//============================================================================= // KFGameInfo_WeeklySurvival //============================================================================= // Weekly variant of survival with runtime adjusted rule sets. //============================================================================= // Killing Floor 2 // Copyright (C) 2017 Tripwire Interactive LLC // - Dan Weiss //============================================================================= class KFGameInfo_WeeklySurvival extends KFGameInfo_Survival; /** Current frame booms */ var int CurrentFrameBooms; /** Index of event to use as the default block */ var int ActiveEventIdx; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Statics static event class SetGameType(string MapName, string Options, string Portal) { local KFGameEngine KGE; KGE = KFGameEngine(class'Engine'.static.GetEngine()); if (KGE != none) { //Valid index if (KGE.GetWeeklyEventIndex() >= 0) { return super.SetGameType(MapName, Options, Portal); } } //Invalid state, set to normal survival return class'KFGameInfo_Survival'; } static function bool GametypeChecksDifficulty() { return false; } static function bool GametypeChecksWaveLength() { return false; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Initialization event InitGame( string Options, out string ErrorMessage ) { Super.InitGame(Options, ErrorMessage); //SetModifiedGameDifficulty(); SetPickupItemList(); SetZedTimeOverrides(); SetSpawnPointOverrides(); OutbreakEvent.SetWorldInfoOverrides(); } event PreBeginPlay() { super.PreBeginPlay(); OutbreakEvent.UpdateGRI(); if (Role == Role_Authority && MyKFGRI != none && OutbreakEvent.ActiveEvent.bUnlimitedWeaponPickups) { MyKFGRI.NotifyBrokenTrader(); } } function CreateOutbreakEvent() { //The KFGameEngine at startup will store the week index of our current time // Pull from there and figure out which event it corresponds to. // The beginning of time to reset the loop can be changed in UKFGameEngine::UpdateTimedGameEvents local KFGameEngine KGE; super.CreateOutbreakEvent(); KGE = KFGameEngine(class'Engine'.static.GetEngine()); if (KGE != none) { ActiveEventIdx = KGE.GetWeeklyEventIndex() % OutbreakEvent.SetEvents.Length; } OutbreakEvent.SetActiveEvent(ActiveEventIdx); } function bool UsesModifiedDifficulty() { return true; } function SetModifiedGameDifficulty() { super.SetModifiedGameDifficulty(); if (OutbreakEvent == none) { CreateOutbreakEvent(); } //Set game difficulty. super will create the intended DifficultyInfo object. MinGameDifficulty = OutbreakEvent.ActiveEvent.EventDifficulty; MaxGameDifficulty = OutbreakEvent.ActiveEvent.EventDifficulty; GameDifficulty = Clamp(GameDifficulty, MinGameDifficulty, MaxGameDifficulty); } //for difficulty override function bool UsesModifiedLength() { return true; } function SetModifiedGameLength() { GameLength = OutbreakEvent.ActiveEvent.GameLength; } /** Allow for updates to various game systems if we have an override allowable item list */ function SetPickupItemList() { local STraderItem TraderItem; local KFPickupFactory_Item ItemFactory; local int Idx; //If we have an override weapon list, it's not enough to block trader and default inventory. // Iterate through the item pickups in the map to trim their lists as well. if (OutbreakEvent.ActiveEvent.TraderWeaponList != none) { //So many loops foreach AllActors(class'KFPickupFactory_Item', ItemFactory) { //we dont want item pickups, so kiss them goodbye if(OutbreakEvent.ActiveEvent.OverrideItemPickupModifier == 0) { ItemFactory.ShutDown(); ItemFactory.ItemPickups.Remove(0, ItemFactory.ItemPickups.Length); continue; } foreach OutbreakEvent.ActiveEvent.TraderWeaponList.SaleItems(TraderItem) { for (Idx = ItemFactory.ItemPickups.Length - 1; Idx >= 0; --Idx) { if (ItemFactory.ItemPickups[Idx].ItemClass.Name != TraderItem.ClassName) { ItemFactory.ItemPickups.Remove(Idx, 1); } } } } } } function SetZedTimeOverrides() { if (ZedTimeSlomoScale != OutbreakEvent.ActiveEvent.OverrideZedTimeSlomoScale) { ZedTimeSlomoScale = OutbreakEvent.ActiveEvent.OverrideZedTimeSlomoScale; } } function SetSpawnPointOverrides() { local KFSpawnVolume KFSV; foreach WorldInfo.AllActors(class'KFSpawnVolume', KFSV) { if (OutbreakEvent.ActiveEvent.OverrideSpawnDerateTime >= 0.f) { KFSV.SpawnDerateTime = OutbreakEvent.ActiveEvent.OverrideSpawnDerateTime; } if (OutbreakEvent.ActiveEvent.OverrideTeleportDerateTime >= 0.f) { KFSV.TeleportDerateTime = OutbreakEvent.ActiveEvent.OverrideTeleportDerateTime; } } } /** Enable some hax to permanently be in zed time */ function SetPermanentZedTime() { local KFPlayerController KFPC; if (OutbreakEvent.ActiveEvent.bPermanentZedTime) { ZedTimeRemaining = 999999.f; bZedTimeBlendingOut = false; LastZedTimeEvent = WorldInfo.TimeSeconds; SetZedTimeDilation(ZedTimeSlomoScale); foreach WorldInfo.AllControllers(class'KFPlayerController', KFPC) { if (KFPC != none) { KFPC.EnterZedTime(); } } } } //Do a reset on the permanent zed time. Leaves us in zed time, but puts valid players into the partial mode. function ResetPermanentZed() { local KFPlayerController KFPC; local KFPawn KFP; foreach WorldInfo.AllControllers(class'KFPlayerController', KFPC) { KFP = KFPawn(KFPC.Pawn); if (KFPC != none && KFP != none) { KFP.bUnaffectedByZedTime = !KFPC.IsAffectedByZedTime(); if (KFP.bUnaffectedByZedTime) { KFPC.StartPartialZedTimeSightCounter(); } KFPC.ClientEnterZedTime(KFP.bUnaffectedByZedTime); } } } function float GetAdjustedAIDoshValue( class MonsterClass ) { return super.GetAdjustedAIDoshValue(MonsterClass) * OutbreakEvent.ActiveEvent.DoshOnKillGlobalModifier; } protected function ScoreMonsterKill( Controller Killer, Controller Monster, KFPawn_Monster MonsterPawn ) { super.ScoreMonsterKill(Killer, Monster, MonsterPawn); if(OutbreakEvent.ActiveEvent.bHealAfterKill) { if( MonsterPawn != none && MonsterPawn.DamageHistory.Length > 0 ) { HealAfterKilling( MonsterPawn, Killer ); } } } /** Heal players after a Zed was killed, based in more heal to the player that was the killer and less heal to the players that damaged the Zed */ function HealAfterKilling(KFPawn_Monster MonsterPawn , Controller Killer) { local int i; local int j; local KFPlayerController KFPC; local KFPlayerReplicationInfo DamagerKFPRI; local array DamageHistory; local array Attackers; local KFPawn_Human PawnHuman; local KFGameInfo KFGI; DamageHistory = MonsterPawn.DamageHistory; KFGI = KFGameInfo(WorldInfo.Game); for ( i = 0; i < DamageHistory.Length; i++ ) { if( DamageHistory[i].DamagerController != none && DamageHistory[i].DamagerController.bIsPlayer && DamageHistory[i].DamagerPRI.GetTeamNum() == 0 && DamageHistory[i].DamagerPRI != none ) { DamagerKFPRI = KFPlayerReplicationInfo(DamageHistory[i].DamagerPRI); if( DamagerKFPRI != none ) { KFPC = KFPlayerController(DamagerKFPRI.Owner); if( KFPC != none ) { if(Attackers.Find(KFPC) < 0) { PawnHuman = KFPawn_Human(KFPC.Pawn); Attackers.AddItem(KFPC); /* Weekly event Aracnophobia (10): 2 kind of heales: one for killing and another for killing by jumping on enemies. HealByAssistance is used for the latest, no need to add extra variables. */ if( KFPC == Killer && KFGI != none && KFGI.OutbreakEvent.ActiveEvent.bGoompaJumpEnabled ) { for (j = 0; j < DamageHistory[i].DamageTypes.Length; j++) { if (DamageHistory[i].DamageTypes[j] == class 'KFDT_GoompaStomp') { PawnHuman.HealDamageForce(MonsterPawn.HealByAssistance, KFPC, class'KFDT_Healing', false, false ); return; } } PawnHuman.HealDamageForce(MonsterPawn.HealByKill, KFPC, class'KFDT_Healing', false, false ); return; } // if( KFPC == Killer ) { PawnHuman.HealDamageForce(MonsterPawn.HealByKill, KFPC, class'KFDT_Healing', false, false ); if( KFPawn_ZedFleshpound(MonsterPawn) != none || KFPawn_ZedScrake(MonsterPawn) != none ) { KFPC.ReceivePowerUp(class'KFPowerUp_HellishRage_NoCostHeal'); } } else { PawnHuman.HealDamageForce(MonsterPawn.HealByAssistance, KFPC, class'KFDT_Healing', false, false ); } } } } } } } function StartMatch() { super.StartMatch(); } function CreateDifficultyInfo(string Options) { super.CreateDifficultyInfo(Options); //If we want to use custom weapon respawn times, set them here if (OutbreakEvent.ActiveEvent.bUseOverrideItemRespawnTime) { DifficultyInfo.NumPlayers_WeaponPickupRespawnTime = OutbreakEvent.ActiveEvent.OverrideItemRespawnTime; } //If we want to use custom ammo respawn times, set them here if (OutbreakEvent.ActiveEvent.bUseOverrideAmmoRespawnTime) { DifficultyInfo.NumPlayers_AmmoPickupRespawnTime = OutbreakEvent.ActiveEvent.OverrideAmmoRespawnTime; } } event PostLogin( PlayerController NewPlayer ) { local KFPlayerController_WeeklySurvival KFPC; local KFPawn_Customization KFCustomizePawn; super.PostLogin(NewPlayer); KFPC = KFPlayerController_WeeklySurvival(NewPlayer); if (KFPC != none) { KFPC.bUsingPermanentZedTime = OutbreakEvent.ActiveEvent.bPermanentZedTime; KFPC.ZedTimeRadius = OutbreakEvent.ActiveEvent.ZedTimeRadius * OutbreakEvent.ActiveEvent.ZedTimeRadius; KFPC.ZedTimeBossRadius = OutbreakEvent.ActiveEvent.ZedTimeBossRadius * OutbreakEvent.ActiveEvent.ZedTimeBossRadius; KFPC.ZedTimeHeight = OutbreakEvent.ActiveEvent.ZedTimeHeight; KFPC.ZedRecheckTime = OutbreakEvent.ActiveEvent.PermanentZedResetTime; //Handle any visual-related things for customization pawn so the pregame lobby has the fun things KFCustomizePawn = KFPawn_Customization(KFPC.Pawn); if (KFCustomizePawn != none) { KFCustomizePawn.IntendedHeadScale = OutbreakEvent.ActiveEvent.PlayerSpawnHeadScale; KFCustomizePawn.SetHeadScale(KFCustomizePawn.IntendedHeadScale, KFCustomizePawn.CurrentHeadScale); } } } function SetBossIndex() { local BossSpawnReplacement Replacement; local int ReplaceIdx; BossIndex = Rand(default.AIBossClassList.Length); //Search in the replacement list for the one that the game type wanted to use // If we find it, grab the appropriate index into the original AI class list // so we can properly cache it. foreach OutbreakEvent.ActiveEvent.BossSpawnReplacementList(Replacement) { if (Replacement.SpawnEntry == BossIndex) { ReplaceIdx = AIBossClassList.Find(Replacement.NewClass); if (ReplaceIdx != INDEX_NONE) { BossIndex = ReplaceIdx; break; } } } MyKFGRI.CacheSelectedBoss(BossIndex); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Ticking function Tick(float DeltaTime) { CurrentFrameBooms = 0; super.Tick(DeltaTime); } function TickZedTime( float DeltaTime ) { super.TickZedTime(DeltaTime); //If we're in permanent mode with a valid wave, set remaining time to a stupid value to stay in zed time if (OutbreakEvent.ActiveEvent.bPermanentZedTime && IsWaveActive()) { //Keep up the timer if we have enough zeds left or it's a boss phase if (MyKFGRI.AIRemaining > OutbreakEvent.ActiveEvent.PermanentZedTimeCutoff || WaveNum == WaveMax) { ZedTimeRemaining = 999999.f; } //Else start the fade back to normal else if (ZedTimeRemaining > ZedTimeBlendOutTime) { ZedTimeRemaining = ZedTimeBlendOutTime; ClearZedTimePCTimers(); } } } function WaveEnded(EWaveEndCondition WinCondition) { local KFPawn_Human Pawn; super.WaveEnded(WinCondition); if (OutbreakEvent.ActiveEvent.bPermanentZedTime && ZedTimeRemaining > ZedTimeBlendOutTime) { ClearZedTimePCTimers(); ZedTimeRemaining = ZedTimeBlendOutTime; } if (OutbreakEvent.ActiveEvent.bHealPlayerAfterWave) { foreach WorldInfo.AllPawns(class'KFPawn_Human', Pawn) { Pawn.Health = Pawn.HealthMax; } } DisableGlobalDamage(); } function ClearZedTimePCTimers() { local KFPlayerController_WeeklySurvival KFPC; foreach AllActors(class'KFPlayerController_WeeklySurvival', KFPC) { KFPC.ClearTimer('RecheckZedTime'); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Completion function EndOfMatch(bool bVictory) { local KFPlayerController KFPC; super.EndOfMatch(bVictory); if (bVictory) { foreach WorldInfo.AllControllers(class'KFPlayerController', KFPC) { KFPC.CompletedWeeklySurvival(); } } } function StartWave() { super.StartWave(); // Stop Global Damage for boss wave if (!OutbreakEvent.ActiveEvent.bApplyGlobalDamageBossWave && WaveNum == WaveMax) { DisableGlobalDamage(); } // In case there was a previous boss wave. Not sure if possible else if (OutbreakEvent.ActiveEvent.GlobalDamageTickRate > 0.f && OutbreakEvent.ActiveEvent.GlobalDamageTickAmount > 0.f) { if(!IsTimerActive('EnableGlobalDamage', self)) { SetTimer(OutbreakEvent.ActiveEvent.DamageDelayAfterWaveStarted, false, 'EnableGlobalDamage', self); } // Check if we are in the zed frustration time to stop applying damage SetTimer(1.0f, true, 'CheckForZedFrustrationMode', self); } if (OutbreakEvent.ActiveEvent.bPermanentZedTime) { //If we're a boss wave, wait until the camera animation is going if (WaveNum == WaveMax) { SetTimer(0.25f, true, nameof(BossCameraZedTimeRecheck)); } else { //Enable permanent zed time SetPermanentZedTime(); } } if (OutbreakEvent.ActiveEvent.AdditionalBossWaveInfo != none && WaveNum == WaveMax) { SetTimer(OutbreakEvent.ActiveEvent.AdditionalBossWaveStartDelay, true, nameof(SpawnBossWave)); } if (OutbreakEvent.ActiveEvent.bUnlimitedWeaponPickups) { OverridePickupList(); } } function bool OverridePickupList() { local KFPickupFactory PickupFactory; local KFPickupFactory_Item ItemFactory; local KFGameReplicationInfo_WeeklySurvival KFGRI_WS; KFGRI_WS=KFGameReplicationInfo_WeeklySurvival(MyKFGRI); if (KFGRI_WS == none) return false; foreach ItemPickups(PickupFactory) { ItemFactory = KFPickupFactory_Item(PickupFactory); if (ItemFactory == none) continue; KFGRI_WS.OverrideWeaponPickups(ItemFactory); ItemFactory.OverridePickup(); } return true; } function EnableGlobalDamage() { MyKFGRI.SetGlobalDamage(true); SetTimer(OutbreakEvent.ActiveEvent.GlobalDamageTickRate, true, 'ApplyGlobalDamage', OutbreakEvent); } function DisableGlobalDamage() { MyKFGRI.SetGlobalDamage(false); if (IsTimerActive('ApplyGlobalDamage', OutbreakEvent)) { ClearTimer('ApplyGlobalDamage', OutbreakEvent); } if (IsTimerActive('EnableGlobalDamage', self)) { ClearTimer('EnableGlobalDamage', self); } } function CheckForZedFrustrationMode() { if(IsTimerActive('ApplyGlobalDamage', OutbreakEvent)) { if(class'KFAIController'.default.FrustrationThreshold > 0 && MyKFGRI.AIRemaining <= class'KFAIController'.default.FrustrationThreshold) { DisableGlobalDamage(); ClearTimer('CheckForZedFrustrationMode', self); } } } function BossCameraZedTimeRecheck() { local KFPawn_Monster KFM; local KFInterface_MonsterBoss BossRef; foreach WorldInfo.AllPawns(class'KFPawn_Monster', KFM) { if (KFM.static.IsABoss()) { BossRef = KFInterface_MonsterBoss(KFM); if (BossRef != none) { if (BossRef.UseAnimatedBossCamera()) { return; } //We have a boss that isn't animating. Go ahead and start zed time else { ClearTimer(nameof(BossCameraZedTimeRecheck)); SetPermanentZedTime(); } } } } } //Hijack existing boss summon functionality to spawn extra boss wave function SpawnBossWave() { SetTimer(OutbreakEvent.ActiveEvent.AdditionalBossWaveFrequency, false, nameof(SpawnBossWave)); SpawnManager.SummonBossMinions(OutbreakEvent.ActiveEvent.AdditionalBossWaveInfo.Squads, GetAdditionalBossSpawns()); if (!OutbreakEvent.ActiveEvent.bContinuousAdditionalBossWave) { //Arbitrary time, but delay a bit for spawns to go through, then cut off additional boss wave spawning til next timer hit SetTimer(2.f, false, nameof(PauseAdditionalBossWaves)); } } function PauseAdditionalBossWaves() { SpawnManager.StopSummoningBossMinions(); } function byte GetAdditionalBossSpawns() { return byte(Lerp(OutbreakEvent.ActiveEvent.AdditionalBossSpawnCount.X, OutbreakEvent.ActiveEvent.AdditionalBossSpawnCount.Y,fMax(NumPlayers, 1) / float(MaxPlayers))); } function OpenTrader() { //If we're in permanent zed time, disable it for trader time if (OutbreakEvent.ActiveEvent.bPermanentZedTime && ZedTimeRemaining > ZedTimeBlendOutTime) { ClearZedTimePCTimers(); ZedTimeRemaining = ZedTimeBlendOutTime; } if (!OutbreakEvent.ActiveEvent.bDisableTraders) { super.OpenTrader(); } else if (KFGameReplicationInfo(GameReplicationInfo) != none) { KFGameReplicationInfo(GameReplicationInfo).StartScavengeTime(TimeBetweenWaves); } } function SetupNextTrader() { if (!OutbreakEvent.ActiveEvent.bDisableTraders) { super.SetupNextTrader(); } } State TraderOpen { function BeginState( Name PreviousStateName ) { super.BeginState(PreviousStateName); //Adding the call here. Whether or not super gets called is based on ActiveEvent flag. ResetAllPickups(); } } function InitAllPickups() { super.InitAllPickups(); //If this event is trying to do things to the pickup count, redo the init functionality if (OutbreakEvent.ActiveEvent.OverrideItemPickupModifier >= 0.f || OutbreakEvent.ActiveEvent.OverrideAmmoPickupModifier >= 0.f) { NumWeaponPickups = ItemPickups.Length * (OutbreakEvent.ActiveEvent.OverrideItemPickupModifier >= 0.f ? OutbreakEvent.ActiveEvent.OverrideItemPickupModifier : DifficultyInfo.GetItemPickupModifier()); NumAmmoPickups = AmmoPickups.Length * (OutbreakEvent.ActiveEvent.OverrideAmmoPickupModifier >= 0.f ? OutbreakEvent.ActiveEvent.OverrideAmmoPickupModifier : DifficultyInfo.GetAmmoPickupModifier()); `if(`__TW_SDK_) if( BaseMutator != none ) { BaseMutator.ModifyPickupFactories(); } `endif ResetAllPickups(); } } function ResetAllPickups() { local bool bCallReset; bCallReset = false; switch(OutbreakEvent.ActiveEvent.PickupResetTime) { case PRS_Wave: bCallReset = IsWaveActive(); break; case PRS_Trader: bCallReset = !IsWaveActive(); break; case PRS_WaveAndTrader: bCallReset = true; break; case PRS_Never: bCallReset = false; break; } if (bCallReset) { super.ResetAllPickups(); } } function ResetPickups( array PickupList, int NumPickups ) { //If we're resetting ammo and in an ammo list, use that modifier if (OutbreakEvent.ActiveEvent.WaveAmmoPickupModifiers.Length >= WaveMax && KFPickupFactory_Ammo(PickupList[0]) != none) { NumPickups *= OutbreakEvent.ActiveEvent.WaveAmmoPickupModifiers[WaveNum]; super(KFGameInfo).ResetPickups(PickupList, NumPickups); } //If we're resetting items and in an item list, use that modifier else if (OutbreakEvent.ActiveEvent.WaveItemPickupModifiers.Length >= WaveMax && KFPickupFactory_Item(PickupList[0]) != none) { NumPickups *= OutbreakEvent.ActiveEvent.WaveItemPickupModifiers[WaveNum]; if(OutbreakEvent.ActiveEvent.OverrideItemPickupModifier == 0) NumPickups = 0; super(KFGameInfo).ResetPickups(PickupList, NumPickups); } //Otherwise, use normal path else { super.ResetPickups(PickupList, NumPickups); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Spawning /** Allow specific game type to override the spawn class. Default implementation returns from the AI class list. */ function class GetAISpawnType(EAIType AIType) { if (WaveNum < WaveMax || OutbreakEvent.ActiveEvent.bAllowSpawnReplacementDuringBossWave) { return OutbreakEvent.GetAISpawnOverrirde(AIType); } //No override, return default return AIClassList[AIType]; } /** Whether or not a specific primary weapon is allowed. Called at player spawn time while setting inventory. */ function bool AllowPrimaryWeapon(string ClassPath) { local STraderItem Item; if (OutbreakEvent.ActiveEvent.SpawnWeaponList != none) { foreach OutbreakEvent.ActiveEvent.SpawnWeaponList.SaleItems(Item) { if ( name(Item.WeaponDef.default.WeaponClassPath) == name(ClassPath) ) { return true; } } return true; } return true; } /** Whether or not a specific secondary weapon is allowed. Called at player spawn time while setting inventory. */ function bool AllowSecondaryWeapon(string ClassPath) { local STraderItem Item; if (OutbreakEvent.ActiveEvent.SpawnWeaponList != none && OutbreakEvent.ActiveEvent.bSpawnWeaponListAffectsSecondaryWeapons) { foreach OutbreakEvent.ActiveEvent.SpawnWeaponList.SaleItems(Item) { if ( name(Item.WeaponDef.default.WeaponClassPath) == name(ClassPath) ) { return true; } } return false; } return true; } /** Allows gametype to adjust starting grenade count. Called at player spawn time from GiveInitialGrenadeCount in the inventory. */ function int AdjustStartingGrenadeCount(int CurrentCount) { if (OutbreakEvent.ActiveEvent.bDisableGrenades) { return 0; } return CurrentCount; } /** Allows gametype to validate a perk for the current match */ function bool IsPerkAllowed(class PerkClass) { Local int index; if(OutbreakEvent.ActiveEvent.PerksAvailableList.length == 0) { return true; } for( index=0 ; index ExplosionIgnoreClass) { local KFExplosionActorReplicated ExploActor; if (CurrentFrameBooms < OutbreakEvent.ActiveEvent.MaxBoomsPerFrame) { ExploActor = Spawn(class'KFExplosionActorReplicated', DeadPawn, , DeadPawn.Location); if (ExploActor != none) { ExploActor.InstigatorController = DeadPawn.Controller; ExploActor.Instigator = DeadPawn; ExploActor.Attachee = DeadPawn; ExplosionTemplate.ActorClassToIgnoreForDamage = ExplosionIgnoreClass; ExploActor.Explode(ExplosionTemplate, vect(0, 0, 1)); ++CurrentFrameBooms; } } } simulated function AddWeaponsFromSpawnList(KFPawn P) { local STraderItem Item; if (OutbreakEvent.ActiveEvent.SpawnWeaponList != none || OutbreakEvent.ActiveEvent.bAddSpawnListToLoadout) { foreach OutbreakEvent.ActiveEvent.SpawnWeaponList.SaleItems(Item) { P.DefaultInventory.AddItem(class(DynamicLoadObject(Item.WeaponDef.default.WeaponClassPath, class'Class'))); } } } simulated function OverrideHumanDefaults(KFPawn_Human P) { if (OutbreakEvent.ActiveEvent.JumpZ >= 0.0f) { P.JumpZ = OutbreakEvent.ActiveEvent.JumpZ; } } simulated function ModifyDamageGiven(out int InDamage, optional Actor DamageCauser, optional KFPawn_Monster MyKFPM, optional KFPlayerController DamageInstigator, optional class DamageType, optional int HitZoneIdx ) { local KFPlayerController_WeeklySurvival KFPC; local int Streak; if (OutbreakEvent.ActiveEvent.bGoompaJumpEnabled) { KFPC = KFPlayerController_WeeklySurvival(DamageInstigator); if (KFPC != none) { Streak = KFPC.GoompaStreakBonus < KFPC.MaxGoompaStreak ? KFPC.GoompaStreakBonus : KFPC.MaxGoompaStreak; InDamage *= (1 + OutbreakEvent.ActiveEvent.GoompaStreakDamage * Streak); } } } defaultproperties { //Overrides GameReplicationInfoClass=class'KFGameContent.KFGameReplicationInfo_WeeklySurvival' PlayerControllerClass=class'KFGame.KFPlayerController_WeeklySurvival' OutbreakEventClass=class'KFOutbreakEvent_Weekly' }