/** * Event which is activated when some pawn has a line of sight to an LOS trigger. * Originator: the trigger that owns this event * Instigator: the Pawn of the Player that saw the LOS trigger which owns this event * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ class SeqEvent_LOS extends SequenceEvent; /** Distance from the screen center before activating this event */ var() float ScreenCenterDistance; /** Distance from the trigger before activating this event */ var() float TriggerDistance; /** Force a clear line of sight to the trigger? */ var() bool bCheckForObstructions; static event int GetObjClassVersion() { return Super.GetObjClassVersion() + 1; } defaultproperties { ObjName="Line Of Sight" ObjCategory="Pawn" OutputLinks(0)=(LinkDesc="Look") OutputLinks(1)=(LinkDesc="Stop Look") ScreenCenterDistance=50.f TriggerDistance=2048.f bCheckForObstructions=true }