/** * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ class ParticleModuleWorldAttractor extends ParticleModuleWorldForcesBase native(Particle) editinlinenew hidecategories(Object); /** When TRUE the attraction force is particle life relative, when FALSE it is emitter life relative. */ var() bool bParticleLifeRelative; /** Scales the attraction forces for this particular emitter. */ var() rawdistributionfloat AttractorInfluence; cpptext { /** * Called on a particle that is being updated by its emitter. * * @param Owner The FParticleEmitterInstance that 'owns' the particle. * @param Offset The modules offset into the data payload of the particle. * @param DeltaTime The time since the last update. */ virtual void Update(FParticleEmitterInstance* Owner, INT Offset, FLOAT DeltaTime); } defaultproperties { bUpdateModule=true bSupported3DDrawMode=false bParticleLifeRelative=false Begin Object Class=DistributionFloatConstant Name=DistributionInfluence Constant=1.0f; End Object AttractorInfluence=(Distribution=DistributionInfluence) }