//============================================================================= // KFGFxMoviePlayer_Manager //============================================================================= // The managing movie player for all menu objects. // The string of the specific menu .swf is passed into action script to be loaded. // Upon being loaded, WidgetInitialized will get called to initialize each unique menu // To add a new menu, a WidgetBindings must be based created in the default properties // based on the on the instance name of the asset and the objects class //============================================================================= // Killing Floor 2 // Copyright (C) 2015 Tripwire Interactive LLC // - Greg Felber 7/1/2013 //============================================================================= class KFGFxMoviePlayer_Manager extends GFxMoviePlayer config(UI); /************************************ * Menus ************************************/ `include(KFProfileSettings.uci) /** Connects a menu ID with its path */ enum EUIIndex { UI_Start, UI_Perks, UI_Gear, UI_Dosh_Vault, UI_Inventory, UI_Store, UI_OptionsSelection, UI_Exit_Menu, UI_OptionsControls, UI_OptionsAudio, UI_OptionsGraphics, UI_OptionsGameSettings, UI_Achievements, UI_Extras, UI_PostGame, UI_Trader, UI_ServerBrowserMenu, UI_IIS, UI_FiendsList, UI_OptionMic, }; // Anything not with a Misc priority will be only displayed once, even if attempted to be queued multiple times. enum EDelayedPopupPriorityId { EDPPID_Misc, EDPPID_SwitchTeams, EDPPID_RegionWait, EDPPID_RegionBest, EDPPID_Gamma, EDPPID_ExitToMainMenu, EDPPID_JoinFailure, EDPPID_ControllerDisconnect, }; struct SMenuPaths { var string BaseSWFPath; var string ConsoleSWFPath; }; var bool bDisplayedInitialFreePopUp; var SDelayedPriorityMessage DelayedPriorityMessage; var float LastForceCloseTime; var float AllowMenusOpenAfterForceCloseTime; /** Points to the .swf location of each menu and is controlled by the EUIIndex */ var array MenuSWFPaths; var KFGFxObject_Menu CurrentMenu; var byte CurrentMenuIndex; /** Cached menu objects, set through widget initialized */ var KFGfxMenu_StartGame StartMenu; var KFGFxMenu_Perks PerksMenu; var KFGFxMenu_Gear GearMenu; var KFGFxMenu_Inventory InventoryMenu; var KFGFxMenu_Store StoreMenu; var KFGFxOptionsMenu_Controls OptionsControlsMenu; var KFGFxOptionsMenu_Audio OptionsAudioMenu; var KFGFxOptionsMenu_Graphics OptionsGraphicsMenu; var KFGFxOptionsMenu_GameSettings OptionsGameSettingsMenu; var KFGFxOptionsMenu_Selection OptionsSelectionMenu; var KFGFxMenu_PostGameReport PostGameMenu; var KFGFxMenu_Trader TraderMenu; var KFGFxMenu_ServerBrowser ServerBrowserMenu; var KFGFxMenu_Exit ExitMenu; var KFGFxMenu_IIS IISMenu; var KFGFxMenu_DoshVault DoshVaultMenu; /** The screen size movie used to adjusted safe frame */ var KFGFxMoviePlayer_ScreenSize ScreenSizeMovie; var KFProfileSettings CachedProfile; var bool bPostGameState; var class InGamePartyWidgetClass; var TextureMovie CurrentBackgroundMovie; /** Connects the different layers of the start menu with an index */ enum EStartMenuState { EStartHome, EMatchmaking, ECreateGame, EServerBrowser, ESoloGame, ETutorial, EOverview, EServerBrowserOverview, EOverview_Matchmaking, EOverviewCreateGame, }; var EStartMenuState StartMenuState; /************************************ * Popups ************************************/ /** Used to load different types of possible popups */ enum EPopUpType { EConfirmation, EGamma, ENotification, EPopUpMax, EInputPrompt, EFriendsList, EOptionMic, EConfirmInvite, }; struct DelayedPopup { var bool bShown; var int Priority; var EPopUpType PopUpType; var string TitleString; var string DescriptionString; var string LeftButtonString; var string RightButtonString; var delegateLeftButtonDelegate; var delegateRightButtonDelegate; var string MiddleButtonString; var delegateMiddleButtonDelegate; var name OverridingSoundEffect; structdefaultproperties { bShown=false Priority=0 PopUpType=EConfirmation } }; var array DelayedPopups; var transient int ActivePopup; /** Reference to the popup that is currently open */ var KFGFxObject_Popup CurrentPopup; /** Reference to which popup type is currently open */ var EPopUpType CurrentPopUpType; // Stores localization and SWF Movie Path info for a specific popup. struct SPopupData { var string SWFPath; var localized array TitleStrings; var localized array DescriptionStrings; var localized string LeftButtonString; var localized string RightButtonString; }; var Protected Array PopupData; var localized string FailedSearchTitleString; var localized string FailedSearchString; var localized string BrowseServersString; var localized string HasInvitedToGameString; var localized string JoinGameString; /************************************ * Widgets - UI Menu elements that are persistent ************************************/ var KFGFxWidget_MenuBar MenuBarWidget; var KFGFxWidget_BaseParty PartyWidget; var KFGFxWidget_ButtonPrompt ButtonPromptWidget; var KFGFxWidget_BackendStatusIndicatorWidget BackendStatusIndicatorWidget; var array WidgetPaths; /************************************ * Misc ************************************/ var bool bStatsInitialized; //The target PRI for current kick vote var PlayerReplicationInfo KickVotePRI; //The target PRI for current skip trader vote var PlayerReplicationInfo SkipTraderVotePRI; // The target PRI for current pause vote var PlayerReplicationInfo PauseGameVotePRI; /** Cached version of the TWOnlineLobby */ var TWOnlineLobby OnlineLobby; var UniqueNetId CurrentInviteLobbyId; var const UniqueNetId ZeroUniqueId; /** Reference to the LoaderManager.swf */ var GFxObject ManagerObject; /** Reference to the KFHUD */ var KFHUDBase HUD; /** The main menus background movie */ var array BackgroundMovies; /** The IIS background movie */ var TextureMovie IISMovie; /** Array of commands that cannot be rebound */ var array IgnoredCommands; /** Points to the UI sound effects */ var name SoundThemeName; /** The threshold at which a mouse movement will change the interface from controller to mouse and keyboard */ var const int MouseInputChangedThreshold; /** TRUE if the kick vote popup is open */ var bool bKickVotePopupActive; /** TRUE if the skip trader vote popup is open */ var bool bSkipTraderVotePopupActive; /** TRUE if the pause game vote popup is open */ var bool bPauseGameVotePopupActive; var bool bUsingGamepad; // True if we are using a gamepad, otherwise we are using mouse and keyboard var bool bAfterLobby; // Set to true once we have readied up var bool bMenusOpen; // true if we're using menus, otherwise we're using the HUD var bool bMenusActive; //@HSL - JRO - 6/21/2016 - Same as bMenusOpen but doesn't include the closing animation var bool bSearchingForGame; // true if we are in the process of finding a game var bool bCanCloseMenu; // Set to true after a menu has been completely opened and allows a player to close the menu var bool bForceCloseMenuNextTime; // Allows the system to close the menu var bool bPlayerInLobby; //@HSL_MOD_BEGIN - amiller 5/11/2016 - Adding support to save extra data into profile settings - removing config var bool bSetGamma; // Set to true if we've already set the gamma on the first launch //@HSL_MOD_END var OnlineSubsystem OnlineSub; var bool bCheckConnectionOnFirstLaunch; /** The playfab interface used for console */ var PlayfabInterface PlayfabInter; //Inventory Pending item var int SelectIDOnOpen; //Delegates for popups. These are used to hold the delegates while the swf is loading. once it is loaded, it will pass it to the GFX object //@TODO: Rewrite the pop up system to keep the pop ups loaded in at all times so the pending delegates are not needed. (Hide and show them as needed) delegate PendingRightButtonDelegate(); delegate PendingMiddleButtonDelegate(); delegate PendingLeftButtonDelegate(); /** Called on creation of the movie player */ function Init(optional LocalPlayer LocPlay) { local Vector2D ViewportSize; local GameViewportClient GVC; local float ScaleStage; // Initialize datastores class'KFUIDataStore_GameResource'.static.InitializeProviders(); HUD = KFHUDBase(GetPC().myHUD); super.Init( LocPlay ); bCheckConnectionOnFirstLaunch = true; if(OnlineSub == none) { OnlineSub = class'GameEngine'.static.GetOnlineSubsystem(); if( OnlineSub != none ) { OnlineLobby = OnlineSub.GetLobbyInterface(); CachedProfile = KFProfileSettings( OnlineSub.PlayerInterface.GetProfileSettings( GetLP().ControllerId ) ); if( CachedProfile != none ) { bSetGamma = CachedProfile.GetProfileBool( KFID_SetGamma ); } } } PlayfabInter = class'GameEngine'.static.GetPlayfabInterface(); `TimerHelper.SetTimer( 1.0, true, nameof(OneSecondLoop), self ); SetTimingMode(TM_Real); GVC = GetGameViewportClient(); if ( GVC != None && class'WorldInfo'.static.IsConsoleBuild(CONSOLE_Orbis)) { GVC.GetViewportSize(ViewportSize); ScaleStage = class'Engine'.static.GetTitleSafeArea(); SetViewport((ViewportSize.X-(ViewportSize.X*ScaleStage))/2,(ViewportSize.Y-(ViewportSize.Y*ScaleStage))/2,(ViewportSize.X*ScaleStage),(ViewportSize.Y*ScaleStage)); } bUsingGamepad = class'WorldInfo'.static.IsConsoleBuild(); UpdateDynamicIgnoreKeys(); } function OnProfileSettingsRead() { CachedProfile = KFProfileSettings( OnlineSub.PlayerInterface.GetProfileSettings( GetLP().ControllerId ) ); // Only set this if profile has finished reading if( CachedProfile != None && CachedProfile.AsyncState == OPAS_Finished ) { bSetGamma = CachedProfile.GetProfileBool( KFID_SetGamma ); // Now that profile settings have been read in, show the gamma popup if needed if( !bSetGamma && !class'KFGameEngine'.static.CheckSkipGammaCheck() && !class'WorldInfo'.static.IsConsoleBuild( CONSOLE_Durango ) ) { `log(`location@"33"@`showvar(bSetGamma)@`showvar(CurrentMenu)); ManagerObject.SetBool("bStartUpGamma", true); // Let the manager know if we are gamma for start up so we can block backing out of the popup - HSL DelayedOpenPopup(EGamma,EDPPID_Gamma, "", Class'KFGFxOptionsMenu_Graphics'.default.AdjustGammaDescription, Class'KFGFxOptionsMenu_Graphics'.default.ResetGammaString, Class'KFGFxOptionsMenu_Graphics'.default.SetGammaString); } } } /** Called at the creation of the movie player, used to create the starting menus */ function LaunchMenus( optional bool bForceSkipLobby ) { local GFxWidgetBinding WidgetBinding; local bool bSkippedLobby, bShowIIS; local KFGameViewportClient GVC; local KFPlayerController KFPC; local bool bShowMenuBg; local TextureMovie BGTexture; local OnlineSubsystem MyOnlineSub; GVC = KFGameViewportClient(GetGameViewportClient()); KFPC = KFPlayerController(GetPC()); bStatsInitialized = KFPC.HasReadStats(); // Add either the in game party or out of game party widget WidgetBinding.WidgetName = 'partyWidget'; if ( class'WorldInfo'.static.IsMenuLevel() ) { WidgetBinding.WidgetClass = class'KFGFxWidget_PartyMainMenu'; // If this is the menu level see if we've been here before. bShowIIS = GVC != None && !GVC.bSeenIIS; UpdateBackgroundMovie(); BGTexture = (GetPC().WorldInfo.IsConsoleBuild() && bShowIIS) ? IISMovie : CurrentBackgroundMovie; bShowMenuBg = GVC.bSeenIIS || !GetPC().WorldInfo.IsConsoleBuild(); ManagerObject.SetBool("backgroundVisible", bShowMenuBg); ManagerObject.SetBool("IISMovieVisible", !bShowMenuBg); // Only play the movie if we are not in game BGTexture.Play(); } else { bSkippedLobby = bForceSkipLobby || CheckSkipLobby(); WidgetBinding.WidgetClass = InGamePartyWidgetClass; ManagerObject.SetBool("backgroundVisible", false); ManagerObject.SetBool("IISMovieVisible", false); if (bSkippedLobby) { CurrentBackgroundMovie.Stop(); } } WidgetBindings.AddItem(WidgetBinding); // Load the platform-specific graphics options menu switch( class'KFGameEngine'.static.GetPlatform() ) { case PLATFORM_PC_DX10: WidgetBinding.WidgetName = 'optionsGraphicsMenu'; WidgetBinding.WidgetClass = class'KFGFxOptionsMenu_Graphics_DX10'; WidgetBindings.AddItem(WidgetBinding); break; default: WidgetBinding.WidgetName = 'optionsGraphicsMenu'; WidgetBinding.WidgetClass = class'KFGFxOptionsMenu_Graphics'; WidgetBindings.AddItem(WidgetBinding); } if (!bSkippedLobby) { LoadWidgets(WidgetPaths); `log(`location@"11"@`showvar(bShowIIS)); // Console should check to see if we've seen the IIS and display it if this is the first time we've launched the menu. if(class'WorldInfo'.static.IsConsoleBuild() && bShowIIS) { OpenMenu(UI_IIS,false); } else { OpenMenu(UI_Start); } AllowCloseMenu(); //@HSL_BEGIN - JRO - 6/30/2016 - PSN disconnect/logout if(GVC.bNeedDisconnectMessage) { `TimerHelper.SetTimer(0.1f, false, 'DelayedShowDisconnectMessage', self); GVC.bNeedDisconnectMessage = false; } else if(class'WorldInfo'.static.IsConsoleBuild(CONSOLE_Durango) && bCheckConnectionOnFirstLaunch) { bCheckConnectionOnFirstLaunch = false; MyOnlineSub = Class'GameEngine'.static.GetOnlineSubsystem(); if(MyOnlineSub != None && MyOnlineSub.SystemInterface.GetCurrentConnectionStatus() != OSCS_Connected) { `TimerHelper.SetTimer(0.1f, false, 'DelayedShowStartDisconnectMessage', self); } } if(GVC.bHandlePlayTogether) { KFPC.OnGameDestroyedForPlayTogetherComplete('Party', true); GVC.bHandlePlayTogether = false; } //@HSL_END } // do this stuff in case CheckSkipLobby failed if( bForceSkipLobby ) { bAfterLobby = true; CloseMenus(true); } // Only read if cached profile has finished reading in if( !bSetGamma && !class'KFGameEngine'.static.CheckSkipGammaCheck() && CachedProfile != None && CachedProfile.AsyncState != OPAS_Read && !class'WorldInfo'.static.IsConsoleBuild( CONSOLE_Durango ) ) { `log(`location@"22"@`showvar(bSetGamma)@`showvar(bShowIIS)); ManagerObject.SetBool("bStartUpGamma", true); // Let the manager know if we are gamma for start up so we can block backing out of the popup - HSL DelayedOpenPopup(EGamma, EDPPID_Gamma,"", Class'KFGFxOptionsMenu_Graphics'.default.AdjustGammaDescription, Class'KFGFxOptionsMenu_Graphics'.default.ResetGammaString, Class'KFGFxOptionsMenu_Graphics'.default.SetGammaString); } } function UpdateBackgroundMovie() { local bool bWasPlaying; local TextureMovie NewBackgroundMovie; if(CurrentBackgroundMovie != none) { bWasPlaying = !CurrentBackgroundMovie.Stopped; } NewBackgroundMovie = GetBackgroundMovie(); if(bWasPlaying) { //Stop the old one if we're no longer needing it if (CurrentBackgroundMovie != NewBackgroundMovie) { CurrentBackgroundMovie.Stop(); } NewBackgroundMovie.Play(); } else { if(CurrentBackgroundMovie != none) { CurrentBackgroundMovie.Stop(); } NewBackgroundMovie.Stop(); } CurrentBackgroundMovie = NewBackgroundMovie; SetExternalTexture("background", CurrentBackgroundMovie, true); SetExternalTexture("IIS_BG", IISMovie, true); } function TextureMovie GetBackgroundMovie() { local int EventIndex; //if we launched partial install only show default movie if (class'GameEngine'.static.WasLaunchedOnPartialInstall()) { return BackgroundMovies[0]; } EventIndex = class'KFGameEngine'.static.GetSeasonalEventId(); if(EventIndex != INDEX_NONE && EventIndex < BackgroundMovies.Length) { return BackgroundMovies[EventIndex]; } return BackgroundMovies[0]; } function QueueDelayedPriorityMessage(string InPrimaryMessageString, string InSecondaryMessageString, int LifeTime, optional EGameMessageType MessageType) { DelayedPriorityMessage.InPrimaryMessageString = InPrimaryMessageString; DelayedPriorityMessage.InSecondaryMessageString = InSecondaryMessageString; DelayedPriorityMessage.LifeTime = LifeTime; DelayedPriorityMessage.MessageType = MessageType; `TimerHelper.SetTimer(0.5f, false, nameOf(DisplayDelayedPriorityMessage), self); } function DisplayDelayedPriorityMessage() { local KFPlayerController KFPC; KFPC = KFPlayerController(class'WorldInfo'.static.GetWorldInfo().GetALocalPlayerController()); if (KFPC != None && KFPC.MyGFxHUD != None && KFPC.MyGFxManager != none) { KFPC.MyGFxHUD.DisplayPriorityMessage(DelayedPriorityMessage.InPrimaryMessageString, KFPC.MyGFxManager.DelayedPriorityMessage.InSecondaryMessageString, KFPC.MyGFxManager.DelayedPriorityMessage.LifeTime, EGameMessageType(KFPC.MyGFxManager.DelayedPriorityMessage.MessageType)); } } static function HandleFreeTrialError(EFreeTrialNotification ErrorCode) { local KFPlayerController KFPC; local KFGFxMoviePlayer_Manager MovieManager; KFPC = KFPlayerController(class'WorldInfo'.static.GetWorldInfo().GetALocalPlayerController()); if (KFPC == none) { `log("KFPC is none, cannot display pop up."); return; } MovieManager = KFPC.MyGFxManager; If(MovieManager == none) { `log("Movie manager is none, cannot display pop up."); return; } switch (ErrorCode) { case FTN_FeatureUnavailable: MovieManager.DelayedOpenPopup(ENotification, EDPPID_Misc, Class'KFCommon_LocalizedStrings'.default.NoticeString, Class'KFCommon_LocalizedStrings'.default.NotAvailableInFreeTrialString, Class'KFCommon_LocalizedStrings'.default.ConfirmString); break; case FTN_NetworkCheckFailed: MovieManager.DelayedOpenPopup(ENotification, EDPPID_Misc, Class'KFCommon_LocalizedStrings'.default.NoticeString, Class'KFCommon_LocalizedStrings'.default.NetworkCheckFreeTrialFailedString, Class'KFCommon_LocalizedStrings'.default.ConfirmString); break; case FTN_BuyGame: MovieManager.DelayedOpenPopup(EConfirmation, EDPPID_Misc, "", class'KFCommon_LocalizedStrings'.default.FreeConsolePlayOverString, class'KFCommon_LocalizedStrings'.default.BuyGameString, class'KFCommon_LocalizedStrings'.default.OKString, MovieManager.OnBuyGamePressed); break; } } static function DisplayFreeTrialFeatureBlockedPopUp() { local KFPlayerController KFPC; local KFGFxMoviePlayer_Manager MovieManager; KFPC = KFPlayerController(class'WorldInfo'.static.GetWorldInfo().GetALocalPlayerController()); if (KFPC == none) { `log("KFPC is none, cannot display pop up."); return; } MovieManager = KFPC.MyGFxManager; If(MovieManager == none) { `log("Movie manager is none, cannot display pop up."); return; } MovieManager.DelayedOpenPopup(ENotification, EDPPID_Misc, Class'KFCommon_LocalizedStrings'.default.NoticeString, Class'KFCommon_LocalizedStrings'.default.NotAvailableInFreeTrialString, Class'KFCommon_LocalizedStrings'.default.ConfirmString); } static function DisplayCouldNotCheckFreeTrialStatusErrorPopUp() { local KFPlayerController KFPC; local KFGFxMoviePlayer_Manager MovieManager; KFPC = KFPlayerController(class'WorldInfo'.static.GetWorldInfo().GetALocalPlayerController()); if (KFPC == none) { `log("KFPC is none, cannot display pop up."); return; } MovieManager = KFPC.MyGFxManager; If(MovieManager == none) { `log("Movie manager is none, cannot display pop up."); return; } MovieManager.DelayedOpenPopup(ENotification, EDPPID_Misc, Class'KFCommon_LocalizedStrings'.default.NoticeString, Class'KFCommon_LocalizedStrings'.default.NetworkCheckFreeTrialFailedString, Class'KFCommon_LocalizedStrings'.default.ConfirmString); } static function DisplayFreeTrialOverPopUp() { local KFPlayerController KFPC; local KFGFxMoviePlayer_Manager MovieManager; KFPC = KFPlayerController(class'WorldInfo'.static.GetWorldInfo().GetALocalPlayerController()); if (KFPC == none) { `log("KFPC is none, cannot display pop up."); return; } MovieManager = KFPC.MyGFxManager; If(MovieManager == none) { `log("Movie manager is none, cannot display pop up."); return; } MovieManager.DelayedOpenPopup(EConfirmation, EDPPID_Misc, "", class'KFCommon_LocalizedStrings'.default.FreeConsolePlayOverString, class'KFCommon_LocalizedStrings'.default.BuyGameString, class'KFCommon_LocalizedStrings'.default.OKString, MovieManager.OnBuyGamePressed); } /** Called when player selects buy game from the end of demo popup */ function OnBuyGamePressed() { local OnlineSubsystem MyOnlineSub; `log("On Buy game pressed"); if (class'WorldInfo'.static.IsConsoleBuild(CONSOLE_Orbis)) { MyOnlineSub = Class'GameEngine'.static.GetOnlineSubsystem(); MyOnlineSub.OpenGameStorePage(); } } //@HSL_BEGIN - JRO - 6/30/2016 - PSN disconnect/logout function DelayedShowDisconnectMessage() { if(class'KFGameEngine'.static.IsFullScreenMoviePlaying()) { `TimerHelper.SetTimer(0.1f, false, 'DelayedShowDisconnectMessage', self); } else { DelayedOpenPopup(ENotification, EDPPID_JoinFailure, Localize("Notifications", "ConnectionLostTitle", "KFGameConsole"), Localize("Notifications", class'WorldInfo'.static.IsConsoleBuild(CONSOLE_Durango) ? "ConnectionLostMessageLive" : "ConnectionLostMessage", "KFGameConsole"), class'KFCommon_LocalizedStrings'.default.OKString); } } function DelayedShowStartDisconnectMessage() { if(class'KFGameEngine'.static.IsFullScreenMoviePlaying()) { `TimerHelper.SetTimer(0.1f, false, 'DelayedShowStartDisconnectMessage', self); } else { DelayedOpenPopup(ENotification, EDPPID_JoinFailure, Localize("Notifications", "NotConnectedTitle", "KFGameConsole"), Localize("Notifications", "NotConnectedMessage", "KFGameConsole"), class'KFCommon_LocalizedStrings'.default.OKString); } } //function DelayedOpenPopup( EPopUpType PopUpType, string TitleString, string DescriptionString, // string LeftButtonString, optional int Priority = 0) function DelayedOpenPopup( EPopUpType PopUpType, int PopupPriority, string TitleString, string DescriptionString, optional string LeftButtonString, optional string RightButtonString, optional delegateLeftButtonDelegate, optional delegateRightButtonDelegate, optional string MiddleButtonString, optional delegateMiddleButtonDelegate, optional name OverridingSoundEffect ) { local DelayedPopup Popup; local int i; Popup.PopupType = PopUpType; Popup.TitleString = TitleString; Popup.DescriptionString = DescriptionString; Popup.LeftButtonString = LeftButtonString; Popup.RightButtonString = RightButtonString; Popup.LeftButtonDelegate = LeftButtonDelegate; Popup.RightButtonDelegate = RightButtonDelegate; Popup.MiddleButtonString = MiddleButtonString; Popup.MiddleButtonDelegate = MiddleButtonDelegate; Popup.OverridingSoundEffect = OverridingSoundEffect; Popup.Priority = PopupPriority; // Special Case - RegionBest Popup replaces RegionWait popup if(PopupPriority == EDPPID_RegionBest && DelayedPopups[DelayedPopups.Length - 1].Priority == EDPPID_RegionWait) { UnloadCurrentPopup(); } // Check to see if the new one is more important, usurper case. else if(CurrentPopup != none && DelayedPopups.Length > 0) { if(DelayedPopups[DelayedPopups.Length - 1].Priority < PopupPriority) { DelayedPopups[DelayedPopups.Length - 1].bShown = false; } } // Start at Delayed Popups and look at previous elements, back element was already checked in usurper case for(i = DelayedPopups.Length; i > 0; --i) { // A message of this specific priority was already set, so we just display that to prevent the same popup from being queued multiple times. if(PopupPriority > 0 && PopupPriority == DelayedPopups[i - 1].Priority) { `QALog(`location@`showvar(i)@`showvar(PopupPriority)@"Skipping insert for popup that already has a similar, nonzero priority, popup in queue.", true); return; } if(DelayedPopups[i - 1].Priority <= PopupPriority) { DelayedPopups.InsertItem(i, Popup); `TimerHelper.SetTimer(0.1f, false, 'ShowDelayedPopupMessage', self); return; } } // Empty case, simply insert and show DelayedPopups.InsertItem(0, Popup); `TimerHelper.SetTimer(0.1f, false, 'ShowDelayedPopupMessage', self); } function ShowDelayedPopupMessage() { if(class'KFGameEngine'.static.IsFullScreenMoviePlaying() || (CurrentMenu == IISMenu && class'WorldInfo'.static.IsConsoleBuild(CONSOLE_Orbis))) { `TimerHelper.SetTimer(0.1f, false, 'ShowDelayedPopupMessage', self); return; } if(DelayedPopups.Length > 0 && !DelayedPopups[DelayedPopups.Length - 1].bShown) { OpenPopup( DelayedPopups[DelayedPopups.Length - 1].PopUpType, DelayedPopups[DelayedPopups.Length - 1].TitleString, DelayedPopups[DelayedPopups.Length - 1].DescriptionString, DelayedPopups[DelayedPopups.Length - 1].LeftButtonString, DelayedPopups[DelayedPopups.Length - 1].RightButtonString, DelayedPopups[DelayedPopups.Length - 1].LeftButtonDelegate, DelayedPopups[DelayedPopups.Length - 1].RightButtonDelegate, DelayedPopups[DelayedPopups.Length - 1].MiddleButtonString, DelayedPopups[DelayedPopups.Length - 1].MiddleButtonDelegate, DelayedPopups[DelayedPopups.Length - 1].OverridingSoundEffect); // Setting shown after OpenPopup, in case OpenPopup closes a usurped popup DelayedPopups[DelayedPopups.Length - 1].bShown = true; } } //@HSL_END /** Skip the UI Lobby if we are using the command line or in the editor */ function bool CheckSkipLobby() { /** if -skiplobby is added to the command line, skip past the lobby menu and spawn as a random perk */ if (!bAfterLobby && (class'KFGameEngine'.static.CheckSkipLobby() || class'KFGameEngine'.static.IsEditor())) { if (KFPlayerController( GetPC() ) != none) { KFPlayerController( GetPC() ).SkipLobby(); bAfterLobby = true; CloseMenus(true); return true; } } return false; } /** Ties the GFxClikWidget variables to the .swf components and handles events */ event bool WidgetInitialized(name WidgetName, name WidgetPath, GFxObject Widget) { local bool bHandled; bHandled = true; `log("KFGfxMoviePlayer_Manager - WidgetInitialized - WidgetName: " @WidgetName); switch ( WidgetName ) { case ( 'root1' ): if ( ManagerObject == none ) { ManagerObject = Widget; // Let the menuManager know if we are on console. ManagerObject.SetBool("bConsoleBuild",class'WorldInfo'.static.IsConsoleBuild()); } break; case ( 'doshVaultMenu' ): if(DoshVaultMenu == none) { DoshVaultMenu = KFGFxMenu_DoshVault(Widget); DoshVaultMenu.InitializeMenu( self ); } OnMenuOpen( WidgetPath, DoshVaultMenu ); break; case ( 'exitMenu' ): if( ExitMenu == none ) { ExitMenu = KFGFxMenu_Exit( Widget ); ExitMenu.InitializeMenu( self ); } OnMenuOpen( WidgetPath, ExitMenu ); break; case ( 'startMenu' ): if (StartMenu == none) { StartMenu = KFGFxMenu_StartGame( Widget ); StartMenu.InitializeMenu(self); } OnMenuOpen( WidgetPath, StartMenu ); break; case ( 'PerksMenu' ): if (PerksMenu == none) { PerksMenu = KFGFxMenu_Perks( Widget ); PerksMenu.InitializeMenu(self); } OnMenuOpen( WidgetPath, PerksMenu ); break; case ( 'serverBrowserMenu' ): if (ServerBrowserMenu == none) { ServerBrowserMenu = KFGFxMenu_ServerBrowser( Widget ); ServerBrowserMenu.InitializeMenu(self); } OnMenuOpen( WidgetPath, ServerBrowserMenu ); break; case ( 'gearMenu' ): if( MenuBarWidget != none && !MenuBarWidget.CanUseGearButton(GetPC(), self) ) { break; } if (GearMenu == none) { GearMenu = KFGFxMenu_Gear( Widget ); GearMenu.InitializeMenu(self); } OnMenuOpen( WidgetPath, GearMenu ); break; case ( 'inventoryMenu' ): if (InventoryMenu == none) { InventoryMenu = KFGFxMenu_Inventory( Widget ); InventoryMenu.InitializeMenu(self); } OnMenuOpen( WidgetPath, InventoryMenu ); break; case ( 'storeMenu' ): if (StoreMenu == none) { StoreMenu = KFGFxMenu_Store( Widget ); StoreMenu.InitializeMenu(self); } OnMenuOpen( WidgetPath, StoreMenu ); break; case ('optionsSelectionMenu'): if (OptionsSelectionMenu == none) { OptionsSelectionMenu = KFGFxOptionsMenu_Selection( Widget ); OptionsSelectionMenu.InitializeMenu(self); } OnMenuOpen( WidgetPath, OptionsSelectionMenu ); break; case ('optionsControlsMenu'): if (OptionsControlsMenu == none) { OptionsControlsMenu = KFGFxOptionsMenu_Controls( Widget ); OptionsControlsMenu.InitializeMenu(self); } OnMenuOpen( WidgetPath, OptionsControlsMenu ); break; case ('optionsAudioMenu'): if (OptionsAudioMenu == none) { OptionsAudioMenu = KFGFxOptionsMenu_Audio( Widget ); OptionsAudioMenu.InitializeMenu(self); } OnMenuOpen( WidgetPath, OptionsAudioMenu ); break; case ('optionsGraphicsMenu'): if (OptionsGraphicsMenu == none) { OptionsGraphicsMenu = KFGFxOptionsMenu_Graphics( Widget ); OptionsGraphicsMenu.InitializeMenu(self); } OnMenuOpen( WidgetPath, OptionsGraphicsMenu ); break; case ('optionsGameSettingsMenu'): if (OptionsGameSettingsMenu == none) { OptionsGameSettingsMenu = KFGFxOptionsMenu_GameSettings( Widget ); OptionsGameSettingsMenu.InitializeMenu(self); } OnMenuOpen( WidgetPath, OptionsGameSettingsMenu ); break; case ( 'traderMenu' ): if (TraderMenu == none) { TraderMenu = KFGFxMenu_Trader(Widget); TraderMenu.InitializeMenu(self); } OnMenuOpen(WidgetPath, TraderMenu); break; case ( 'postGameMenu' ): if( PostGameMenu == none ) { PostGameMenu = KFGFxMenu_PostGameReport( Widget ); PostGameMenu.InitializeMenu( self ); } OnMenuOpen(WidgetPath, PostGameMenu); break; case ( 'IISMenu' ): if( IISMenu == none ) { IISMenu = KFGFxMenu_IIS( Widget ); IISMenu.InitializeMenu( self ); } OnMenuOpen( WidgetPath, IISMenu ); break; case ( 'MenuBarWidget' ): if ( MenuBarWidget == none ) { MenuBarWidget = KFGFxWidget_MenuBar( Widget ); MenuBarWidget.InitializeMenu( self ); MenuBarWidget.InitializeCurrentMenu(UI_Start); } break; case ( 'ButtonPromptWidgetContainer' ): if ( ButtonPromptWidget == none ) { ButtonPromptWidget = KFGFxWidget_ButtonPrompt( Widget ); ButtonPromptWidget.InitializeMenu( self ); } break; case ( 'partyWidget' ): if ( PartyWidget == none ) { if ( class'WorldInfo'.static.IsMenuLevel() ) { PartyWidget = KFGFxWidget_PartyMainMenu( Widget ); } else { PartyWidget = KFGFxWidget_PartyInGame( Widget ); PartyWidget.StartCountdown(KFGameReplicationInfo(GetPC().WorldInfo.GRI).RemainingTime, false); } PartyWidget.Manager = self; PartyWidget.InitializeWidget(); } break; case ( 'ChatBoxWidget' ): if(PartyWidget != none) { if(PartyWidget.PartyChatWidget == none) { PartyWidget.PartyChatWidget = KFGFxHUD_ChatBoxWidget(Widget); PartyWidget.PartyChatWidget.Init(); } } break; case ( 'BackendStatusIndicatorWidget' ): if(BackendStatusIndicatorWidget == none) { BackendStatusIndicatorWidget = KFGFxWidget_BackendStatusIndicatorWidget(Widget); BackendStatusIndicatorWidget.Init(); } break; case 'GammaPopup': case 'ConnectionErrorPopup': case 'ConfirmationPopup': case 'InputPromptPopup': case 'FriendsListPopup': case 'OptionMicPopup': case 'FriendsConfirmInvitePopup': InitializePopup( WidgetPath, KFGFxObject_Popup( Widget ) ); break; default: bHandled = false; } return bHandled; } function StatsInitialized() { if(StartMenu != none && StartMenu.MissionObjectiveContainer != none) { StartMenu.MissionObjectiveContainer.FullRefresh(); } bStatsInitialized = true; //REFRESH ALL THE THINGS!!! } function AllowCloseMenu() { bCanCloseMenu = true; } function ForceUpdateNextFrame() { // Forces the update on the next frame `TimerHelper.SetTimer( 0.01, false, nameof(OnForceUpdate), self ); } function OnForceUpdate() { OneSecondLoop(); // Make sure this doesn't trigger again for another second `TimerHelper.SetTimer( 1.0, true, nameof(OneSecondLoop), self ); } /** Call this every and our current menu every second */ function OneSecondLoop() { if (bMenusOpen) { if ( CurrentMenu != none ) { CurrentMenu.OneSecondLoop(); } if ( PartyWidget != none ) { PartyWidget.OneSecondLoop(); } if( PostGameMenu != none ) { PostGameMenu.OneSecondLoop(); } if (IISMenu != none) { IISMenu.OneSecondLoop(); } } } /********************************************************************************************* * @name Opening / Closing ********************************************************************************************* */ /** Pause/unpause the game when menus are opened */ function SetMenusOpen(bool bIsOpen) { local KFGFxHudWrapper HudWrapper; // Pause our 1 second loop if the menu isn't open //`TimerHelper.PauseTimer( !bIsOpen, nameof(OneSecondLoop), self ); // not really needed since OneSecondLoop() checks bMenusOpen SetPause( !bIsOpen ); bMenusOpen = bIsOpen; bMenusActive = bIsOpen; //@HSL - JRO - 6/21/2016 - Mostly just useful for when bIsOpen is true. Set to false elsewhere, as this gets called too late to be useful in that case SetMovieCanReceiveInput(bIsOpen); if(bUsingGamepad) { FlushPlayerInput(false); } HudWrapper = KFGFxHudWrapper(HUD); if( HudWrapper != none && HudWrapper.HudMovie != none ) { HudWrapper.HudMovie.UpdateVisibilityState(); } } /** Tell flash we want to open a new menu */ function OpenMenu( byte NewMenuIndex, optional bool bShowWidgets = true ) { local EStartMenuState TempMenuState; local WorldInfo WI; local PlayerController PC; local string MenuPath; PC = GetPC(); `log("open menu: " @NewMenuIndex); if(PC.WorldInfo.TimeSeconds - LastForceCloseTime < AllowMenusOpenAfterForceCloseTime && LastForceCloseTime != 0) { return; } if( NewMenuIndex == UI_Gear ) { if( MenuBarWidget != none && !MenuBarWidget.CanUseGearButton(PC, self) ) { return; } } if(CurrentMenuIndex == UI_Dosh_Vault) { if(DoshVaultMenu != none && !DoshVaultMenu.CanCloseVaultMenu()) { MenuBarWidget.UpdateMenu(CurrentMenuIndex); return; } } WI = class'WorldInfo'.static.GetWorldInfo(); if(NewMenuIndex == UI_PostGame) { UnloadCurrentPopup(); } if(!bMenusOpen) { SetMenusOpen(true); } if(KickVotePRI != none) { ShowKickVote(KickVotePRI); } if(SkipTraderVotePRI != none && NewMenuIndex != UI_Trader) { ShowSkipTraderVote(SkipTraderVotePRI); } if(PauseGameVotePRI != none && NewMenuIndex != UI_Trader) { ShowPauseGameVote(PauseGameVotePRI); } // Close our last menu if we are already in a menu if (bMenusOpen && NewMenuIndex != CurrentMenuIndex && CurrentMenu != none) { CurrentMenu.OnClose(); CurrentMenu = none; } if (CurrentMenuIndex == UI_IIS && NewMenuIndex == UI_Start) { IISMovie.Stop(); ManagerObject.SetBool("IISMovieVisible", false); CurrentBackgroundMovie.Play(); ManagerObject.SetBool("backgroundVisible", true); } //@HSL_BEGIN - JRO - 6/30/2016 - PSN disconnect/logout if (NewMenuIndex == UI_IIS) { CurrentBackgroundMovie.Stop(); ManagerObject.SetBool("backgroundVisible", false); IISMovie.Play(); ManagerObject.SetBool("IISMovieVisible", true); class'Engine'.static.GetEngine().GameViewport.bAllowInputFromMultipleControllers = true; SetWidgetsVisible( false ); } //@HSL_END if (NewMenuIndex != UI_Trader) { CurrentMenuIndex = NewMenuIndex; } else { PlaySoundFromTheme('TRADER_OPEN_MENU', 'UI'); // fix for auto-close when use/close are bound to the same key if( PC != none && PC.PlayerInput != none ) { PC.PlayerInput.ResetInput(); } // The trader menu is not opened through ToggleMenus, set the timer to mark when the menu is completely open bCanCloseMenu = false; `TimerHelper.SetTimer( 0.5, false, nameof(AllowCloseMenu), self ); } if(CurrentMenuIndex == UI_Start) { if (class'WorldInfo'.Static.IsMenuLevel() && OnlineSub != none && !OnlineSub.IsGameOwned() && class'WorldInfo'.static.IsConsoleBuild(CONSOLE_Orbis) && !bDisplayedInitialFreePopUp) { if (OnlineSub.CanCheckFreeTrialState() && !OnlineSub.IsFreeTrialPeriodActive()) { bDisplayedInitialFreePopUp = true; HandleFreeTrialError(FTN_BuyGame); } if (!OnlineSub.CanCheckFreeTrialState()) { bDisplayedInitialFreePopUp = true; HandleFreeTrialError(FTN_NetworkCheckFailed); } } if (StartMenu != none) { TempMenuState = EStartMenuState(StartMenu.GetStartMenuState()); if (TempMenuState >= EOverview && !IsInLobby() && WI.IsMenuLevel()) { if (StartMenu != none) { StartMenu.SetOverview(); } } else { SetStartMenuState(TempMenuState); } } } UpdateMenuBar(); if ( class'WorldInfo'.static.IsConsoleBuild() && MenuSWFPaths[NewMenuIndex].ConsoleSWFPath != "" ) { MenuPath = MenuSWFPaths[NewMenuIndex].ConsoleSWFPath; } else { MenuPath = MenuSWFPaths[NewMenuIndex].BaseSWFPath; } LoadMenu( MenuPath, bShowWidgets ); } /** Tells actionscript which .swf to open up */ function LoadMenu(string Path, bool bShowWidgets) { ManagerObject.ActionScriptVoid("loadCurrentMenu"); } /** Tells actionscript which widget to load */ function LoadWidgets( array Paths) { ManagerObject.ActionScriptVoid("loadWidgets"); } /** Called once the menu has been loaded in and exists */ function OnMenuOpen( name WidgetPath, KFGFxObject_Menu Widget ) { CurrentMenu = Widget; CurrentMenu.OnOpen(); SetWidgetPathBinding( Widget, WidgetPath ); if(CurrentPopup == none) { // This allows External Interface calls from AS to come through on the newly created object SetExternalInterface( Widget ); } ConditionalPauseGame(true); SetHUDVisiblity(false); } /** closes the current menu and makes the HUD visible */ function ClosePostGameMenu() { if(CurrentMenu == PostGameMenu) { CloseMenus(); } } function CloseMenus(optional bool bForceClose=false) { `log(`location@`showvar(PartyWidget)@`showvar(bAfterLobby)@`showvar(bForceClose)); if ( (bMenusOpen && bCanCloseMenu) || bForceClose) { bForceCloseMenuNextTime = false; UnloadCurrentPopup(); if ( !bAfterLobby && PartyWidget != none || GetPC() == none || GetPC().WorldInfo.GRI == none || GetPC().WorldInfo.GRI.bMatchIsOver ) { `log("Setting PartyWidget Visibility false, bAfterLobby = true"); PartyWidget.SetReadyButtonVisibility(false); bAfterLobby = true; } if (CurrentMenu != none) { if( CurrentMenu == TraderMenu ) { PlaySoundFromTheme('TRADER_EXIT_BUTTON_CLICK', 'UI'); } `log(`location@`showvar(CurrentMenu)); CurrentMenu.OnClose(); CurrentMenu = none; } bMenusActive = false; //@HSL - JRO - 6/21/2016 - Make sure this is set before the pause conditions are checked ConditionalPauseGame(false); SetMenuVisibility( false ); SetHUDVisiblity( true) ; } else if(bForceCloseMenuNextTime) { `TimerHelper.SetTimer( 0.1, false, nameof(CloseMenus), self ); } } /** Called when the movie player is closed */ event OnClose() { CloseMenus(); if (!CurrentBackgroundMovie.Stopped) { CurrentBackgroundMovie.Stop(); } } /** Called after OnClose */ event OnCleanup() { Super.OnCleanup(); if( OnlineSub != none ) { OnlineSub.ClearAllInventoryReadCompleteDelegates(); } // Nuke all inventory read delegates from playfab if( PlayfabInter != none ) { PlayfabInter.InventoryReadDelegates.Length = 0; } GetGameViewportClient().HandleInputAxis = none; } /** Opens / Closes the menus on input */ function bool ToggleMenus() { `log(`location@`showvar(bMenusOpen)@`showvar(HUD.bShowHUD)@`showvar(bCanCloseMenu)@`showvar(bPostGameState)@`showvar(CurrentMenuIndex)); if (!bMenusOpen || HUD.bShowHUD) { ManagerObject.SetBool("bOpenedInGame",true); if (CurrentMenuIndex >= MenuSWFPaths.length) { LaunchMenus(); } else { `log(`location); OpenMenu(UI_Perks); UpdateMenuBar(); if (PartyWidget != none) { PartyWidget.UpdateReadyButtonVisibility(); } } // set the timer to mark when the menu is completely open and we can close the menu down bCanCloseMenu = false; `TimerHelper.SetTimer( 0.5, false, nameof(AllowCloseMenu), self ); `TimerHelper.SetTimer( 0.15, false, nameof(PlayOpeningSound), self );//Delay due to pause } else if(bCanCloseMenu) //check to make sure { if(GetPC().WorldInfo.GRI.bMatchIsOver && !bAfterLobby) { return false; // we are still in the lobby and the game has not proceeded to a point where we can use the esc key } if (CurrentMenu != TraderMenu) { PlaySoundFromTheme('MAINMENU_CLOSE', 'UI'); } CloseMenus(); } else if(bPostGameState) { if(CurrentMenu == PostGameMenu) { ManagerObject.SetBool("bOpenedInGame",true); bMenusOpen = false; OpenMenu(UI_Perks); SetWidgetsVisible(true); } else { ManagerObject.SetBool("bOpenedInGame",false); OpenMenu(UI_PostGame); SetWidgetsVisible(false); } } return false; } function PlayOpeningSound() { PlaySoundFromTheme('MainMenu_Open', SoundThemeName); } /** Called when the menu has finished playing its closing animation */ event MenusFinishedClosing() { if( bMenusOpen ) { SetMenusOpen(false); } } //This is to force the widgets visible. AKA a special case for the AAR function SetWidgetsVisible( bool bVisible ) { `log(`location@`showvar(bVisible)); ManagerObject.ActionScriptVoid("setWidgetsVisiblity"); } /** Set the visibility of the current menus */ function SetMenuVisibility( bool bVisible ) { //`log(`location@`showvar(bVisible)); //ScriptTrace(); ManagerObject.ActionScriptVoid("setMenuVisibility"); //SetMovieCanReceiveInput(bVisible); } /** Set the visibility of the HUD and change whether input can be taken */ function SetHUDVisiblity(bool bIsVisible) { if (HUD != none) { HUD.SetVisible( bIsVisible ); } bCaptureInput = !bIsVisible; if( GetPC() != none && GetPC().PlayerInput != none ) { GetPC().PlayerInput.ResetInput(); } } /** Called at the start of trader time */ function OnTraderTimeStart() { if(CurrentMenu != none) { CurrentMenu.OnTraderTimeStart(); } } /** Called when the round ends */ function OnRoundOver() { if( CurrentMenu != none ) { CurrentMenu.OnRoundOver(); } } /** Closes the trader menu if it's open */ function CloseTraderMenu() { if(CurrentMenu == TraderMenu) { CloseMenus(); } } /********************************************************************************************* * @name Server Welcome Screen ********************************************************************************************* */ function ShowWelcomeScreen() { if(StartMenu != none && StartMenu.OverviewContainer != none) { StartMenu.OverviewContainer.ShowWelcomeScreen(); } } /********************************************************************************************* * @name Popups ********************************************************************************************* */ function NotifyUnsuccessfulSearch() { if(CurrentMenu == StartMenu) { if(StartMenu.OptionsComponent != none) { StartMenu.OptionsComponent.SetSearching(false); } SetSearchingForMatch(false); DelayedOpenPopup(EConfirmation, EDPPID_Misc,FailedSearchTitleString, FailedSearchString, BrowseServersString, class'KFCommon_LocalizedStrings'.default.OKString, StartMenu.Callback_OpenServerBrowser ); } } function AssignPendingLeftButtonDelegate( delegate LeftDelegate) { PendingLeftButtonDelegate = LeftDelegate; } function AssignPendingMiddleButtonDelegate( delegate MiddleDelegate) { PendingMiddleButtonDelegate = MiddleDelegate; } function AssignPendingRightButtonDelegate( delegate RightDelegate) { PendingRightButtonDelegate = RightDelegate; } function InitializePopup(name WidgetPath, KFGFxObject_Popup Widget ) { CurrentPopup = Widget ; if(CurrentPopup != none) { SetWidgetPathBinding( Widget, WidgetPath ); SetExternalInterface( Widget ); CurrentPopup.InitializePopup( self ); CurrentPopup.AssignLeftButtonDelegate(PendingLeftButtonDelegate); CurrentPopup.AssignMiddleButtonDelegate(PendingMiddleButtonDelegate); CurrentPopup.AssignRightButtonDelegate(PendingRightButtonDelegate); PendingLeftButtonDelegate = none; PendingMiddleButtonDelegate = none; PendingRightButtonDelegate = none; } } /** Open the popup based on it's pop up type and set the response delegates to its buttons */ private function OpenPopup( EPopUpType PopUpType, string TitleString, string DescriptionString, optional string LeftButtonString, optional string RightButtonString, optional delegateLeftButtonDelegate, optional delegateRightButtonDelegate, optional string MiddleButtonString, optional delegateMiddleButtonDelegate, optional name OverridingSoundEffect ) { //@HSL_BEGIN - AGM // Don't do this, in case we are actually changing the title, or callbacks associated with the popup. //if(CurrentPopup != none && PopUpType == CurrentPopUpType ) //{ // CurrentPopUp.UpdateDescritionText(DescriptionString); //} //else //@HSL_END if(PopupData[PopUpType].SWFPath != "") { UnloadCurrentPopup(); CurrentPopUpType = PopUpType; LoadPopup(PopUpData[PopUpType].SWFPath, TitleString, DescriptionString, LeftButtonString, RightButtonString, MiddleButtonString); bCaptureInput = true; bBlurLesserMovies=true; AssignPendingLeftButtonDelegate(LeftButtonDelegate); AssignPendingMiddleButtonDelegate(MiddleButtonDelegate); AssignPendingRightButtonDelegate(RightButtonDelegate); // Play Alert Sound if( OverridingSoundEffect == '' ) { PlaySoundFromTheme('Alert_Popup', SoundThemeName); } else { PlaySoundFromTheme(OverridingSoundEffect, SoundThemeName); } if (!bMenusOpen) { ToggleMenus(); } } } /** Tell actionscript to load the popup */ function LoadPopup( string Path, optional string TitleString, optional string DescriptionString, optional string LeftButtonString, optional string RightButtonString, optional string MiddleButtonString) { ManagerObject.ActionScriptVoid("loadCurrentPopup"); currentFocus(); } /** Tell actionscript to remove this popup */ function UnloadCurrentPopup() { ManagerObject.ActionScriptVoid("unloadCurrentPopup"); //`log(`location@`showvar(CurrentPopup)); if ( CurrentPopup != none ) { CurrentPopup.OnClosed(); CurrentPopup = none; CurrentPopUpType = EPopUpMax; bBlurLesserMovies=false; // If we got a popup while no menu was active, enable input again if( CurrentMenu == none ) { bCaptureInput = false; } } if( DelayedPopups.Length > 0 ) { if(DelayedPopups[DelayedPopups.Length - 1].bShown) { DelayedPopups.Remove(DelayedPopups.Length - 1, 1); } } `TimerHelper.SetTimer(0.1f, false, 'ShowDelayedPopupMessage', self); } function LoadPopups( array Paths) { ManagerObject.ActionScriptVoid("loadPopups"); } function UnloadPopups() { ManagerObject.ActionScriptVoid("unloadPopups"); } /** Try to pause the game if the escape menu is opened. See also bPauseGameWhileActive */ function ConditionalPauseGame(bool bPause) { local WorldInfo WI; WI = class'WorldInfo'.static.GetWorldInfo(); if( WI.NetMode == NM_Standalone ) { // Uses PlayersOnly instead of the normal PauseGame so that we can still use the gear menu. if ( bPause ) { if ( WI.IsMenuLevel() || !bAfterLobby || CurrentMenu == TraderMenu || GetPC() == none || GetPC().WorldInfo.GRI.bMatchIsOver ) { return; } GetPC().SetPause(true, CanUnpauseMenuClosed); //@HSL - JRO - 6/21/2016 - Giving pause menu a CanUnpause delegate so it can play nicely with controller disconnects } else if( GetPC() != none ) { if(!bCanCloseMenu) { `log(`location@"We were going to unpause here... but maybe that's not correct"); } else { GetPC().SetPause(false); } } } } //@HSL_BEGIN - JRO - 6/21/2016 - Giving pause menu a CanUnpause delegate so it can play nicely with controller disconnects function bool CanUnpauseMenuClosed() { `log("JOPILA - CanUnpauseMenuClosed"@bMenusActive); return !bMenusActive; } //@HSL_END function ClientRecieveNewTeam(); /********************************************************************************************* `* Game Lobby ********************************************************************************************* */ event SoloGameMenuOpened() { if (PartyWidget != none) { PartyWidget.SoloGameMenuOpened(); } } /** Called when we exit or join a lobby */ function OnLobbyStatusChanged(bool bIsInLobby) { bPlayerInLobby = bIsInLobby; if( PartyWidget != none ) { PartyWidget.UpdateInLobby(bIsInLobby); } if(CurrentMenu != none) { CurrentMenu.OnLobbyStatusChanged(bIsInLobby); } UpdateMenuBar(); } /** Returns whether we are currently in a lobby */ function bool IsInLobby() { if(OnlineLobby != none) { return OnlineLobby.IsInLobby(); } return bPlayerInLobby; } function OnLoginFailed() { if(PartyWidget != none) { PartyWidget.SetBool("bShowWaitingSpinner", false); PartyWidget.SetBool("bInParty", false); } } /********************************************************************************************* `* Start Menu States ********************************************************************************************* */ /** Return whether we are able to perform multiplayer actions (like inviting players to a party) */ function bool GetMultiplayerMenuActive() { if(CurrentMenuIndex == UI_ServerBrowserMenu) { return true; } if(StartMenu != none && CurrentMenuIndex == UI_Start && StartMenu.GetStartMenuState() == EMatchmaking) { return true; } return false; } function EStartMenuState GetStartMenuState() { if( StartMenu != none ) { return EStartMenuState(StartMenu.GetStartMenuState()); } return EMatchmaking; } function SetStartMenuState(EStartMenuState MenuState, optional bool bChangeMenu = false) { StartMenuState = MenuState; if (bChangeMenu) { StartMenu.SetInt("externalMenuState", MenuState); } UpdateMenuBar(); } function SetSearchingForMatch(bool bSearching) { bSearchingForGame = bSearching; //notify party widget if(PartyWidget != none) { PartyWidget.SendSearching(); } } function UpdateMenuBar() { if( MenuBarWidget != none) { MenuBarWidget.UpdateMenu(CurrentMenuIndex); } } function HandleSteamLobbyLeaderTakeOver(UniqueNetId AdminId) { if( StartMenu != none ) { StartMenu.HandleSteamLobbyLeaderTakeOver(AdminId); } } function ChangeOverviewState(bool bLeaderIsOnServerBrowser) { if( StartMenu != none ) { StartMenu.bLeaderInServerBrowser = bLeaderIsOnServerBrowser; } } function OnServerTakeoverResponseRecieved() { if( StartMenu != none ) { StartMenu.OnServerTakeoverResponseRecieved(); } } /********************************************************************************************* * @name Controls ********************************************************************************************* */ /* This is only used for the controller to switch between different components in the trader menu and open / close the perk selector */ event bool FilterButtonInput(int ControllerId, name ButtonName, EInputEvent InputEvent) { local KFPlayerReplicationInfo KFPRI; local KFGameReplicationInfo KFGRI; local bool bLoading; KFPRI = KFPlayerReplicationInfo(GetPC().PlayerReplicationInfo); KFGRI = KFGameReplicationInfo(GetPC().WorldInfo.GRI); if ( class'KFGameEngine'.static.IsFullScreenMoviePlaying() ) { return true; } // Handle closing out of currently active menu if ( (bAfterLobby || GetPC().WorldInfo.GRI.bMatchIsOver) && InputEvent == EInputEvent.IE_Pressed && (ButtonName == 'Escape' || ButtonName == 'XboxTypeS_Start') && bMenusOpen && (bCanCloseMenu || bPostGameState)) { return ToggleMenus(); } else if (InputEvent == EInputEvent.IE_Pressed && bMenusOpen) { if(ButtonName == 'XboxTypeS_Y') { if(!KFGRI.bMatchIsOver && !bAfterLobby && !class'WorldInfo'.static.IsMenuLevel() && CurrentPopup == none ) { if(!KFPRI.bReadyToPlay) { PlaySoundFromTheme('PARTYWIDGET_READYUP_BUTTON_CLICK', 'UI'); } CurrentMenu.Callback_ReadyClicked(!KFPRI.bReadyToPlay); PartyWidget.SetBool("bReady", KFPRI.bReadyToPlay); PartyWidget.ReadyButton.SetBool("selected", KFPRI.bReadyToPlay); } else if(KFPRI.bHasSpawnedIn && !KFGRI.bMatchIsOver && KFGRI.bMatchHasBegun && (KFGRI.bTraderIsOpen || KFGRI.bForceSkipTraderUI) && CurrentMenu != TraderMenu && bMenusOpen) { bForceCloseMenuNextTime = true; CurrentMenu.Callback_ReadyClicked(true); } } else if(ButtonName == 'XboxTypeS_RightThumbstick') { if(CurrentMenu != none) { CurrentMenu.OnR3Pressed(); } } else { bLoading = ManagerObject.GetBool("_bLoading"); // Make sure we only allow menu tabbing if we aren't in the process of loading a menu - HSL Fixes (K2P4-1664) and mroe if(MenuBarWidget != none && !bLoading) { if(ButtonName == 'XboxTypeS_RightShoulder') { MenuBarWidget.CalloutButtonBumperPress(1); } else if(ButtonName == 'XboxTypeS_LeftShoulder') { MenuBarWidget.CalloutButtonBumperPress(-1); } } } } if ( CurrentMenu != none ) { if ( !class'WorldInfo'.static.IsConsoleBuild() ) { CheckIfUsingGamepad(); } return CurrentMenu.FilterButtonInput( ControllerId, ButtonName, InputEvent ); } return false; } // Checks if our form of input has changed function CheckIfUsingGamepad() { local bool bGamepad; if ( CurrentMenu != none ) { bGamepad = GetUsingGamepad(); if ( bUsingGamepad != bGamepad ) { OnInputTypeChanged(bGamepad); } } } function OnInputTypeChanged(bool bGamePad) { ManagerObject.SetBool("bUsingGamepad", bGamepad); bUsingGamepad = bGamepad; } /** Return whether the player input says we are currently using the gamepad */ function bool GetUsingGamepad() { local PlayerController PC; PC = GetPC(); if( class'WorldInfo'.static.IsConsoleBuild() ) { return true; } if ( PC == none || PC.PlayerInput == none ) { return false; } // Always using the gamepad if we are on console. return PC.PlayerInput.bUsingGamepad; } function UpdateDynamicIgnoreKeys() { local name KeyBindName; local int i; if (GetPC() == None || KFPlayerInput(GetPC().PlayerInput) == none) { return; } //clear old keys ClearFocusIgnoreKeys(); //voipKey for(i = 0; i < IgnoredCommands.length; i++) { KeyBindName = GetKeyBindName(IgnoredCommands[i]); AddFocusIgnoreKey(KeyBindName); } } function name GetKeyBindName(string GBA_Command) { local KFPlayerInput KFInput; local KeyBind MyKeyBind; KFInput = KFPlayerInput(GetPC().PlayerInput); KFInput.GetKeyBindFromCommand(MyKeyBind, GBA_Command, false); return MyKeyBind.Name; } function bool IsFocusIgnoreKey(string GBA_Command) { if(IgnoredCommands.find(GBA_Command) != -1) { return true; } return false; } /********************************************************************************************* * @name Player Events ********************************************************************************************* */ function UpdateVOIP( PlayerReplicationInfo PRI, bool bIsTalking) { if(PartyWidget != none) { PartyWidget.UpdateVOIP(PRI, bIsTalking); } if(PostGameMenu != none) { PostGameMenu.VOIPEventTriggered(PRI, bIsTalking); } } function RemotePlayerDisconnected( UniqueNetId UniqueId ) { } function NotifySpectateStateChanged( bool bIsSpectating ) { if( MenuBarWidget != none ) { MenuBarWidget.UpdateGearButtonState(); } if( MenuBarWidget != none ) { MenuBarWidget.UpdateInventoryButtonState(); } } /********************************************************************************************* * @name Skip Trader Vote ********************************************************************************************* */ function ShowSkipTraderVote(PlayerReplicationInfo PRI) { SkipTraderVotePRI = PRI; if(bMenusOpen && CurrentMenu != TraderMenu) { bSkipTraderVotePopupActive = true; DelayedOpenPopup(EConfirmation, EDPPID_Misc, Class'KFGFxWidget_KickVote'.default.VoteSkipTraderString, SkipTraderVotePRI.PlayerName@Class'KFGFxWidget_KickVote'.default.VoteSkipTraderDetailString, Class'KFCommon_LocalizedStrings'.default.YesString, Class'KFCommon_LocalizedStrings'.default.NoString, CastYesVoteSkipTrader, CastNoVoteSkipTrader); } } simulated function HideSkipTraderVote() { if( bSkipTraderVotePopupActive ) { bSkipTraderVotePopupActive = false; UnloadCurrentPopup(); } SkipTraderVotePRI = none; } function CastYesVoteSkipTrader() { local KFplayerReplicationInfo KFPRI; local KFPlayerController KFPC; KFPC = KFPlayerController(GetPC()); if(KFPC != none) { KFPRI = KFplayerReplicationInfo(KFPC.PlayerReplicationInfo); if(KFPRI != none) { KFPRI.CastSkipTraderVote(KFPRI, true); } } } function CastNoVoteSkipTrader() { local KFplayerReplicationInfo KFPRI; local KFPlayerController KFPC; KFPC = KFPlayerController(GetPC()); if(KFPC != none) { KFPRI = KFplayerReplicationInfo(KFPC.PlayerReplicationInfo); if(KFPRI != none) { KFPRI.CastSkipTraderVote(KFPRI, false); } } } /********************************************************************************************* * @name Pause Game ********************************************************************************************* */ function ShowPauseGameVote(PlayerReplicationInfo PRI) { local KFGameReplicationInfo KFGRI; KFGRI = KFGameReplicationInfo(GetPC().WorldInfo.GRI); PauseGameVotePRI = PRI; if(bMenusOpen && CurrentMenu != TraderMenu) { bPauseGameVotePopupActive = true; DelayedOpenPopup(EConfirmation, EDPPID_Misc, (KFGRI != none && KFGRI.bIsEndlessPaused) ? Class'KFGFxWidget_KickVote'.default.VoteResumeGameString : Class'KFGFxWidget_KickVote'.default.VotePauseGameString, PauseGameVotePRI.PlayerName@Class'KFGFxWidget_KickVote'.default.VotePauseGameDetailString, Class'KFCommon_LocalizedStrings'.default.YesString, Class'KFCommon_LocalizedStrings'.default.NoString, CastYesVotePauseGame, CastNoVotePauseGame); } } simulated function HidePauseGameVote() { if( bSkipTraderVotePopupActive ) { bSkipTraderVotePopupActive = false; UnloadCurrentPopup(); } PauseGameVotePRI = none; } function CastYesVotePauseGame() { local KFplayerReplicationInfo KFPRI; local KFPlayerController KFPC; KFPC = KFPlayerController(GetPC()); if(KFPC != none) { KFPRI = KFplayerReplicationInfo(KFPC.PlayerReplicationInfo); if(KFPRI != none) { KFPRI.CastPauseGameVote(KFPRI, true); } } } function CastNoVotePauseGame() { local KFplayerReplicationInfo KFPRI; local KFPlayerController KFPC; KFPC = KFPlayerController(GetPC()); if(KFPC != none) { KFPRI = KFplayerReplicationInfo(KFPC.PlayerReplicationInfo); if(KFPRI != none) { KFPRI.CastPauseGameVote(KFPRI, false); } } } /********************************************************************************************* * @name Kick Vote ********************************************************************************************* */ function ShowKickVote(PlayerReplicationInfo PRI) { KickVotePRI = PRI; if(bMenusOpen) { bKickVotePopupActive = true; DelayedOpenPopup(EConfirmation, EDPPID_Misc, Class'KFGFxWidget_KickVote'.default.VoteKickString, KickVotePRI.PLayerName, Class'KFCommon_LocalizedStrings'.default.YesString, Class'KFCommon_LocalizedStrings'.default.NoString, CastYesVoteKick, CastNoVoteKick); } } simulated function HideKickVote() { if( bKickVotePopupActive ) { bKickVotePopupActive = false; UnloadCurrentPopup(); } KickVotePRI = none; } function CastYesVoteKick() { local KFplayerReplicationInfo KFPRI; local KFPlayerController KFPC; KFPC = KFPlayerController(GetPC()); if(KFPC != none) { KFPRI = KFplayerReplicationInfo(KFPC.PlayerReplicationInfo); if(KFPRI != none) { KFPRI.CastKickVote(KFPRI, true); } } } function CastNoVoteKick() { local KFplayerReplicationInfo KFPRI; local KFPlayerController KFPC; KFPC = KFPlayerController(GetPC()); if(KFPC != none) { KFPRI = KFplayerReplicationInfo(KFPC.PlayerReplicationInfo); if(KFPRI != none) { KFPRI.CastKickVote(KFPRI, false); } } } function OpenScreenSizeMovie() { if( ScreenSizeMovie == none ) { ScreenSizeMovie = new class'KFGFxMoviePlayer_ScreenSize'; ScreenSizeMovie.SetTimingMode(TM_Real); ScreenSizeMovie.Init(); // Set UI scale so the new movie gets adjusted properly GetPC().SetUIScale( KFGameEngine(class'Engine'.static.GetEngine()).SafeFrameScale ); } } function CloseScreenSizeMovie() { ScreenSizeMovie.Close(); ScreenSizeMovie = none; // See if we need to show tha gamma screen next if( class'WorldInfo'.static.IsConsoleBuild(CONSOLE_Durango) && !bSetGamma && !class'KFGameEngine'.static.CheckSkipGammaCheck() ) { ManagerObject.SetBool("bStartUpGamma", true); // Let the manager know if we are gamma for start up so we can block backing out of the popup - HSL DelayedOpenPopup(EGamma, EDPPID_Gamma, "", Class'KFGFxOptionsMenu_Graphics'.default.AdjustGammaDescription, Class'KFGFxOptionsMenu_Graphics'.default.ResetGammaString, Class'KFGFxOptionsMenu_Graphics'.default.SetGammaString); } } function UpdateViewportSize( int x, int y, int width, int height ) { SetViewport( x, y, width, height ); if( ScreenSizeMovie != none ) { ScreenSizeMovie.SetViewport( x, y, width, height ); } } function currentFocus() { ManagerObject.ActionScriptVoid("currentFocus"); } function int GetModeIndex(optional bool bAdjustedIndex = true) { local int SavedModeIndex; SavedModeIndex = CachedProfile.GetProfileInt(KFID_SavedModeIndex); if (!class'GameEngine'.Static.IsGameFullyInstalled() && (SavedModeIndex == EGameMode_Objective || SavedModeIndex == EGameMode_Weekly || SavedModeIndex == EGameMode_Endless)) { CachedProfile.SetProfileSettingValueInt(KFID_SavedModeIndex, EGameMode_Survival); return EGameMode_Survival; } if(StartMenu.OptionsComponent != none && StartMenu.OptionsComponent.bIsSoloGame && bAdjustedIndex) { // if going multiplayer -> solo, need to subtract to account for the removal of the Vs mode if (SavedModeIndex >= EGameMode_VsSurvival) { return SavedModeIndex - 1; } } return SavedModeIndex; } function OnLoginOnOtherPlatformDoneAndFriendsReady() { local KFGFxPopup_FriendsList FriendsList; if (CurrentPopUpType == EFriendsList) { FriendsList = KFGFxPopup_FriendsList(CurrentPopup); if (FriendsList != none) { FriendsList.OnLoginOnOtherPlatformDoneAndFriendsReady(); } } } function OnFriendsChange() { local KFGFxPopup_FriendsList FriendsList; if (CurrentPopUpType == EFriendsList) { FriendsList = KFGFxPopup_FriendsList(CurrentPopup); if (FriendsList != none) { FriendsList.OnFriendsChange(); } } } function bool FriendListPopUpIsShown() { return CurrentPopUpType == EFriendsList; } defaultproperties { InGamePartyWidgetClass = class'KFGFxWidget_PartyInGame' BackgroundMovies(SEI_None)=TextureMovie'UI_Managers.MenuBG' BackgroundMovies(SEI_Spring)=TextureMovie'UI_Managers.MenuBG_Cyberpunk' BackgroundMovies(SEI_Summer)=TextureMovie'UI_Managers.SummerSideShowBGMovie' BackgroundMovies(SEI_Fall)=TextureMovie'UI_Managers.MenuBG_Halloween' BackgroundMovies(SEI_Winter)=TextureMovie'UI_Managers.Menu_Winter' IISMovie=TextureMovie'UI_Managers.IIS' MovieInfo=SwfMovie'UI_Managers.LoaderManager_SWF' bCaptureInput = true bAutoPlay = true MouseInputChangedThreshold=5 SoundThemeName=ButtonSoundTheme SoundThemes.Add((ThemeName="SoundTheme_DoshVault",Theme=UISoundTheme'SoundsShared_UI.SoundTheme_Crate')) SoundThemes.Add((ThemeName="SoundTheme_Crate",Theme=UISoundTheme'SoundsShared_UI.SoundTheme_Crate')) SoundThemes.Add((ThemeName="ButtonSoundTheme",Theme=UISoundTheme'SoundsShared_UI.SoundTheme_Buttons')) SoundThemes.Add((ThemeName="AAR",Theme=UISoundTheme'SoundsShared_UI.SoundTheme_AAR')) SoundThemes.Add((ThemeName="UI",Theme=UISoundTheme'SoundsShared_UI.SoundTheme_UI')) // List of commands whose bind cannot be changed IgnoredCommands.Add("GBA_VoiceChat") // Menus MenuSWFPaths[UI_Start]=(BaseSWFPath="../UI_Menus/StartMenu_SWF.swf") MenuSWFPaths[UI_Perks]=(BaseSWFPath="../UI_Menus/PerksMenu_SWF.swf") MenuSWFPaths[UI_ServerBrowserMenu]=(BaseSWFPath="../UI_Menus/ServerBrowserMenu_SWF.swf") MenuSWFPaths[UI_Gear]=(BaseSWFPath="../UI_Menus/GearMenu_SWF.swf") MenuSWFPaths[UI_Dosh_Vault]=(BaseSWFPath="../UI_Menus/DoshVaultMenu_SWF.swf") MenuSWFPaths[UI_Inventory]=(BaseSWFPath="../UI_Menus/InventoryMenu_SWF.swf") MenuSWFPaths[UI_Store]=(BaseSWFPath="../UI_Menus/StoreMenu_SWF.swf") MenuSWFPaths[UI_OptionsSelection]=(BaseSWFPath="../UI_Menus/OptionsSelectionMenu_SWF.swf") MenuSWFPaths[UI_OptionsControls]=(BaseSWFPath="../UI_Menus/OptionsControlsMenu_SWF.swf",ConsoleSWFPath="../UI_Menus/OptionsControlsMenu_SWF_Console.swf") MenuSWFPaths[UI_OptionsAudio]=(BaseSWFPath="../UI_Menus/OptionsAudioMenu_SWF.swf",ConsoleSWFPath="../UI_Menus/OptionsAudioMenu_SWF_Console.swf") MenuSWFPaths[UI_OptionsGraphics]=(BaseSWFPath="../UI_Menus/OptionsGraphicsMenu_SWF.swf") MenuSWFPaths[UI_OptionsGameSettings]=(BaseSWFPath="../UI_Menus/OptionsGameSettingsMenu_SWF.swf",ConsoleSWFPath="../UI_Menus/OptionsGameSettingsMenu_SWF_Console.swf") MenuSWFPaths[UI_PostGame]=(BaseSWFPath="../UI_Menus/PostGameMenu_SWF.swf") MenuSWFPaths[UI_Trader]=(BaseSWFPath="../UI_Menus/TraderMenu_SWF.swf") MenuSWFPaths[UI_Exit_Menu]=(BaseSWFPath="../UI_Menus/ExitMenu_SWF.swf") MenuSWFPaths[UI_IIS]=(BaseSWFPath="../UI_Menus/IISMenu_SWF.swf") CurrentMenuIndex=255 // Pop-ups PopupData(EConfirmation)=(SWFPath="../UI_PopUps/ConfirmationPopup_SWF.swf") PopupData(EGamma)=(SWFPath="../UI_PopUps/GammaPopup_SWF.swf") PopupData(ENotification)=(SWFPath="../UI_PopUps/ConnectionErrorPopup_SWF.swf") PopupData(EInputPrompt)=(SWFPath="../UI_PopUps/InputPromptPopup_SWF.swf") PopupData(EFriendsList)=(SWFPath="../UI_PopUps/FriendsListPopup_SWF.swf") PopupData(EOptionMic)=(SWFPath="../UI_PopUps/OptionMicPopup_SWF.swf") PopupData(EConfirmInvite)=(SWFPath="../UI_PopUps/FriendsConfirmInvitePopup_SWF.swf") // Popup Bindings WidgetBindings.Add((WidgetName="GammaPopup",WidgetClass=class'KFGFxPopup_Gamma')) WidgetBindings.Add((WidgetName="ConnectionErrorPopup",WidgetClass=class'KFGFxPopup_ConnectionError')) WidgetBindings.Add((WidgetName="ConfirmationPopup",WidgetClass=class'KFGFxPopup_Confirmation')) WidgetBindings.Add((WidgetName="InputPromptPopup",WidgetClass=class'KFGFxPopup_InputPrompt')) WidgetBindings.Add((WidgetName="FriendsListPopup",WidgetClass=class'KFGFxPopup_FriendsList')) WidgetBindings.Add((WidgetName="OptionMicPopup",WidgetClass=class'KFGFxPopup_OptionMic')) WidgetBindings.Add((WidgetName="FriendsConfirmInvitePopup",WidgetClass=class'KFGFxPopup_FriendsConfirm')) // Widgets WidgetBindings.Add((WidgetName="doshVaultMenu",WidgetClass=class'KFGFxMenu_DoshVault')) WidgetBindings.Add((WidgetName="serverBrowserMenu",WidgetClass=class'KFGFxMenu_ServerBrowser')) WidgetBindings.Add((WidgetName="root1",WidgetClass=class'GFxObject')) WidgetBindings.Add((WidgetName="startMenu",WidgetClass=class'KFGFxMenu_StartGame')) WidgetBindings.Add((WidgetName="exitMenu",WidgetClass=class'KFGFxMenu_Exit')) WidgetBindings.Add((WidgetName="PerksMenu",WidgetClass=class'KFGFxMenu_Perks')) WidgetBindings.Add((WidgetName="gearMenu",WidgetClass=class'KFGFxMenu_Gear')) WidgetBindings.Add((WidgetName="inventoryMenu",WidgetClass=class'KFGFxMenu_Inventory')) WidgetBindings.Add((WidgetName="storeMenu",WidgetClass=class'KFGFxMenu_Store')) WidgetBindings.Add((WidgetName="optionsSelectionMenu",WidgetClass=class'KFGFxOptionsMenu_Selection')) WidgetBindings.Add((WidgetName="optionsControlsMenu",WidgetClass=class'KFGFxOptionsMenu_Controls')) WidgetBindings.Add((WidgetName="optionsAudioMenu",WidgetClass=class'KFGFxOptionsMenu_Audio')) WidgetBindings.Add((WidgetName="optionsGameSettingsMenu",WidgetClass=class'KFGFxOptionsMenu_GameSettings')) WidgetBindings.Add((WidgetName="postGameMenu",WidgetClass=class'KFGFxMenu_PostGameReport')) WidgetBindings.Add((WidgetName="traderMenu",WidgetClass=class'KFGFxMenu_Trader')) WidgetBindings.Add((WidgetName="ChatBoxWidget", WidgetClass=class'KFGFxHUD_ChatBoxWidget')) WidgetBindings.Add((WidgetName="IISMenu", WidgetClass=class'KFGFxMenu_IIS')) WidgetPaths.Add("../UI_Widgets/MenuBarWidget_SWF.swf") WidgetPaths.Add("../UI_Widgets/PartyWidget_SWF.swf") WidgetPaths.Add("../UI_Widgets/ButtonPromptWidget_SWF.swf") WidgetPaths.Add("../UI_Widgets/BackendStatusIndicatorWidget_SWF.swf") WidgetBindings.Add((WidgetName="MenuBarWidget",WidgetClass=class'KFGFxWidget_MenuBar')) WidgetBindings.Add((WidgetName="ButtonPromptWidgetContainer", WidgetClass=class'KFGFxWidget_ButtonPrompt')) WidgetBindings.Add((WidgetName="BackendStatusIndicatorWidget", WidgetClass=class'KFGFxWidget_BackendStatusIndicatorWidget')) SelectIDOnOpen=-1 }