !IsCombatCapable() ) { return; } if( MaxHeadChunkGoreWhileAlive == 0 && bIsCloaking != bNewCloaking && IsAliveAndWell() ) { `DialogManager.PlaySpotCloakDialog( self, bNewCloaking ); } bIsCloaking = bNewCloaking; if( WorldInfo.NetMode != NM_DedicatedServer ) { UpdateGameplayMICParams(); Mesh.SetPerObjectShadows(!bNewCloaking); ClearBloodDecals(); } super.SetCloaked( bNewCloaking ); } } /** * bIsCloaking replicated state changed * Network: Local and Remote Clients */ simulated function ClientCloakingStateUpdated() { if( bIsCloaking ) { ClearBloodDecals(); } UpdateGameplayMICParams(); Mesh.SetPerObjectShadows( !bIsCloaking ); } /** Handle cloaking materials */ simulated function UpdateGameplayMICParams() { local bool bIsSpotted; super.UpdateGameplayMICParams(); // Cannot cloak after stalker has been gored if ( !bIsGoreMesh && WorldInfo.NetMode != NM_DedicatedServer ) { // visible by local player or team (must go after ServerCallOutCloaking) bIsSpotted = (bIsCloakingSpottedByLP || bIsCloakingSpottedByTeam); if ( bIsSpotted && bIsCloaking ) { CharacterMICs[0].SetParent(SpottedMaterial); } else if( CharacterMICs[0].Parent == SpottedMaterial ) { CharacterMICs[0].SetParent(Mesh.SkeletalMesh.Materials[0]); PlayStealthSoundLoop(); } } } /** Called when SwitchToGoreLOD is successful */ simulated event NotifyGoreMeshActive() { super.NotifyGoreMeshActive(); `DialogManager.PlaySpotCloakDialog( self, false ); PlayStealthSoundLoopEnd(); // Restore to uncloaked values bIsCloaking = false; bIsCloakingSpottedByLP = false; bIsCloakingSpottedByTeam = false; // Set to our solid gore mat (only AI-controlled) if( PlayerReplicationInfo == none && Mesh.SkeletalMesh.Materials.Length > 2 ) { CharacterMICs[0].SetParent( Mesh.SkeletalMesh.Materials[2] ); } } /** Turns off FX and sounds */ simulated function TerminateEffectsOnDeath() { PlayStealthSoundLoopEnd(); super.TerminateEffectsOnDeath(); } simulated function PlayStealthSoundLoop() { if( WorldInfo.NetMode != NM_DedicatedServer && !CloakedAkComponent.IsPlaying(CloakedLoop) ) { CloakedAkComponent.PlayEvent( CloakedLoop, true, true ); } } simulated function PlayStealthSoundLoopEnd() { if( WorldInfo.NetMode != NM_DedicatedServer && CloakedAkComponent.IsPlaying(CloakedLoop) ) { CloakedAkComponent.PlayEvent( CloakedLoopEnd, true, true ); } } /** Overridden to support transparency scalar */ simulated event Tick( float DeltaTime ) { local float MinCloakPct; super.Tick( DeltaTime ); if( WorldInfo.NetMode != NM_DedicatedServer ) { if( ViewerPlayer == none ) { ViewerPlayer = KFPlayerController( GetALocalPlayerController() ); } MinCloakPct = GetMinCloakPct(); if( !bIsCloaking ) { if( CloakPercent < 1.0f ) { CloakPercent = fMin( CloakPercent + DeltaTime*DeCloakSpeed, 1.0f ); CharacterMICs[0].SetScalarParameterValue( 'Transparency', CloakPercent ); } } else if( CloakPercent > MinCloakPct ) { CloakPercent = fMax( CloakPercent - DeltaTime*CloakSpeed, MinCloakPct ); CharacterMICs[0].SetScalarParameterValue( 'Transparency', CloakPercent ); } } } /** Gets the minimum cloaked amount based on the viewer */ simulated protected function float GetMinCloakPct() { if( ViewerPlayer != none && (ViewerPlayer.GetTeamNum() == GetTeamNum() || ViewerPlayer.PlayerReplicationInfo.bOnlySpectator) ) { return 0.5f; } return 0.f; } /********************************************************************************************* `* Perk related ********************************************************************************************* */ /** * Called every 0.5f seconds to check if a cloaked zed has been spotted * Network: All but dedicated server */ simulated event UpdateSpottedStatus() { local bool bOldSpottedByLP; local KFPerk LocalPerk; local float DistanceSq, Range; if( WorldInfo.NetMode == NM_DedicatedServer ) { return; } bOldSpottedByLP = bIsCloakingSpottedByLP; bIsCloakingSpottedByLP = false; if( !IsHumanControlled() || bIsSprinting ) { if( ViewerPlayer == none ) { ViewerPlayer = KFPlayerController( GetALocalPlayerController() ); } if( ViewerPlayer != none ) { LocalPerk = ViewerPlayer.GetPerk(); } if ( ViewerPlayer != none && ViewerPlayer.Pawn != None && ViewerPlayer.Pawn.IsAliveAndWell() && LocalPerk != none && LocalPerk.bCanSeeCloakedZeds && `TimeSince( LastRenderTime ) < 1.f ) { DistanceSq = VSizeSq(ViewerPlayer.Pawn.Location - Location); Range = LocalPerk.GetCloakDetectionRange(); if ( DistanceSq < Square(Range) ) { bIsCloakingSpottedByLP = true; if ( LocalPerk.IsCallOutActive() ) { // Beware of server spam. This RPC is marked unreliable and UpdateSpottedStatus has it's own cooldown timer ViewerPlayer.ServerCallOutPawnCloaking(self); } } } } // If spotted by team already, there is no point in trying to update the MIC here if ( !bIsCloakingSpottedByTeam ) { if ( bIsCloakingSpottedByLP != bOldSpottedByLP ) { UpdateGameplayMICParams(); } } } /** notification from player with CallOut ability */ function CallOutCloaking( optional KFPlayerController CallOutController ) { bIsCloakingSpottedByTeam = true; LastStoredCC = CallOutController; UpdateGameplayMICParams(); SetTimer(2.f, false, nameof(CallOutCloakingExpired)); } /** Call-out cloaking ability has timed out */ function CallOutCloakingExpired() { bIsCloakingSpottedByTeam = false; LastStoredCC = none; UpdateGameplayMICParams(); } /** Applies the rally buff and spawns a rally effect */ simulated function bool Rally( KFPawn RallyInstigator, ParticleSystem RallyEffect, name EffectBoneName, vector EffectOffset, ParticleSystem AltRallyEffect, name AltEffectBoneNames[2], vector AltEffectOffset, optional bool bSkipEffects=false ) { local PlayerController PC; if( WorldInfo.NetMode != NM_DedicatedServer ) { PC = WorldInfo.GetALocalPlayerController(); // Don't spawn rally effects if cloaking but not spotted if( bIsCloaking && !bIsCloakingSpottedByLP && !bIsCloakingSpottedByTeam && PC.GetTeamNum() < 255 && PC.Pawn != none && PC.Pawn.IsAliveAndWell() ) { bSkipEffects = true; } } return super.Rally( RallyInstigator, RallyEffect, EffectBoneName, EffectOffset, AltRallyEffect, AltEffectBoneNames, AltEffectOffset, bSkipEffects ); } /* PlayDying() is called on server/standalone game when killed and also on net client when pawn gets bTearOff set to true (and bPlayedDeath is false) */ simulated function PlayDying(class DamageType, vector HitLoc) { // Uncloak on death SetCloaked(false); bCanCloak = false; Super.PlayDying(DamageType, HitLoc); } /** Disable cloaking when crippled/headless */ function CauseHeadTrauma( float BleedOutTime=5.f ) { Super.CauseHeadTrauma( BleedOutTime ); if( bIsHeadless && IsAliveAndWell() && !IsDoingSpecialMove() ) { SetCloaked( false ); } } /** Interrupt certain moves when bEmpDisrupted is set */ function OnStackingAfflictionChanged(byte Id) { Super.OnStackingAfflictionChanged(Id); if( Role == ROLE_Authority && IsAliveAndWell() ) { if ( Id == AF_EMP ) { SetCloaked( !bEMPPanicked && !bEMPDisrupted ); } } } function PlayHit( float Damage, Controller InstigatedBy, vector HitLocation, class damageType, vector Momentum, TraceHitInfo HitInfo ) { super.PlayHit( Damage, InstigatedBy, HitLocation, damageType, Momentum, HitInfo ); SetCloaked( false ); // SetTimer times are max values pulled from KFPawnAnimInfo::PlayHitReactionAnim // if last hit caused call to DoPauseAI if( HitFxInfo.DamageType != none && HitFxInfo.DamageType.default.MeleeHitPower > 0 ) { SetTimer( 1.f, false, nameof(ReCloakTimer) ); } else // light hit or DOT { SetTimer( 0.35f, false, nameof(ReCloakTimer) ); } } simulated function PlayHeadAsplode() { if( bIsCloaking ) { SetCloaked( false ); } bCanCloak = false; super.PlayHeadAsplode(); } simulated function ReCloakTimer() { SetCloaked( true ); } static function bool IsStalkerPawn() { return true; } /** Returns (hardcoded) dialog event ID for when players kills this zed type */ function int GetKillerDialogID() { return 66;//KILL_Female } /** Returns (hardcoded) dialog event ID for when players spots this zed type */ function int GetSpotterDialogID() { if( bIsCloaking && MaxHeadChunkGoreWhileAlive == 0 ) { return 135;//SPOTZ_Cloaked } return 125;//SPOTZ_Generic } /** Returns (hardcoded) dialog event ID for when trader gives advice to player who was killed by this zed type */ static function int GetTraderAdviceID() { return 40;//TRAD_AdviceStalker } DefaultProperties { LocalizationKey=KFPawn_ZedStalker Begin Object Name=KFPawnSkeletalMeshComponent // Enabling for bAlwaysFullAnimWeight bones bUpdateKinematicBonesFromAnimation=true // Shadows off at spawn since she spawns cloaked bAllowPerObjectShadows=false End Object // --------------------------------------------- // Stats XPValues(0)=8 XPValues(1)=10 XPValues(2)=10 XPValues(3)=10 // --------------------------------------------- // Content MonsterArchPath="ZED_ARCH.ZED_Stalker_Archetype" PawnAnimInfo=KFPawnAnimInfo'ZED_Stalker_ANIM.Stalker_AnimGroup' DifficultySettings=class'KFDifficulty_Stalker' SpottedMaterial=MaterialInstanceConstant'ZED_Stalker_MAT.ZED_Stalker_Visible_MAT' // --------------------------------------------- // Special Moves Begin Object Name=SpecialMoveHandler_0 SpecialMoveClasses(SM_Evade) =class'KFSM_Evade' SpecialMoveClasses(SM_Evade_Fear) =class'KFSM_Evade_Fear' SpecialMoveClasses(SM_Emerge) =class'KFSM_Emerge' End Object // for reference: Vulnerability=(default, head, legs, arms, special) IncapSettings(AF_Stun)= (Vulnerability=(2.0, 2.0, 1.0, 1.0), Cooldown=5.0, Duration=3.0) IncapSettings(AF_Knockdown)=(Vulnerability=(1.5), Cooldown=1.0) IncapSettings(AF_Stumble)= (Vulnerability=(1.f), Cooldown=0.5) IncapSettings(AF_GunHit)= (Vulnerability=(0.75), Cooldown=0.0) IncapSettings(AF_MeleeHit)= (Vulnerability=(2.0), Cooldown=0.0) IncapSettings(AF_FirePanic)=(Vulnerability=(3), Cooldown=3.0, Duration=4.0) IncapSettings(AF_EMP)= (Vulnerability=(2.5), Cooldown=5.0, Duration=5.0) IncapSettings(AF_Poison)= (Vulnerability=(10.0), Cooldown=7.5, Duration=5.5) IncapSettings(AF_Microwave)=(Vulnerability=(0.5), Cooldown=20.5, Duration=5.0) IncapSettings(AF_Freeze)= (Vulnerability=(2.5), Cooldown=1.5, Duration=4.0) IncapSettings(AF_Snare)= (Vulnerability=(10.0, 10.0, 10.0, 10.0), Cooldown=5.5, Duration=4.0) IncapSettings(AF_Bleed)= (Vulnerability=(2.0)) ParryResistance=1 // --------------------------------------------- // Gameplay bCanGrabAttack=false bCanMeleeAttack=true Begin Object Name=MeleeHelper_0 BaseDamage=9.f MaxHitRange=180.f MomentumTransfer=25000.f MyDamageType=class'KFDT_Slashing_ZedWeak' End Object Health=75 DoshValue=15 Mass=50.f bIsStalkerClass=true // --------------------------------------------- // Penetration PenetrationResistance=0.5 // --------------------------------------------- // Resistance & Vulnerability DamageTypeModifiers.Add((DamageType=class'KFDT_Ballistic_Submachinegun', DamageScale=(0.9))) //0.8 DamageTypeModifiers.Add((DamageType=class'KFDT_Ballistic_AssaultRifle', DamageScale=(1.5))) //2.5 DamageTypeModifiers.Add((DamageType=class'KFDT_Ballistic_Shotgun', DamageScale=(1.0))) //0.7 DamageTypeModifiers.Add((DamageType=class'KFDT_Ballistic_Handgun', DamageScale=(1.0))) DamageTypeModifiers.Add((DamageType=class'KFDT_Ballistic_Rifle', DamageScale=(0.85))) //0.6 DamageTypeModifiers.Add((DamageType=class'KFDT_Slashing', DamageScale=(1.0))) DamageTypeModifiers.Add((DamageType=class'KFDT_Bludgeon', DamageScale=(1.0))) DamageTypeModifiers.Add((DamageType=class'KFDT_Fire', DamageScale=(0.85))) //0.6 DamageTypeModifiers.Add((DamageType=class'KFDT_Microwave', DamageScale=(0.2))) DamageTypeModifiers.Add((DamageType=class'KFDT_Explosive', DamageScale=(0.75))) //0.6 DamageTypeModifiers.Add((DamageType=class'KFDT_Piercing', DamageScale=(1.0))) DamageTypeModifiers.Add((DamageType=class'KFDT_Toxic', DamageScale=(1.0))) // --------------------------------------------- // Movement / Physics GroundSpeed=400.f SprintSpeed=500.f PhysRagdollImpulseScale=0.9f KnockdownImpulseScale=0.9f // --------------------------------------------- // AI / Navigation ControllerClass=class'KFAIController_ZedStalker' DamageRecoveryTimeHeavy=0.65f DamageRecoveryTimeMedium=1.0f ElitePawnClass.Add(class'KFPawn_ZedDAR_EMP') ElitePawnClass.Add(class'KFPawn_ZedDAR_Laser') ElitePawnClass.Add(class'KFPawn_ZedDAR_Rocket') RotationRate=(Pitch=50000,Yaw=45000,Roll=50000) // --------------------------------------------- // Cloaking bIsCloaking=true bCanCloak=true bCloakOnMeleeEnd=true CloakPercent=1.0f DeCloakSpeed=4.5f CloakSpeed=4.0f //CloakDuration=1.2 // --------------------------------------------- // Audio CloakedLoop=AkEvent'WW_ZED_Stalker.ZED_Stalker_SFX_Stealth_LP' CloakedLoopEnd=AkEvent'WW_ZED_Stalker.ZED_Stalker_SFX_Stealth_LP_Stop' Begin Object Class=AkComponent name=CloakedAkComponent0 BoneName=dummy bStopWhenOwnerDestroyed=true bForceOcclusionUpdateInterval=true OcclusionUpdateInterval=0.4f End Object CloakedAkComponent=CloakedAkComponent0 Components.Add( CloakedAkComponent0 ) ZEDCowboyHatAttachName=Hat_Attach `if(`notdefined(ShippingPC)) DebugRadarTexture=Texture2D'UI_ZEDRadar_TEX.MapIcon_Stalker'; `endif }