//============================================================================= // KFImpactEffectInfo //============================================================================= // Class that stores the content references for impact effects //============================================================================= // Killing Floor 2 // Copyright (C) 2015 Tripwire Interactive LLC // - Andrew "Strago" Ladenberger //============================================================================= class KFImpactEffectInfo extends Object dependson(KFPhysicalMaterialProperty) hidecategories(Object) editinlinenew; /** struct for list to map material types supported by an actor to impact sounds and effects */ struct immutablewhencooked MaterialImpactEffect { var() EMaterialTypes MaterialType; /** Sound to play for this impact **/ var() AkBaseSoundObject Sound; /** AKEvent to play when stopping this sound, used for looping sound impacts like fire **/ var() AkBaseSoundObject StopSoundEvent; var() ParticleSystem ParticleTemplate; var() array DecalMaterials; /** MaterialInstance param name for dissolving the decal **/ var() name DecalDissolveParamName; /** How long the decal should last before fading out **/ var() float DecalDuration; /** Uniform scale between MIN/MAX, rather than Width and Height */ var() float DecalMinSize; var() float DecalMaxSize; /** Don't randomely rotate this decal */ var() bool bNoDecalRotation; StructDefaultProperties { DecalDuration=24.0 DecalDissolveParamName="DissolveAmount" DecalMinSize=16.0 DecalMaxSize=16.0 } }; /** impact effects by material type */ var() array ImpactEffects; /** default impact effect to use if a material specific one isn't found */ var() MaterialImpactEffect DefaultImpactEffect; /** sound that is played when the bullets go whizzing past your head */ var() AkEvent BulletWhipSnd; /** If true, make splash effect for local player when hit water */ var() bool bMakeSplash; var() ParticleSystem SplashEffectTemplate; /** List of particles that play for any impact material type */ var() array GlobalImpactEffectEffects; defaultproperties { }