/** * Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ class MobileGameCrowdAgent extends GameCrowdAgentSkeletal ShowCategories(Collision); /** Stop agent moving and pay death anim */ function PlayDeath(vector KillMomentum) { Super.PlayDeath(KillMomentum); if ( WorldInfo.TimeSeconds - LastRenderTime > 1 ) { LifeSpan = 0.01; } else { LifeSpan = DeadBodyDuration; } } /** Called by the Kismet "SetMaterial" node */ function OnSetMaterial(SeqAct_SetMaterial Action) { if( SkeletalMeshComponent != None ) { SkeletalMeshComponent.SetMaterial( Action.MaterialIndex, Action.NewMaterial ); } } defaultproperties { Health=20 bProjTarget=true // Create a cylinder component to serve as the collision bounds for crowd actors Begin Object Class=CylinderComponent Name=CollisionCylinder CollisionRadius=+0034.000000 CollisionHeight=+0078.000000 BlockNonZeroExtent=true BlockZeroExtent=true BlockActors=true CollideActors=true End Object CollisionComponent=CollisionCylinder Components.Add(CollisionCylinder) RotateToTargetSpeed=60000.0 MaxWalkingSpeed=200.0 }