/** * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ class UDKAnimNodeJumpLeanOffset extends AnimNodeAimOffset native(Animation); /** Amount to activate the 'jump lean' node. */ var() float JumpLeanStrength; /** How quickly the leaning can change. */ var() float MaxLeanChangeSpeed; /** If we should invert the leaning when coming down. */ var() bool bMultiplyByZVelocity; var AnimNodeAimOffset CachedAimNode; var name OldAimProfileName; /** Desired 'aim' to use, before being blended in/out by LeanWeight. */ var vector2D PreBlendAim; var() bool bDodging; var bool bOldDodging; var() bool bDoubleJumping; var bool bOldDoubleJumping; /** Strength of leaning applied by this node. Updated over time based on LeanWeightTarget. */ var float LeanWeight; /** Used for blending leaning in and out over time */ var float LeanWeightTarget; /** Time to finish blending to LeanWeightTarget (seconds) */ var float BlendTimeToGo; cpptext { virtual void InitAnim(USkeletalMeshComponent* meshComp, UAnimNodeBlendBase* Parent); virtual void TickAnim(FLOAT DeltaSeconds); } /** Allows blending in and out of leaning over time. */ native final function SetLeanWeight( float WeightTarget, float BlendTime ); defaultproperties { LeanWeight=1.0 LeanWeightTarget=1.0 }